My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 206 An Incomplete Treasure Map (3)
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Chapter 206 An Incomplete Treasure Map (3)

Wang was Kerry’s assistant, and soon he came in pushing a food cart with delicate food placed onplates, with lids on top of the plates.

“Mr. Ye, Mr. Chu, shall we eat lunch?” Wang said respectfully.

Kerry put aside the documents and walked up to him, “Alright, you can also go to eat.”

Wang then left.

Kerry uncovered the lids, except for weevers, the rest of the dishes inside were vegetarian dishes, butthe color and appearance were good.

“Since we’ve ate so much meat last night, we eat lighter today.” Kerry helped her add the rice.

Venus was hungry after a busy morning, so she began to gulp as she received the bowl.

“There’s a charity auction party tomorrow night, do you want to go with me?” Kerry asked for heropinion.

“Is it fun?” She asked.

Kerry said frankly, “Well, it shouldn’t be fun, just some antique calligraphy and paintings and so on. Tobe frank, we businessmen are just throwing money at it to earn fame.”

“Then I won’t go. It’s boring. I’d rather stay at home and watch TV shows.” Venus didn’t bother to go forthe fun.

Kerry didn’t ask her again. This kind of place was indeed no fun, and her beauty would attract them, soit was safer to stay at home.

Charity Auction Party.

Kerry appeared at the venue in a suit, becoming the center of the media. At this time, he thought,fortunately, Venus didn’t come, or she would turn around and leave as soon as she saw thesecameras.

Coincidentally, Kerry actually ran into a friend he hadn’t seen for a long time, Hao Nangong.

What a trouble.

Kerry ignored him and walked straight to the venue. When he walked to the steps, a beautiful lady in adress accidentally lost her balance, so he subconsciously held her waist.

The beauty turned her head to see the person who helped her. When she saw Kerry, her eyes wereglittering, “Thank you, Mr. Ye.”

Kerry took a look at her and felt that she looked familiar, but he didn’t know her. He nodded at herwithout saying anything and continued to walk in.

She seemed to be a little disappointed, holding up her dress and following him, but he was walking toofast for her to catch up.

Kerry had met many familiar faces here. Sky City was not big, and anyone could come here were richor powerful, most of whom were invited when he helped Xuan Chu to make a blind date.

After greeting with some acquaintances, he sat on the chair with his name and Henry came to give himan auction brochure.

“Young master, a woman has been following you since you come in.”

The moment he entered the door, Henry had noticed him, and also of course the beautiful woman whowas following him.

“I don’t know her.” Kerry said indifferently, casually flipping through the auction brochure, which was fullof all kinds of jewelry and celebrity calligraphy and paintings that would be auctioned tonight.

Flipping to the last page, Kerry stopped, on it was a crystal-clear jasper hairpin with a kapok carved onthe head.

At the foot of the page was the name of the hairpin, “Green Snow and Fragrant Hairpin”.

He remembered Venus’s hair and her snow-white skin, so it would be beautiful with a jade hairpin likethis.

Alright, he would take it tonight.

The charity auction had officially begun after everyone arrived.

The host first introduced the main purpose of the auction and all the money would be donated to theRed Cross to be used for the primary school and road construction in the mountain village.

The first item to be auctioned was a jade bowl, which Kerry was not interested at all, so he lowered hishead to send a text message to Venus.

“What are doing?”

Several minutes after sending it, while Kerry waited anxiously ready to text another one, Venus replied.It was a picture of her in the pool, whose hair fastened in a swim cap. She was wearing a swimsuit,looking away, with water on her face.

Kerry recalled a poem that says, “When the lotus begins to blossom, the dragonflies have long sincerisen to the top.” And she was that little lotus flower.

He suddenly regretted coming to this silly auction. It would be nice to have fun with her in the pool.

When he was thinking, he got another message, “Aren’t you at the auction?

Kerry quickly replied her, “It’s too boring. Swimming with you should be more fun.”

“Well, enjoy. I’m going to swim now.”

When he read this message, he was completely pissed off.

Next was a piece of jewelry.

“This is a pearl necklace worn by the British royal Princess Diana, all together 39 and each one isextremely precious South Sea pearls, transparent, rare… Each pearl is exactly the same size…” Thehost on stage praised it, and finally said, “The starting bid for this necklace is two million.”

