My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 207 Kerry’s Love Affairs (3)
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Chapter 207 Kerry's Love Affairs (3)

In Hao Nangong's House.

"Pop-" An exquisite glazed bottle shattered on the floor, but that wasn't enough to quell Mr. HaoNangong's anger. He roared at the butler, "Where's that son of bitch? Where did he go? Why doesn'the come back?"

The butler dared not to lie, trembling, "The man with him said he probably went to the bar."

"Pop-" a glass was shattered, "Probably? I think he did go. Have someone bring him back to meimmediately. I'm going to kill him today in case he will bring shame on the family name in the future."

Shuhuai Chen who stood beside gently persuaded him, "Calm down. Your blood pressure will go upagain later."

"It's all your fault," Mr. Nangong took aim at his wife, "You are always protecting him. If you hadn'tstopped me last time, I would have killed him long ago. So he won’t have a chance to disgrace theNangong family today."

The last time that Mr. Nangong mentioned was when Hao Nangong lost Venus.

Shuhua didn't dare to speak.

At this time, Hao appeared at the door. When he saw what had happened in the house, he turnedaround to run while Mr. Nangong shouted, "Grab him."

The two bodyguards standing at the door swarmed up and grabbed Hao tightly.

Hao realized that he couldn't run so he said very consciously to the two bodyguards, "Let me go, I'll goin by myself."

But these two bodyguards, who had always only followed Mr. Nangong's orders, rigidly carried him tothe master before letting him go.

Mr. Nangong was flew into a fury at the sight of his son so he casually grabbed and threw the stool byhis feet. Hao didn't dare to dodge. The hit of the legs of the chair made him grit his teeth in pain.

He knew his father. The more he dodged, the harder his father hit him.novelbin

"Kneel down!" Mr. Nangong stormed.

Hao kneeled on the ground heavily. It was lucky that this place didn't have any glass shards.

"I'll give you the chance to say. Is what the internet says true?"

Hao tilted his head and said firmly, "Of course it's not. I like only women."

Mr. Nangong was a very traditional person, and couldn't even say those words. He said with a red facein anger, "Then why are there pictures of you being intimate with men on the internet?"

"Dad, that's because I was drunk. Those guys are my friends, ordinary friends." Hao stressed.

"Okay, then what were you doing in Thailand?"

Hao felt wronged, "I just went there for a trip. I didn't go to any party. It's all nonsense."

"Then why is there so much bad news that you are..." It’s hard for Mr. Nangong to say the words, so heskipped them and then scolded, "Do you know? A few of your uncles just now called to ask me withsarcasm whether the thing said online was true. You have disgraced our family name."

"Dad, I swear. I only like women." Hao said seriously. "There’s someone specifically against me."

Mr. Nangong squinted his narrowed eyes which indicated sinister motives, "Who?"

Hao looked at his father and said without confidence, "Kerry."

Mr. Nangong was surprised, "Kerry? How could he... " Suddenly, Mr. Nangong remembered the variousscandals about Kerry that had been circulating from yesterday, and then looked at his son in front ofhim and instantly figured it out.

"Is it you who hype the news about Kerry in these two days?" Mr. Nangong asked in a cold voice.

Hao didn't dare to look into his father's eyes, and nodded his head.

Mr. Nangong's anger, which had just subsided a little, burned again. He kicked his son in the shoulder,shouting, "Why did you provoke him? I've warned you to stay away from that man. If you don't do thesethings secretly, will he target on you?"

Hao was unconvinced, straightening up his neck and saying, "If it wasn't for him, the necklace I gavemom wouldn't have cost that extra four or five million."

"Isn't it just money? Does the Nangong family care about that small amount of money? You've lost hiswife. Why don't you let him give vent to his anger on you? You are driving me crazy right now." Whenfinishing his words, Mr. Nangong picked up another chair and prepared to smash it at his son, but hiswife hugged his arm.

