My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 250 He’s Getting Married (1)
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Chapter 250 He's Getting Married (1)

Kerry Ye watched them going far away. He saw that Hao Nangong tried to break away from thewoman’s hand but that woman seemed to have said something and he gave in to it.

There is always one thing to conquer another, as people always say.

But who on earth was this woman? How come he remembered nothing about her?

“What are you looking at? You look so focused.” Tianye Mu came over and asked him.

Kerry then stopped watching and asked tentatively, “Is Hao getting married?”

“Yes he is, you don’t know about that?” Tianye was not surprised that Hao was getting married.

“Who is he marrying?”

“The Lady of Tianding Entertainment.”

Then Kerry started to remember who she was. In his memory, this Lady used to look very ordinary andliked to keep a low profile. Nobody would pay attention to her. But she had changed a lot since the lasttime he saw her a few years ago.

He was curious. This Lady must have grabbed some weak points of Hao, since he was marrying hisclassmate. He assumed.

But that’s great. At least Hao wouldn’t hassle Venus Mu, with his own wife around him all time time.

Em...hope so.

The next day after Venus’s surgery, Venus woke up. Because she had been in the dark for a month,the doctor put a thin slice of gauze around her head to cover her eyes to avoid the strong light.

Then the gauze was slowly unwrapped by a pair of graceful hands gently, and the light filtered in littleby little. Venus opened her eyes and at first she saw a mass of white fog, then a pair of ocean-blueeyes, which was full of deep affection and emotion, came into her sight.

But she was still confused.

“Venus, can you see me?” Kerry asked nervously.

Yes, she knew the voice. This voice had been with her since she fell into the darkness.

“Venus, do you know me?”novelbin

Venus turned to the other side and saw someone she seemed to be familiar with for a long time.

“She looked at me! Does that mean she can see?” Tianye asked in surprise.

The doctor stuck out one finger, “Look at my finger.”

Venus did as he said and her head moved with the finger. The doctor checked her pupils and said withrelief, “Her eyesight has recovered.”

“Brilliant!” Kerry said happily.

Seeing his sister was still in confusion, Tianye calmed down a bit. “Doctor, why does my sister seem alittle dumb?”

The doctor laughed, “It takes time. Her mind was under pressure for a long time, besides she just had asurgery yesterday. It’s good her eyesight has recovered, though. As for her spirit and intelligence, youhave to talk with her often. With our medication, she will recover completely I believe.”

“Okay doctor, than you very much.” Tianye said with respect.

The doctor said something else about her diets then left with the nurse.

At the moment, Venus’s head was wrapped with gauze and it looked so big. All her supporting deviceswere removed except for the one on her middle finger.

“Venus, I am your brother. Do you know me?” Tianye came close to her, “Just blink once if you do.Blink twice if you don’t.”

But Venus didn’t blink at all. Instead, she smiled. And the smile caused huge pain on her wound andthe smiling face soon turned into a crying face.

“Alright, alright, don’t smile, or you will feel painful.” Tianye said with pity.

Seeing Venus in great pain, Kerry felt pains in the heart too. He scolded Tianye, “The doctor said thather IQ is offline. Why did you even ask!”

Tianye knew he did something wrong but in order to keep his pride, he stared at Kerry and said, “Andyou are talking to your elder brother like this?”

“Huh? You are trying to be the big brother here?” Kerry almost rolled his eyes. How tricky this guy was!

Tianye said with a smug smile, “Kerry, remember, no matter when it is, I am your senior. Talk to yoursenior with respect. Do you hear me?”

Kerry held his temper. He would very much like to throw him out of the room if he hadn’t been Venus’sbig brother.

While they were talking, someone came to the door silently.

“What are you doing here?” Kerry stood in front of Venus to prevent him from seeing Venus.

Hao smiled, “You used to hate each other and even want to kill each other. Why are you so close likebrothers now?”

“It’s none of your business!” Kerry looked at him coldly and asked again, “What are you doing here?”

Hao leaned his body over and saw Venus lying in bed, “I am here to see Venus.”

“She doesn’t want to see you. She would like you to leave.”

Tianye was just sitting by the bed and watched them argue. He could care less about their fights. Aslong as Venus was safe, they could even kill each other...

Eh, kill Kerry?

It’s not what Hao was capable of at the moment. After all, Kerry was such a freak.

Hao had always been shameless and persistent, “I am here to see Venus. If she tells me to leave inperson, then I will.”

“Hao Nangong, did you forget what I said? Do you want your legs broken again?”

Hao looked a bit scared, but he really wanted to see Venus so that he wouldn’t have to worry about herany more.”

“Kerry, let me see her. Just one second and I’ll go.” His voice softened a lot.

“Her lying here like this is mainly because of you. Are you are so shameless now already?” Kerryturned angry as soon as he thought of what had happened in the past. “Off you go. I’ll tell her that youcame when she wakes up.”

Hao remained silent with his hands hanging.

“Hao, look, Venus is in poor health condition now. I don’t want to get angry with you. You’d better not tryto cross my bottom line, either.”

However, Hao had been around all kinds of gangs and mafias since he was little. He wouldn’t takeKerry’s threat seriously if Kerry had not been such a special person.

Hao gritted his teeth, “Kerry Ye, I know you have supernatural abilities. But you’d better not be tooproud. One day I’ll tell people your secrets and bring you down!”

Kerry laughed, “You think I am supernatural. Hmm, that could be the nicest thing I’ve ever heard. Fine,I’ll wait. Don’t you let me down! Oh by the way, do notify me when you get married. Venus and I willprepare a big gift for you!”

“Thanks, that won’t be necessary.” Hao was a bit scared. He skipped as fast as he could.

And the room was back in peace.

Tianye seemed a bit disappointed. He was expecting the two to actually fight but they were justarguing.

“Go home now. Pingan is home. I am here in the day time. You can come over at night.”

Clearly Kerry had his own plan. “I’ll hire a senior caregiver. The caregiver can attend to her needs andyou can talk about the funny things you used to do with Venus.”

Tianye thought for a while and agreed. After all, it’s not quite convenient for him to help Venus changeclothes or go to the bathroom.

“Alright. You go hire a caregiver and I’ll be here with her.”

There’s information about all the caregivers in the nurse station and there’s a long introduction undereach caregiver’s name. Kerry went through the files and picked an ordinary looking little girl and askedthe nurse, “What about her?”

“She’s good, but she’s a bit talkative. She can make friends with everyone she sees right away.” Thenurse said in a nice way.

Kerry gave up this one. He hated talkative person. Then he picked another one who seemed older,“And her?”

The nurse nodded, “She’s thoughtful and considerate. She knows when to shut her mouth and ears.She’s devoted to her work and she’s a reliable person.”

Kerry signed in relief, “Please ask her to come here. She can start her work right now.”

“Yes, sir.”

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