Soon the bidding was called, 210, 220, each time raising 100,000. Suddenly, they heard someone bidfor 4 million. Everyone looked at the man and it was Hao’s men.

Kerry turned his head to look at Hao. Did he want it?

So how could he let it go?

The host looked shocked and was busy saying, “Mr. Nangong 4 million once, 4 million twice…”

Just as he was about to call the third time, Henry raised his hand, adding one million.

“Mr. Ye’ s bid is five million.” The host was too excited.

Hao mockingly looked at him and continued to call the bid, 5.5 million. He was going to get thisnecklace no matter what, for his mother’s birthday was coming and he was going to give this necklaceto her as a birthday gift.

Shuhua Chen had no interest in bags or clothes, but only in jewelry. If he wanted to make her happy,he could send her a precious necklace for her, so that she could be happy for days and could respondto his any request.

However, Kerry wouldn’t let him get it, and as soon as he asked for the price, Kerry would simply addanother million.

When Hao gritted his teeth and said 10 million, all the audience turned to Kerry, and surprisingly, Kerryshook his head with a smile and said he would give up.

The host was too satisfied with the price, “Ten million once, ten million twice, ten million three times.”He happily struck the small hammer, “Thank you Mr. Nangong for your generosity, this preciousnecklace belongs to you.”novelbin

There was loud applause, and that’s when Hao calmed down and realized what he’d done. He’dbought a necklace for almost five times the price!

Hao looked towards Kerry with anger, but he only saw his mocking face.

Kerry was doing it on purpose. He didn’t want this necklace, he just wanted to raise the price.

Damn it. 10 million, what kind of necklace couldn’t he buy? But it was too late to regret now.

After teasing Hao, Kerry was in an extremely good mood. The next items couldn’t arouse his anyinterest. Though he was looking at the stage, his thoughts had already flown away. He was thinkingabout a document he saw today.

It wasn’t until the end, when the hairpin came out, that Kerry came back to his senses.

The hairpin, glowing with turquoise light, lying quietly in the display box, as if it was telling a sad andbeautiful story to people.

“This is our last piece for today’s auction, made of the finest Hetian jade, weighing 10 grams. This jadehairpin was a gift from Emperor Kangxi to his favorite consort, and was handed down from band toband, and later got lost. Starting bid, one million.”

After the host finished speaking, there was silence down below. After a few rounds just now, everyonehad got what they wanted to, so no one seemed to be interested in this hairpin.

Kerry signaled to Henry, who raised his hand.

The host was worried about this good thing going unsold when he saw Kerry make his bid, and it was 2million. He was extremely happy, saying, “Mr. Ye bid for 2 million, is there anyone else?”.

Hao wanted to raise the price, but he didn’t know if he really wanted to buy it, or if he was deliberatelytrying to make fun of him again, so he held back from raising the price.

The host asked for a while, but no one raised the price, and finally, Kerry bought the jade hairpin for 2million.

A lively auction ended with 26 million yuan. Of course, Hao was the main benefactor, so the host gavehim a good compliment, but if Hao hadn’t been there for the sake of so many VIPs, he would havealready left.

After the event, Kerry and Henry headed out and were stopped by the long-awaited beauty at the door.

“Hi, Mr. Ye.” The beautiful woman was smiling.

Kerry looked at her with cold eyes and said very rudely, “Do we know each other?”

She was embarrassed and was explaining, “Did Mr. Ye forget me? My last name is Su, and I’m thespokesperson you chose some time ago.”

Oh, no wonder he thought he’d seen her somewhere.

“So, what can I do for you?”

“I almost fell and made a fool of myself just now, thanks to Mr. Ye’ s help, can I buy you some coffee?”Miss Su was eager for an answer.

“You’re welcome. No need to buy my coffee.” Kerry decisively refused.

Miss Su of course wouldn’t give up because of his one or two words. He was so rich that as long asshe could hook up with him, she didn’t have to work in entertainment business.

“It’s not a big deal for Mr. Ye, but it’s a big deal for me, so Mr. Ye, please? Just a cup of coffee.” Miss Sulooked a little flirty.

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