My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 183 Xinyou’s Punishment (1)
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Chapter 183 Xinyou's Punishment (1)

“I’m very glad to hear that. It’s late. You should go to sleep.”

“Good night.”

Venus then went upstairs. Everything seemed so familiar and so many memories came flooding back.She found everything so dreamy and so surreal.

When Venus disappeared from view, John the Butler said to Mrs Qin: “I overheard someone say thatXinyou Qiao is behind these incidents, and maybe the injuries on Miss Chu’s face were caused byXinyou.”

“Why can’t this terrible woman just leave us alone!” Mrs Qin said angrily. She continued: “I think MissChu is a very civilized girl. She is polite and sweet. She reminds me of Venus.”

“Yes. She is a good girl.” John sighed heavily.

Venus went upstairs and locked herself in a room. She found a mirror and looked at her face, and shewas shocked by the horrifying handprint on her cheeks. She felt her face was burning under her mask,so, knowing that no one would come to this room at this hour, she removed the mask carefully, so thather face could cool off.


The atmosphere in the car was rather depressing.

“Alright, I know.” Henry hung up the phone and said to Kerry: “Sir, Xinyou is not in the staff dorm. Theytold me that she only lived in the dorm for the first two days since she got the job.”

Kerry wore a cold expression. He said: “Let’s go to Hao Nangong’s villa. She is probably there. If sheisn’t, Hao must know where she is.”


It was nine o’clock in the evening. After a day’s work, people in the city were about to start theirnightlife. Many people gathered at the side of the street, having barbecues and drinking beers. Theyseemed so free and happy.

And all of a sudden, Kerry felt a pang of jealousy. He also wanted to be one of them, to be an averageman. Even though they can’t make lots of money, and even though they don’t have much power, theystill have real friendship, and they can share whatever they want with their friends, either it is theirsadness, or their happiness.

Kerry went to elite schools when he was younger, and he is never a social person, so he didn’t makemany friends from school. Hao Nangong was actually the only friend he had, but their friendship wasalso ruined. Now he realized that fate is fair to everyone. No one is perfect. He has wealth and power,but he lost something much more important, like family, love and friendship. Kerry was left all alone.novelbin

Sometimes he wish he could travel through time. If he could do that, he would travel to the past, andstart afresh.

The car was stopped at the gate of Hao’s villa. Henry got off the car and knocked on the gate.

Suddenly, a man’s voice was heard from a speaker. He said: “Who are you here to see?”

“I’m here to see Mr Nangong.” Henry replied calmly.

“He is not home.” That man said. He then turned off the speaker directly.

Henry looked at Nighthawk who was standing behind him. Nighthawk smiled and said: “Just leave it tome.”

Nighthawk then walked towards the wall, and measured its height with his naked eyes. He then moveda few steps back, and then charged towards the wall at full speed. When he was about to bump intothe wall, he summoned up all his strength and jumped up and then landed at the other side of the wall.

A few seconds later, the gate was opened.

“Who the hell are you? How did you......” A guard shouted. But he then went silent because he felt agun was pointed at his head.

Kerry walked into the yard. The guard was shocked when he saw Kerry, and he drooped his head.

“Where is Hao Nangong?” Henry asked.

“Young Master has been living in his father’s villa these days.” The guard answered.

Kerry noticed the living room and a bedroom on second floor were still lit. But that bedroom is not Hao’sroom. So he asked: “Who is living in that room?”

The guard looked at that room and answered: “It’s Miss Qiao.”

Kerry gave a short laugh. “Hao is indeed a sweet person for letting Xinyou use such a big villa.” Hethought to himself.

“Henry, take her out.” He said.

Henry nodded and walked towards the villa. Kerry stood there and waited. Two minutes later, he heardapproaching footsteps. He looked up, and saw Xinyou was dragged out of the villa by Henry. Her hairwas dishevelled, her feet were bare, and she was only dressed in a thin pajama.

“Kerry, it’s so late. What do you want!” Xinyou asked.

But instead of answering her question, Kerry delivered two hard slaps across her face. Xinyou felt herears were ringing.

“I return these two slaps back to you on behalf of Yan Chu.” Kerry cupped her chin and glared at her.He said: “Are you still waiting for these pictures? What’s your plan? You want to put these pictures onthe internet? Or giving them to the media?”

Xinyou knew why did Kerry come to her at this time, so she didn’t bother to pretend to be innocent. Sheswallowed her saliva, which was mixed with blood, and said: “Why would I send them to the media? AllI need to do is to give them to you. Will you still love her after seeing her being raped by two men? Noyou won’t. She will be too dirty for you. You will treat her the way you treated Venus before.”

Xinyou’s words stirred his memories up. He hated these terrible memories. He put his hand on herthroat and said: “Xinyou, you are such a vicious woman! What did Yan do to you? How can you be socruel!”

“I am cruel? Kerry, I think you are the real cruel person!” Xinyou said. Her eyes were bloodshot. “Youused to love me so much! Why didn’t you marry me? Why were you so crazy about Venus? In whichway is she better than me?”

“She is my wife!” Kerry clenched his teeth.

“She is your wife? Where is she now? She has gong missing for such a long time! And I escaped deathjust to see you again! And what did you do? You fell in love with that woman named Yan Chu! Why?Just because she looks like Venus?” Xinyou roared with rage.

Kerry said: “Yes! I am in love with her just because she looks like Venus. And also, don’t tell me yousurvived because you want to see me. You lived only because you are afraid of death! That’s all!”

“Kerry, if you told me from the beginning that you don’t love me at all, I wouldn’t fall in love with youeither! And then none of this would have happened. So it’s all your fault!”

“Yes! It’s all my fault. I should never have searched the person who made that design; instead, I shouldhave just kept her in my memory. Xinyou, you ruined everything! I never want to see you again!”

A weird smile curved her lips. She said: “Why don’t you just kill me now. Let’s put an end to oursuffering.”

Kerry wore a horrifying smile. He said: “I won’t kill you. Because for you, death is the easy way out, isn’tit? Let’s return the villa back to Hao. I’ll take you to a better place.”

He then said to Nighthawk: “Put her into your car.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Kerry, where are you taking me to?” Xinyou was nervous. But Kerry didn’t answer her.

They drove away. And the guard called Hao in an instant.

“Young master, Miss Qiao was just taken away by Kerry!” He reported.

Hao was silent for a few seconds. He then said: “Is Kerry mad?”

“Yes, he is. It seems like he will kill Miss Qiao.”

“I know.” Hao said. His spirit sunk, and he pushed the beautiful woman in his arms away. “Obviously,Xinyou’s plan failed. But where is Kerry taking her?” Hao thought to himself.

Kerry arrived at Golden Avenue, the most expensive and corrupt place in the city. They then went to abath center, which looked extremely luxurious.

The manager of the bath center walked to them in a hurry and said: “Mr Ye. What a nice surprise.Please come in!”

“Where is your boss?” Kerry said coldly.

The manager soon walked away to call his boss. And in a few minutes, the boss of this centerappeared and ran towards Kerry. A vice manager was following him closely.

The boss bowed to Kerry and said: “Mr Ye, what brought you here? Please come in!”

“No, thanks. Today I have a favor to ask.” Kerry said in a polite way.

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