My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 244 You’re only Good at Bullying Women! (3)
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Chapter 244 You're only Good at Bullying Women! (3)

No way! She couldn’t tolerate being with these bandits, she had to find a shelter for herself.Fortunately, the cliff was cracked and there was a hole on it. Perhaps she could conceal herself in it.Small as it was, it could contain her figure in a unpleasant way. And the hole was in a good angle whichcould hide itself from light ahead. Seconds later, they came much closer and a voice echoed in thecave from Mr. Cai, who was thrilled to see such a natural wonder. In a secret peep, Venus found mostof them got wounded by cliffs and they looked flustered about the unknown cave.

“Here I find a stone coffin.” Cried Alisa in a sharp tone.

“Let’s go for a look.” said Gavin. When they came nearer, someone gave out a groan and cried, ”Don’ttouch the water, there is something weird in it.”novelbin

Mr. Cai bent down and had a careful check. After that, he said, “There are a large amount of lime andsulfur in the water as a way to scare away invaders. The master of this stone coffin must be of highrank."

"Damn, the bitch lied to us, there is no treasure here but a fucking tomb." Heng Zhang cursed.

Mr. Cai interrupted him and said, "Don’t be silly, man, I think the stone coffin is the invaluable treasure,do you see the sapphires and rubies on it, each of them is worth tens of millions."

"Really? That perhaps be a compensation for us! " said Heng and calmed down his anger.

Venus sighed quietly and she did feel sorry for the tomb owner for now these bandits were gonnaunearth the dead and its belongs.

“The waterway is not wide enough to stop our way, ” said Gavin and gave a signal to one of his fellows,”you, go across it and open the stone coffin for us.” After a while of hesitation, he went ahead and

jumped across the hot waterway. When he moved ahead a little bit, his figure fell down and sank into alarge canal.

“No!” A scream came from him and half a minute later, he was totally swallowed by the canal and thewaterway turned back to a chilling silence.

What the hell was that beneath the shining surface of the canal? Venus was scared by what she sawjust now.

“It's mercury." Said Mr. Cai seriously, "It is highly poisonous. To prevent the tomb from thefts, ancientdesigners for royal family often build mercury pools in the tombs, which is the reason why theMausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang is still under the earth. Unearthing such a tomb will definitely costyour life at this point. Now there is no doubt that the owner of the tomb enjoys a distinguished status inhis life. "

A unpleasant silence spread among them. The invaluable treasure was over there, but they didn’t haveany good way to take away it. Mr. Cai said with a sigh, ”Let’s go, I am sure that will cost our life.”

Heng was obviously reluctant to leave and cried, "No, we can’t go back without any spoil!"

“But as you saw, the mercury pool gets in our way and we can’t make sure our safety when we try to goacross it. ” replied Mr. Cai.

“Wait!” Cried Alisa, who took a look around with her flashlight and asked, ”Where is Venus going?”

“Yes, what about that bitch? There seems to be no other exit here. Where did she go?” said Heng.

Mr. Cai fixed his eyes tightly at the seemingly calm mercury pool and said in a pitiful tone, "Perhapsshe has fallen into the mercury pool like the fellow."

Hiding in the dark hole, Venus was secretly pleased by what Mr. Cai had said. God Bless me! Now Icould get out of their control if they took me as a dead person.

However, Gavin's word woke up her daydream: "I don't think so."

"Why?" Asked Alisa.

"First, this canal is about 1.4 meters of its width, I don't think she can jump across it."

Could Venus do so? In view of herself, a beautiful lady with long and sexy legs like her could absolutelyjump across the pool. Gavin continued, "Second, I know her well, she won’ t have any interest in thestone coffin."

“What if she has interest in the precious sapphires on the coffin?” said Heng in a ironic tone.

"If you were her, getting out of here or getting the sapphires, which one will you choose?" asked Gavin.The rhetorical question was more convincing than any answer for Heng’s question. Gavin was right, thebitch would choose to get out of this fucking place first.

“As I know, there is an invaluable sapphire worth millions in Ye’s house, as the hostess of Ye’s house,she has no need to take chance. ” continued Gavin. His analysis was exactly the decision of Venus.Venus felt her heartbeat quicken as Alisa began to search around. However, Heng was still unwilling togive up the stone coffin and he said, ”But my boss, what about the stone coffin?”

"Forget that if you don’t have any way to reach it?" said Gavin.

Heng bowed his head and didn't give any reply. Perhaps he’d better obey the order of his bossbecause even the expect like Mr. Cai had no good way to deal with the dangerous tomb!

"No one will know the secret of it except us. We can send more expects to take the coffin out when weleave this dangerous place. And now, the most important thing is to find Venus."

"Yes, boss." Said Heng.

Venus bit her lips firmly in fear that any sound she made would attract their attention. Despite this, shecould still heard Alisa’s approaching footsteps. Woman is the creature who can make smart judgmentthrough her accurate intuition. Venus closed her eyes and prayed quietly. The perfume of Alisa waftedin the air and after a while, she left for another direction and said, ”I wonder where can she shelterherself in such a limited room.”

Heng joined her searching job yet still failed to find their prey.

“Boss, what if she fell into the mercury pool and died therein?” asked Alisa in a confused tone. Therewas no exit and any place to hide here, perhaps she did die in the fatal pool. At this point, Mr. Caiseemed a little dizzy because of the limited oxygen in the cave and he said, “Can we get out of thecave first, I am almost suffocated.”

“Yes, let’s get out of here first.” Replied Gavin, who also felt a unease this place. Venus took a breath ofrelief about the decision he made. When she tried to crawl out from the hole, the flashlight droppeddown from her backpack and made a clear noise. However, before she retreated back to the hole, astrong light met her and Heng's scolds echoed in the cave: “Bitch, you did play a good joke on us! ”

At the sight of Venus’s embarrassed expression, Alisa gave her a ironic smile and said, "Good girl,finally we got you."

Venus calmed herself down and held the backpack firmly on her shoulders. What could she do now?She didn’t want to go with them.

“Come on out, or I will give you a good lesson there.” Cried Heng, whose flashlight shot at her facedirectly and she couldn’t ever open her eyes.

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