My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 230 I Can’t Take You (2)
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Chapter 230 I Can't Take You (2)

He believed that blood was thicker than water, and as long as Venus and the baby were rescued safely,the baby would definitely accept him after he spending more time with him.

The next dawn, Kerry and Nighthawk dressed up and went downstairs. Nighthawk were sleeping onthe floor of their room in order to take care of Kerry.

To think that Gina was standing in the courtyard waiting for them, but with no luggage with her.

"Gina, why are you...?" asked Kerry.

After a night of contemplation, Gina smiled a small smile, showing her white teeth and saying, "I lookedit up on the Internet. There’s only one flight to China which is at eight in the morning, so I guess you willtake the earliest ferry to the airport."

Kerry walked up to her with a heavy heart. Gina was a pretty and kind girl, but in Kerry's mind, she wasmore like his younger sister.

"Gina, thank you." Kerry said sincerely.

"You're welcome. I'm glad to meet you." Gina paused and smiled, "If I go to China in the future, can Icome to you? And please let your wife be my guide."

Kerry also smiled a very warm smile, "Of course, I'll cover all the expenses, if you come."

"Good, don't you forget it."

Kerry then took out his cell phone, "What's your phone number? I'll call you so you can save mynumber. I won't change it."

Kerry dialed out the number Gina had said. A pleasant ringing sound came from nowhere in the silentair.

"Remember to call me when you come to China."

Gina nodded, "Okay," Then, she looked at him with a smile, biting her lip a few times and saying, "Youare the first man I liked, and since you're leaving now, can you give me a hug?"

Hesitating for two seconds, Kerry took the initiative to reach out to hug her gently and patted on herback, saying softly. "Gina, you're a very good girl and deserve a better man."

Gina's eyes instantly moistened. She left his embrace, "Be careful on your way. I won't see you off as Ihave to go back to get more sleep. See you later, Kerry and Nighthawk."


As time was running out, Kerry and Nighthawk left Gina's house immediately. But the person who saidshe wanted to go back to catch up on sleep, stood at the door and looked away until they disappearedat the end of the alley, and the tears in her eyes finally rolled down.

To be in love was the best thing that could happen to a young girl, but unfortunately, it's neither at theright time, not with the right person.

With the departure of Gavin, Heng Zhang and Alisa, the search on the island was much weaker,especially so early in the morning. Thus, there’s no soldiers with guns on the streets except fortravelers in a hurry and vendors.

Once on the boat, Kerry asked Nighthawk in a low voice, "Where are the others?"

"They were already at the airport last night," Nighthawk answered.

The boat soon left the dock. Kerry set his eyes on the island for the last time, with no attachment in hisheart; the only thing on his mind now was Venus.


The moment Venus got off the plane with her baby in her arms, she was extremely happy, becausethere were people with the same skin color and speaking the same language as her.

Gavin had really come to China, and thought the air was so much fresher.

On the wall was a huge poster of a local tourist attraction, which reminded Venus of the historical storythat Kerry had told her. That story seemingly happened in this province.

Gavin was very fast to figure out where the map pointed to in just a few days. Mr. Cai must have helpeda lot in this.

For more than a day, Venus spent all her time in the sky. First, she took a helicopter and then civilaircraft. She could bear it as an adult, but her baby was very irritable. It seemed that he feltuncomfortable in Venus’s arm. He kept tossing about, and could not settle down at all.

When out of the closed space finally, the little guy looked around the new environment, and his specialpupils, as well as Gavin's gorgeous mask, attracted a lot of attention.

Venus welcomed the attention, as it could leave more clues for Kerry to find her more easily.

Suddenly, Gavin said, "Don't think you'll have a chance to escape when you get back to China. If youdon't want anything to happen to your child, just be good and don't play any tricks. "

Venus looked up at him coldly, "Gavin, do you have nothing more to use than threatening women andchildren?"

Gavin was instantly pissed off, and would have slapped her in the face if there hadn’t been so manypeople around.

Without staying for too long, the group quickly left the airport and there were several cars waitingoutside.

Gavin, Mr. Cai, and Heng took one car, while Venus, her child and Alisa took the another.

The car drove through the city center, crossed the river, and arrived in an inconspicuous town beforenightfall. The hotel was simply decorated, and even shabby, but it was comfortable enough to stretchout on a bed for people who had spent so much time on planes and automobiles.

Venus was undoubtedly staying in a room with Alisa, and Gavin and Heng were staying to her left andright respectively in case of her escape.

In order to hide their trace, the group did not go out to eat, but ordered take-out and ate in theirrespective rooms.

"Alisa, why aren't you eating?" Venus hadn't had hometown food for several days and was nowmunching on it, while the woman opposite didn't seem to like the taste and put down her chopsticksafter a bite or two.

"Too much oil, too much salt." Alisa said simply.

Venus explained, "Most hotels in China offer this kind of food, not to mention those at this town."

"I don't want to eat. Enjoy yourself." Alisa put down her chopsticks and came to the baby to watch himdrink his milk.

As she ate, Venus was thinking that she couldn't wait like this, and that she had to run away if she hadthe chance.

Late at night.

Venus suddenly opened her eyes and heard Alisa 's steady breathing sound. Then, she quietly got upfrom the bed, got dressed, took the bag and held the baby.

Everything was very smooth, but Venus's heart was beating wildly. She tiptoed to the door, but as soonas she put her hand on the doorknob, she heard the cold voice from behind, "Stop."

Venus closed her eyes in frustration, "Damn, I knew it wouldn't be that easy. "

"Come back. Don't make me say it twice."

Venus reluctantly turned back to her bed and put the kids in their bags for bed.

Alisa's voice was especially cold in the stillness of the night, "Venus, if you do it again, I don't mindbreaking your legs. So, you'll even lose the baby."

Venus pulled the blanket up and turned sideways to her, muffling her voice, "Got it."

"Heavens, doesn't this woman sleep? " Venus thought. “Or she sleeps with one eye open and one eyeclosed, so she can notice even my light move, doesn’t she?”

The next day, they were still on the way. Alisa didn't seem to tell Gavin about what Venus had done lastnight, but Gavin was still indifferent to her, and only when she was with the baby, she had the slightesttenderness in her eyes.

The baby's memory was short. After a few days of journey, and constant exposure to new things, thebaby's in a better mood, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

In the evening, the car stopped in a valley of mountainous peaks in southern Fujian Province after aday-long journey.

This should be the first step of Gavin's treasure hunt.

The final map drawn by Kerry was not very accurate, but indicated that the treasure was located in acave in this large mountain range.

Of course, if the map had been accurate, the treasure hunters would not have come and gone.

Gavin was very excited when he looked at the sleeping mountain in the twilight. As Mr. Cai said, thisland was once a magical place, full of all kinds of sorcery and strange things, and it was not strangethat the Minyue Kingdom could disappear overnight.

At first, Gavin didn't believe in such ghost lore, so he was hesitant to set out.

"Stay and watch her tomorrow, so you don't have to follow us into the mountains." At dinner, Gavin saidto Alisa.

"Yes, boss." Alisa answered coldly, but her reluctance was obvious. She was more willing to explorethan to spend a day with this troublesome woman.novelbin

Venus was relieved to hear this decision. She was really afraid that Gavin would force her to go into themountain together. She might be able to hold on, but the child would never be able to stand it as themountain's miasma was too heavy.

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