My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 180 Truth Exposed, Memories Was Hurtful (2)
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Chapter 180 Truth Exposed, Memories Was Hurtful (2)

Xinyou Qiao still wanted to say something more. But seeing that she didn't care to pour and drink tea,she bit her teeth and walked away.

Venus Mu, who was sitting alone on her knees, suddenly laughed out loud, her voice getting louder andlouder. She was a little angry but more than that, she thought it ridiculous. Xinyou would even come totell a woman personally that Kerry Ye was a scum.

Wasn't he important in her heart?

It seemed that she went to see Kerry again after meeting him for the first time. And this time, Kerry hada bad attitude towards her so much so that she had changed her attitude.

Venus only agreed with her last sentence that Kerry was a scum.

It was true that people who had died once had a higher level of comprehension.

But now she also cleared up one thing that the man in the hotel was definitely Kerry without a doubt.

According to Xinyou, Kerry was looking for her at that time. He must hold the design she left in thehotel. Then she remembered that Xinyou hadn't prepared any work for the competition, and the oneshe submitted was the one she had redrawn that she had lost. And at that time, Kerry was thejudge...... So when Xinyou suggested that she wanted to stay at Kerry’s house, Kerry didn't objectbecause he recognized the pair of work......

She later went to see Zihang Lu, who said he betrayed her to Hao Nangong, so he shouldn't be lying.The biggest possibility was that Hao didn't arrive at the hotel in time and was snatched by Kerry. Whenshe confronted Hao, he admitted that it was himself to lie to her.

So far, all the clues fitted.

Venus sat silently on the bag. The breeze blew in through the bamboo curtain, but it couldn't dissipatethe hatred in her heart.

Because of Xinyou and Hao, how much inhumane treatment had she suffered?

And Kerry, how would he feel if he ever learned that the person in the hotel was actually Venus? Did hebe Surprised, anger or regret?

But what was the point of all this?

That was all gone.

However, out of human instinct, Venus still wanted to see him regret. At that time, she would be veryhappy.


As soon as Kerry came out of the meeting room, he received a call from his subordinate and was toldthat Xinyou had gone to look for Yan Chu and they had a long chat. Later on, Yan spent a long timealone in the tea house before coming out and no one was hurt.novelbin

Kerry was not surprised to hear this news. With his knowledge of Xinyou, he was surprised that shedidn't go to look for Yan.

But what worried him was what Xinyou said to Yan.

Wandering around the office, Kerry wanted to call Yan to see her attitude but he was afraid that shewould notice that he had sent someone to follow her. He thought what kind of excuse he should make.

"Knock, knock, knock-" the knock on the door sounded, Kerry stopped wandering, "Come in."

One of the company's vice presidents pushed the door and walked in with a sad face, "President Ye,something happened."

Kerry frowned, "What's happened?"

"Two days ago it rained heavily and all the rainwater from the site drained into the water fetching pool.The water level in the fetching pool suddenly exceeded the alert level. Because the road was tooslippery, a worker just passed by and fell in the fetching pool ......"

He was startled, "Drowned?"

The vice president said evenly, "No. He was rescued by some workers. Now he has been taken to thehospital."

Kerry was relieved. It was very unlucky that someone died while the project was still under constructionand there would be bad public opinion in the community.

"You go to the hospital to visit him on behalf of the company. The medical expenses are the company'ssole responsibility," Kerry instructed, but he saw that the vice president was still knitting his eyebrowsand asked him, "What else?"

The vice president slumped and said, "The medical expenses are a minor matter. The main thing isthat worker. His status is a bit special."

"Special?" Kerry was confused and coldly reprimanded, "Don't swallow your words so much, say whatyou have to say clearly."

The vice-president looked at him, "He has two cousins who are gangsters and seem to be quitefamous. They are now causing trouble at the construction site with their people."

Kerry disdained, "Gangsters? Don't they know that I own the site?"

The vice president giggled without daring to speak. He knew that Kerry had a mob background. But henever dared to ask more. It wasn't an area he could get into.

"Who's at the construction site now?"

"Kai Chen." The vice president said evenly, "Kai is the engineering manager of the company and one ofthe main managers of this project.

Kerry looked at the watch on his hand, "You go prepare the car. I'm going to go to the constructionsite."

"Yes." The vice president saw that Kerry personally took actions and immediately ran out to prepare thecar.

Kerry paced in the office, bit his lip and dialed a number.

The phone only rang twice before it was answered. The haunting voice on the phone said, "Kerry, whatis it?"

He did not frown at once. She still called him Kerry so it seemed that she wasn't much affected byXinyou.

"Something happened over at the construction site. I'm going over there now. Do you want to go as arepresentative of the company?"

"Fine, come pick me up. I will wait for you at the gate of the community." Venus didn't hesitate. Shedidn't have much time and she had to win his trust as much as possible.

Kerry curled his lips, "Well. You can go downstairs. The car will be here in five minutes. Remember toput on flat shoes this time."

"Got it. I'm not an idiot." Venus muttered and she hanged up the phone.

Kerr’s heart was inexplicably warm because Venus used to like to talk like this.

Half a minute after the car was parked in front of the community, Kerry saw Yan walk out. Her long hairwas tied in the back, and she was wearing a white t-shirt, light-colored jeans, a pair of sneakers on herfeet, and a small black shoulder bag behind her.

If he didn't know her, Kerry must have recognized her as a student.

He got out of the car and opened the back door for her.

"What happened at the construction site?"

"Get in the car first and we will talk."

The car drove quickly to the construction site. Kerry gave a general description of what had happenedat the construction site and finally said, "You will stand behind me at the construction site later anddon't talk."

"Why do you want me to go there?" Venus didn't understand.

Kerry thought about it and said with a light smile, "Just think of it as understanding the situation. You'realso in charge so let you understand how difficult our job is and then you'll be less likely to find faultwith us in the future."

"You are so wily." Venus smiled.

Kerry relaxed a lot, "Compared to your father, I'm ashamed of myself."

Venus chuckled and she remembered that Xinyou looked for her. After considering for several minutes,she still said, "The friend of yours that I ran into last time, she came to see me this morning."

Kerry turned pale and pretended to ask her, "You mean Xinyou?"

"Yeah. That's her."

Kerry said with a smirk, "I knew she couldn't stay out of my business. What did she want with you?"

Venus turned to look at him and asked, "You want to know?"

"Can't you tell me?" Kerry asked.

"No. I'm afraid you're probably going to be pissed off to hear that."

Kerry was even more curious, "Tell me. I'm not that fragile yet."

Venus turned her eyes and said with a smile, "She told me your love story. She also said that you're aperson who sees a girl and then loves that girl. And she also told me to stay away from you. In short,you are a scum image in her mind."

Kerry was stunned for a second or two after hearing this. Instead of getting angry, he laughed bitterly,sighed and said, "It's good that she thinks that way so she won't keep pestering me."

Kerry was a little surprised by what Xinyou said. He thought that Xinyou was looking for Yan to provokeher but he didn't expect that she went there to ruin his image.

It seemed that she really hated him.

"Are you not angry?"

"I don't care at all what image I am to her because she's nothing to me." Kerry looked into her eyes,"What about you? Do you believe what she said?"

Venus hesitated for a moment, looked him up and down and said, "I think that you're a good person.You're not as bad as she said. Besides, we're partners. No matter what your personal life is, as long aswe build this amusement park perfectly, you're a good ...... partner in my mind."

"It's not bad to get such a comment," Kerry said with a light smile. If she was Venus and that was whatshe was thinking, there was no rush. Take her time.

While they chatted all the way, the car arrived at the construction site.

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