My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 47 Teasing from Kerry Ye
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Chapter 47 Teasing from Kerry Ye

"Harry! Let her go! " Suddenly, Basil shouted at Harry.

Harry was stunned for a moment, and then quickly came to his senses. He took out a mobile phonefrom somewhere and ordered.

Not long after, Basil saw the man not far behind Lola slowly walk to her side. With the angry eyes of theold K, he rudely lifted Lola up and casually threw her on the ground.

Seeing this, the old K got angry in an instant. He shouted at the man againnovelbin

"Be gentle! Can't you be gentle! That's Mrs. Lola. If anything happens to her, I'll let you die! "

The old K's voice didn't arouse any response from the man. He just took Lola out of the water and puther on the shore as what Harry told him. As for other things, he didn't know or want to know!

Because the mercenaries followed a rule, which was, "They will never ask anything they shouldn'tknow! " All he needed to do was to do his tasks and then get his own money!

So the figure in the old K, "Mr. Basil! " "Mrs. Lola!" He didn't have interest at all!


Just as everyone was in a stalemate, a yacht slowly came over from nowhere. Only then did Basilknow that Lola and the old K were kidnapped and threatened on a beach not far from the A Country!

But this beach was not a well-known place in the A Country. It was located behind the TD Mountain,the most famous mountain in the A Country, which was deserted all years.

That place was also found by accident when Basil's father, Barney and Harrison went on an adventurewhen they were young! Since then, it had become the "Secret Base" of Barney and Harrison to avoid

their parents

When Basil was a child, his father often took him to explore there, so he was familiar with the plantsthere! Of course, including the yacht, the only one could go there!

Back then, Basil tore down the yacht because he was a playboy! In order to punish him, his father,Barney, let him stay in that house of the yacht-owner for a week. Of course, it was also to compensatefor the owner of the yacht!

But Basil was not the kind of obedient person. On the first day Basil went there, he gave his father'syacht given to that family, with a big English letter 'C' carved on it.

And no one knew about it except him and the brother of that family.

It had been a long time since he saw the yacht. Basil was dragged into his memory.


On second thought, the only person who could bring Lola and the old K to that place was Harrison.

Thinking of this, Basil clenched his fists again.

He kept recalling the word in his heart, 'Harrison Harrison! Harrison.' Basil's eyes were filled withhatred.


When Basil was in a daze, Cynthia touched him with her arm. Basil then turned around and looked atCynthia.

When Basil looked at her, Cynthia pointed at the computer with her chin, indicating Basil to payattention to the computer. Then Basil turned around.

At the other side of the computer, Lola and the old K were pulled into the yacht one after another by agroup of people who got off the yacht.

Lola was too weak to be dragged by them. However, the old K didn't yield and kept struggling. Althoughit didn't seem to work at all.

In this way, the old K and Lola were pulled into the yacht and disappeared from the computer screen inan instant.

Once again, Basil saw Lola disappear from his sight! He kept calling Lola's name in front of thecomputer, although he knew that Lola couldn't hear him at all! But even so, it seemed that this was theonly way for Basil to express his anxiety at the moment.

Suddenly, Harry closed the computer. His face instantly appeared in the eyes of Basil. Then cameHarry's unique, crow-like voice:

"Well, Mr. Basil! I have saved her. Can we talk about our business now? "

As Harry spoke, his eyes kept rolling, making Basil unable to see through his real intention!

As Basil struggled to straighten up, he turned his head to look at the person who was pressing himbehind him, and then looked at Cynthia beside him, feeling uncomfortable!

"Mr. Harry, is this how you entertain your guests! In this way, I can't talk to you! " After saying that, Basildeliberately glanced at the people behind him and Cynthia in front of Harry.

"Ah! How could you treat Mr. Basil like this! Anyway, he is our distinguished guest! "

With a flattering look on his face, Harry completely forgot that it was him who gave the order just now.

As soon as he finished his words, Harry winked at the man who was pressing Basil behind Basil, andthe man immediately let go of Basil. At the same time, Cynthia was free.

Basil rubbed his wrist and looked back at Cynthia, whispering

"Relax and play it by ear later!"

Cynthia rubbed her wrist like Basil and nodded firmly.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Basil put his hand into his pocket and stood there elegantly like a prince charming.

"Nothing important. Here is a document that needs your signature." Mr. Harry leaned over to Basil andsaid gallantly.

"Okay!" Basil didn't say anything but said coldly. Then he looked back at Cynthia and made eye contactwith her.

As soon as he heard that Basil agreed, Harry was extremely happy. He said happily

"If Mr. Basil can agree so easily. Nothing will happen! Just sit down and have a cup of coffee. It's done!"

After saying that, Harry smiled. His subordinates also laughed loudly with him!

Basil, opposite them, frowned tightly, with an evil and attractive smile at the corners of his mouth.Cynthia also frowned with disgust in her eyes.


After a while, a man in a suit and leather shoes slowly walked to the rooftop of the hotel under the leadof the man who had just pressed down Basil.

Mr. Harry glanced at him by accident and moved quickly to the man's side. Strangely, instead of hisusual look, Harry became respectful!

"Mr. Basil, let me introduce him to you. This is the special assistant of our president. "

After saying that, Basil and Cynthia turned around at him at the same time.

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