My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 208 Venus, I Know It’s You (3)
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Chapter 208 Venus, I Know It's You (3)

After the speech of the municipal commission secretary, the crowd began to stir. The SWAT team wereorganizing the orderly evacuation of people, those who wanted to go home could go home, and thosewho wanted to go live in tents could live in tents.

Just as Kerry was considering whether to found a car or not, Henry’s phone was finally put through.

"Hello? Henry answered. “How it is going? Are you fine, Young Master?" The anxious voice of Johnwas heard.

"I'm fine, but Young Master is hurt."

Then John was busy asking, "Is it serious? Where’s the wound?"

Henry glanced at the wound on Kerry's leg and said, "I think it's quite serious, John please send a carhere quickly, Young Master's car is locked in the garage."

"I’ve already sent a car to you, you can contact the driver."

“I get it."

Henry hung up the phone and looked up the driver's number again, but he dialed twice without gettingthrough, and finally got through the third time.

"Taozi, where are you now?"

"I just entered Huaiyang Road, but there is a traffic jam and I can't move at all." Taozi complained.

Hearing this, Kerry said, "Ask him to stop there, Huaiyang Road is about 20 minutes away, we can walkthere."

Henry repeated Kerry's words and then hung up the phone.

Kerry said to the Security Department, "Ask some workers to keep an eye on the company in case thatsome one will make trouble. Tell them whoever stays will be paid five times more than the usual. Figureout the names of those people who had just gone in, they should be rewarded."

"Don't worry Mr.Ye, I'll keep an eye on the company, you’d better care your wounds now."

After arranging all the things, Kerry took Venus and Henry towards Huaiyang Road. The street waschaotic with sewage flowing everywhere. Some children were frightened and kept crying in theirmother's arms. Seeing this, Venus eyes were filled with tears.

Kerry caressed Venus’s shoulder and said nothing for he was also very upset and didn’t know what tosay.

Ambulances whizzed by from time to time, heading straight to the nearby hospital.

It took them more than forty minutes to walk in such situation where falling billboards and overturnedcars were scattering on the road among crowds of people. They were very frightened and suffered anaftershock. Kerry was almost hit by a falling glass for he fixed his attention on Venus.

Taozi was waiting anxiously by the car, and when seeing Kerry, he exclaimed, "Boss, here I am!"

When they got in the car, Venus felt her legs almost numb. Seeing that Venus was pale, Kerry quicklytook a bottle of water from the back and opened it to her, "Drink some water."

Venus said "thanks" and grabbed the bottle and drank. Just now she was very nervous, and now shefelt thirsty and hungry after being relaxed.

The car was moving slowly towards the villa, the driver prepared to stop for there were people runningform time to time, he was afraid of hitting them.

"Taozi, turn on the car radio." Kerry frowned.

Taozi turned on the radio, which was broadcasting the earthquake in Sky City.

It turned out that the earthquake they had just experienced measured 7.8 in magnitude, the epicenterwas in the eastern suburbs of Sky City. The urban areas were fine, but the suburbs were fiercelyruined, leaving countless dilapidated houses.

Experts in the Seismological Bureau urged the general public to try to stay in high ground to avoid atsunami.

"I don't know the condition in the construction site," Kerry was very worried.

"Don't worry, Young Master, I’ll have a look after I send you back." Henry said sitting on the passengerside.

Kerry stared at the gloomy sky outside, "Just call Kai from the engineering department first, he's thecompany representative stationed at the project, he should be there at this moment."


Henry dialed Kai's number several times, but he couldn't get through for the poor signal. Just when hewas about to give up, the phone suddenly went through, and Henry handed the phone to Kerry.

"Kai, this is Kerry, is everything fine in the construction site? Are there any casualties?"

"President Ye, the workers just came down for lunch when the earthquake happened, so no one wasinjured, and now everyone is staying outside, but several overhead shelf were hit."

Hearing this, Kerry was greatly relieved, "That’s fine, it’s really good to hear that. We can start to buildthe shelf another time."novelbin

"That's what I’m thinking," Kai said.

"Then you should take care of the site, just stop working and I’ll send some food to you. It's summer, bealert please and you can sleep outside if it’s not safe."

"Fine, Mr.Ye."

After hanging up the phone, Kerry asked about several other factories, all of which were damaged tovarying degrees.

Seeing Kerry’s frowns, Venus took the initiative to ask, "Is it serious?"

Kerry smiled at her, "A little."

"It's a natural disaster, no one can stop it." Venus continued.

"I know," Kerry took Venus’s hands, and when she was about to pull him away, Kerry begged her, "Justfor a moment, okay?"

Venus's heart tightened, remembering how he'd carried her down the stairs, she kept silence.

After driving out of the city center, the traffic was smother, but there were a lot of broken branches andfallen poles.

After arriving at Ye's villa, everything in the house was normal except for the disheveled furnishings.

"John, where's the medicine that Dr. Han left at home? Bring it over quickly." Henry said to John assoon as he entered the house.

"Fine." John turned to get the medicine.

Venus held back Kerry when he was about to go upstairs, "Go and sit in the living room, what are youdoing upstairs?"

"I'll change my shorts." I need to change my pants for applying the medicine.

"I'll help you, please just sit on the couch." Venus said faintly and thumped up stairs. After the reveal ofher identity, Venus could no longer pretend to be passionate and she acted very indifferently.

Seeing her back, Kerry smiled faintly, as long as she cared about him, that was enough.

Venus found a pair of grey cotton shorts in the wardrobe and went downstairs. She threw it to Kerryand said indifferently, "Put it on." John happened to come with the medicine at this moment. He wassurprised at Yan’s attitude, and felt very confused for they were quiet sweet a few days ago.

Kerry didn’t care about that, he directly put off his trousers but didn’t expect that a part of the pants waslinked to his body, which made him very painful.

Venus turned her back and shifted her gaze. Hearing his breath, her eyelids jumped and guessed thathe must be painful.

"Oh, Young Master, what happened to your knee?" John uttered an exclaim with some tremble in histone. Thus, Venus turned back and saw that Kerry’s whole knee was broken with blood. Although, itwas not bleeding, a few pieces of glass had stuck into the flesh.

"I'll ask Dr. Han," Henry said.

"No, it's just a physical wound, Dr. Han should be busy now." Kerry refused Henry’s suggestion.Although Mr.Han was his family doctor, he had his own clinic, and many people needed him now.

Henry bites his teeth, "I'll go and fetch a basin of fresh water."

Venus didn't know how she feels, the sentiments in her heart was tumbling. He did this for saving her.

Kerry carefully put on the shorts, and said to Venus, "Don't look at me, go to wash your face andchange your clothes."

Venus was very furious, he even cared about her in such a situation. She sat on the sofa and saidangrily, "It’s none of your business."

Kerry was stunned, he didn’t understand women and explained, "I just don’t want you to feelunpleasant ......"

Hearing this, Venus was more furious, "Kerry, can you shut up and take care of yourself?"

Kerry was stunned, he didn’t know why Venus was so angry for he did nothing wrong.

Seeing this, John was frightened, he wished Henry could come quickly and told him the truth. YoungMaster was blamed by a woman like a pet dog, and even didn't dare to retort a word.

Henry brought water over, he squatted down and began to clean Kerry’ wound although he found theirexpression were all weird.

Kerry could bear the water clearing, however, when it came to iodine, he was very painful with sweatfalling off his forehead.

"Henry, be lighter." John said beside him.

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