My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 246 Two Fools’ Wedding (2)
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Chapter 246 Two Fools' Wedding (2)

“OK.” Tianye Mu nodded. He thought he’s a little stronger than Kerry in this way.

However, the moment the police uncovered the white cloth, Tianye felt that he had overestimatedhimself, who then ran to vomit with a sudden nausea.

He thought no matter how the face changed, at least the general outline would still be there, but whathe had seen couldn’t just be called a face. The eyes bulged out, with one eyeball missing and the nosewas terribly big. The face was like a fermented bread, the facial features squeezing all together.

Kerry Ye came over and patted him on the back, asking cautiously, “Is it she?”

Tianye shook his head, “I don’t know. I can’t tell.”

The policeman seemed to have expected this and said to Tianye, “Well, didn’t you just say that thedeceased might be your sister? You come back with us for a DNA test. This will be faster.”

“Okay, I’ll go with you.” After receiving the water handed over by Henry, Tianye gargled, feeling muchbetter.

The body was quickly carried by the coroner to the car, and Tianye was ready to leave with the police.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I have the news.” He said to Kerry. The two men rarely chatted duringthese days, for they needed to look for Venus during the day and have a rest after that, without a wordof nonsense.

Kerry nodded, watching the police car leave.

“It can’t be Venus, it can’t…” Kerry prayed inside. If he had to choose the fact of her disappearingforever and death, he would prefer the former one, so that at least there would be some hope that shewas living somewhere in the world.

Facing her death is too cruel to him, to the child, and even to Tianye.

“Boss, it’s getting dark. Let’s stay here today.” Henry asked for his advice. If they went any further, theywould have to sleep in the open again. And they couldn’t continue once it got dark.

Kerry didn’t say anything, just nodding. Since a moment ago, he had been overwhelmed by the bodycarried away.

He should not be able to breathe normally until the result was known.

The villagers were still there and Henry walked up to an old man who looked quite modest and askedpolitely, “Hey, man. We are from out of town, wondering if we could spend one night in your village. Doyou have any extra room?”

The old man heard the conversation between them and the police just now, so he was sure that theywere not bad guys. He said with a smile, “If you don’t mind, you can stay with us. It’s just me and mywife at home, and the kids have all gone out to work, so there should be rooms for you.”

“Thank you very much.” Henry thanked him.

The old man laughed and said, “You’re welcome. Let’s go. How many of you?”

“Five or six.”

The old man’s smile fixed, “Huh? Really? I don’t have enough room for so many people.”

Henry squinted, “Sir, we all have our tents with us, as long as there is an empty house for us to set upour tents. It’s too cold at night.”

“Oh, well, let’s go. My house is just ahead.”

The old couple was so enthusiastic that they prepared a feast for their guests, but Kerry didn’t have anyappetite. He didn’t want to eat, but he was too embarrassed to disappoint them, so he sat down at thetable and just ate a few.

The old lady, perhaps because Kerry was too good-looking, kept offering him food.novelbin

“The family has not been this lively for a long time. The children are all grown up, and they only comeback during the Spring Festival. Most of the days, there are just he and I. we’re glad that you cancome.” The wrinkles were all over her face, but it wasn’t ugly at all, rather making her a lovely old lady.

Henry saw that Kerry was silent, he helped him to keep the conversation go, “Ma’am, then why don’tyou go live in the city with the children?”

“We did, but we couldn’t get used to it. We just stay inside and we don’t know other neighbors, so wethink it’s not as good as our village. We have acquaintances here and we can play cards, chest andchat. That’s the life I want.”

A few people were eating and talking when a voice suddenly came from the courtyard, “Mr. Zhong, Mr.Zhong.”

Mr. Zhong was the man of the house.

The old man put down his chopsticks and walked out of the living room, “What’s up?”

“Hey, there are so many people here. What a good time.”

“Oh, they are from outside the town and want to stay here for one night. What brings you here?”

The man smiled and said, “Well, Gawa, the next village is getting married after three days and wewould like to ask you to be the cook.”

“Gawa? He gets married? Who would marry him?” Mr. Zhong asked in surprise.

“I heard that someone introduced a girl from another village to Gawa, who looks beautiful, but therewas something with her brain. That’s why…”

Mr. Zhong got to know right away, “Oh, well, I see.”

“Mr. Zhong, give them your menu tomorrow. Gawa family has to buy the ingredients in advance.”

He waved his hand, “I see. You guys come to get it tomorrow.”

“Okay, then have a good night.”

When he was young, Mr. Zhong was a chef in the hotel, good at cooking. Therefore, whoever had awedding would be willing to ask him to help.

The old lady was very confused, frowning and asking her old man, “Can Gawa get a wife in thatsituation? I’m afraid he’ll ruin the girl’s life.”

“Didn’t you just hear that? He said there was something wrong with that girl’s brain.”

The old lady shook her head and sighed.

Henry asked curiously, “Ma’am, isn’t marriage a good thing? Why don’t you look happy?”

The old lady sighed again and said, “He was born with dementia, and when he loses his temper, hewould beat people randomly. After he grows up, his family wants to find him a wife, but who is willing tomarry him? Now, he’ s already in his thirties. Two years ago, his family bought him a wife, but just afterthe marriage, the girl ran away. I heard that it was because his violence, so that the girl couldn’t take itanymore before running away. This time, I think, their life won’t be easy.”

After that, everyone was silent.

The night in the mountain was very quiet, and the noise of the cars couldn’t be heard. Kerry couldn’t fallasleep, so he kept smoking in the yard. The moonlight was soft, like a layer of veil covering the earth.

He didn’t know how long it would take to find Venus, but as long as he didn’t see her, he wouldn’t stop.

The results of the DNA test worried him a lot. Perhaps when he woke up, he would get the final answer.He didn’t dare to fall asleep.

If he really lost her, how would he continue his life? And what about the little guy?

In this world, no other woman could be his mother.

The sun was rising. After Mr. Zhong got dressed and walked out of the room, he was startled by a mansitting on the steps. Taking a close look, he found it was the boss.

There were countless cigarette butts on the ground. When Kerry heard the noise, he turned around,with his eyes all bloodshot.

“You haven’t slept all night, have you?” Mr. Zhong asked in surprise.

Kerry nodded.

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