"Okay, okay, calm down. It's all clear now. Our son is not what he’s said online. You should be happy,not to be so angry." Shuhua softly pacified her husband, and then turned around to glare at her son,"Apologize to your father."

"I'm sorry." Hao said quickly.

"What's the use of you saying sorry to me? You are sorry to the Nangong family's ancestors," Mr.Nangong breathed heavily, "Choose one of the girls your mother and I picked for you last time and get

married immediately."

Hao looked up and was about to protest, but when he saw his mother shaking her head at him, Hao bithis teeth and lowered his head.


The two big scandals hadn't come to an end whilst a sudden and unexpected earthquake in Sky Cityshattered people’s peaceful life.

It was eleven-thirty in the morning when the earthquake struck.

Venus felt thirsty so she went to the restroom to get some water. At that time, she found that the waterin the bucket began to shake around. She thought she was dazzled but then the ground began toshake violently as well.

"Earthquake." Someone at the office. Then, there were screams and everything was a mess.

Venus tried to run outside, but couldn't stand steadily as the ground shook violently. Due to her highheels, she fell right down to the floor. She could only watch as various snacks and cups from thestorage shelves dropped down and rolled to her side.

Her body was pushed to the corner by a huge force. The ceiling of the chandelier smashed down hardwith glass shattering, and soon the water dispenser fell on the ground, and the tall storage shelves alsocame down.

Venus shrieked and looked at the storage shelf that was falling down.

"Boom-" The top of the storage shelf was stuck right on the window sill. She cried as she was afraidthat the solid wooden shelf less than a meter away from her would hit her. She didn't want to die. Shehad her children.

The floor shook again, "squeak-" Getting away from the ledge, the shelf started to slide down, rubbingagainst the wall. Venus couldn't care to cry and crawl to the triangle area in front of her. Unexpectedly,a box of personal belongings falling down on her head. Her eyes were full of stars. The last picturebefore her coma was a child laughing like an angel.

The unprecedented disaster lasted for two minutes, but just two minutes was enough to place the cityinto extreme panic.

Except for the employees on the first and second floors who ran out of the building, all the otheremployees of the Group were trapped in the building. The moment the earthquake struck, the elevatorsstopped working, and with such violent shaking, it was impossible for them to run down from abovetenth floor.

Two minutes later, the earthquake paused.

Every office was in chaos, with data computers chairs and other office supplies all falling to the ground.

The screaming stopped and someone softly asked, "Has the earthquake stopped?"

Then, the ground began to shake again, but it’s much weaker than it had just been.


After the shaking stopped, a man said, "Don't panic. This building is against a magnitude 8 earthquake.It won't collapse."

Then, the anxious figure of Kerry appeared at the entrance of the design department, and he shouted,"Yan Chu."

"Mr. Ye." Meiling He came out from under the table whose usually meticulously combed hair nowdisheveled.

Kerry asked with concern, "Is everything alright?"

Meiling nodded her head, "Yes."

As soon as everyone saw Kerry, they all stood up from different corners, looking at their boss witheager and panicked eyes.

Kerry pressed down the tension. As so many people looked at him, he couldn't be confused. He took adeep breath and said, "Although the earthquake is suspended, there may be aftershocks. Meiling, youimmediately organize evacuation from the stairwell. Men give a hand to woman, hurry up."

"Yes." Meiling turned back and waved at her subordinates, "Everyone quickly leave. Put down yourbelongings. Come back for them after the aftershocks have stopped."

It's more important to run for your life than to care about the money.

Kerry looked around but didn't find Venus. He asked Meiling who was organizing everyone to leave,"Where's Yan Chu?"

"I don’t know," Meiling also looked around the office and asked aloud, "Where’s Yan Chu?"

Li, whose face was a mess of makeup remembered something suddenly and said, "I saw her go to therestroom."

Kerry ran towards the lounge and around the computer and pushed chairs out of the way. At the door,he found the unconscious woman.

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