My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 212 I will get our son back (3)
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Chapter 212 I will get our son back (3)

Now, the school had gone so that people built a shed to take it as a temporary Education Bureau in thespacious village council. It’s fine in the morning, not too hot, but after noon, inside it was really stuffyand hot.

After a few days of renovation, the collapsed school buildings were all leveled and wired up, justwaiting for the announcement of starting work.

At 9:40, the county mayor led the speech, first talking about the disaster brought by the earthquake,and then talking about Kerry. He expressed his sincere gratitude, which was quite harsh to Venus.

In the end, he invited Kerry to speak, who then received a round of applause.

“Good morning, I’m Kerry Ye. I’m very pleased to see you all today. To be honest, I didn’t consideraiding the construction of the school when I made the donation. It was a friend who reminded me. Shetold me that instead of giving the money to, I’d better do something practical. When I saw the news, Iwas very sad. You are the future of our nation and your family. If you don’t have access to study, howcan you contribute to the country? So, I decided to give you a stable environment, which is my socialresponsibility as an entrepreneur.”

There was another round of applause.

When Venus heard “contribute to the country”, she couldn’t help but laugh. She was sure that it wasbecause the reporters were present that Kerry said this.

“I believe you have already seen the design paper at the entrance, which tells you what the school willlook like by the end of the year. A three-story teaching building, a two-story teacher office building anddormitory, and a large and bright cafeteria. Don’t worry, this construction team I’ve found is one I know

very well, and I’ve been working with them for many years, so I can absolutely guarantee the qualityand quantity. In the end, I have a wish, I wonder if you can satisfy me.”

“Say it…” Many people said.

Kerry gestured them to be quiet, “I want to change the name of the school, called Chenwei EementarySchool.”

After saying that, Kerry looked at Venus. This name meant something.

Venus was stunned for a few seconds, he actually… She was a little touched in his heart again.

After the village secretary asked the villagers for opinion, he said, “Mr. Ye, thanks for building such agood school for our village. And you don’t charge us a penny, of course you can name it. It’s ourpleasure.”novelbin

“Yes! Thank you, Mr. Ye.” The villagers echoed.

Kerry bent over to thank, “Thank you all.” Then he stepped down from the stage and walked over toVenus, holding her hand and whispering, “Do you like this gift?”

Venus didn’t want to him to find that she was moved, so she said casually, “Well, not bad.”

Kerry still found the happiness from her eyebrows, so he was satisfied.

Mayor Zhao then announced with excitement, “Now, I announce that the construction of ChenweiPrimary School officially begins.”

The firecrackers crackled, and Kerry moved the first piece of soil with the shovel, showing the start.

Then, accompanied by Mayor Zhao and the village secretary and others, Kerry and Venus came to visitsome simple classrooms. It was already noon and as soon as they entered the classroom, a wave of

heat came to them.

“The children here are really having a hard time.” Venus lamented in a small voice. Compared to them,she was really too lucky as a child.

Kerry held her hand, “They’ll be able to have a new school by the end of the year.”

“I forgot to ask you. How much do we need to build this school?”

Kerry said, “About five million. I don’t know the exact number. I’ll let them build first, and then calculatewhen everything is done.”

Venus ridiculed him, “Rich man. You really don’t care about the money, do you?”

Kerry laughed, “What I spent is our joint property. You are praising yourself.”


Leaving the classroom, Kerry was blocked by several reporters.

“Mr. Ye, can we do a brief interview?” A pretty female reporter asked him.

“I’ve just said everything I want to say and there’s nothing more.” Kerry was still uncomfortable facingthe camera.

The female reporter didn’t care if he agreed or not and asked directly, “Mr. Ye, we’d like to know whythis elementary school was named as Chenwei School?”

Kerry was quite willing to answer this question, “Because my wife’s name is Venus.”

Reporters were nimble and instantly thought of the reason and praised, “Mr. Ye, your wife is reallylucky.”

Kerry smiled, “If you want to know more information about the school, you can ask the constructioncompany. They know better than me.”

A reporter boldly asked, “Mr. Ye, may I ask if the person beside you is Miss Yan who was rumored withyou last time? Why do you take her to such an occasion?”

Kerry was about to walk away, but stopped when he heard the question. He looked at the reporter whoasked the question with a smile, “Everyone else is concerned about post-disaster reconstruction, butyou’re only concerned about my gossip. You’re really a good reporter.”

The reporter who asked the question tensed up, but still looked him straight in the eye and calmly said,“Why not answer my question?”

Kerry easily spread his hands, “Of course I can. Miss Yan is one of the directors of Hong Kong MKCompany and an important partner of mine. We have a very good relationship, and the reason that Itake her with me today is she, as a Hong Kong compatriot, wants to know more about the mainland. Ifshe is touched, she might also donate the construction, won’t that be a good thing for the children?”

The reporter was disgruntled and dumbfounded, no longer asking.

When the reporters went to interview others, Venus was relieved, “You really don’t flush when you’retalking nonsense. I was so afraid that they’d asked me to answer the question. I really don’t know whatto say.”

“It’s all my fault, I should have given you the chance, so that I can see you in panic.” Kerry teased her.

Venus glared at him, “Then call them back.”

“Well.” Kerry whispered, “I’m afraid that you won’t allow me to sleep tonight.”

Venus blushed. She stepped on his feet and watched him frown in pain before she turned away with atriumphant smile.

At noon, Kerry wanted to go back, but was invited by the village secretary to a dinner. Venus had nevereaten the dish cooked by villagers, so she was looking forward to it.

Kerry accepted his invitation, as he saw she was radiant with joy.

This was the most remote place in Ling County, with inconvenient traffic. Its economy was mainlybased on rice, so the air quality was very good and it’s very peaceful compared to Sky City.

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