My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 176 Suspicion after Revealing Flaws (2)
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Chapter 176 Suspicion after Revealing Flaws (2)

Xiran shook her head. "I don't know him, but just heard about him, a very powerful person." From this,Xiran was somewhat impressed with this so-called Yan Chu. She didn't expect that the naive girl wouldactually know someone so famous in Sky City, and she was not polite in when asking for help. Itseemed that this Yan Chu had a powerful background.

"So now what? We don't need to be wandering around Sky City. We can find him until Kerry sends amessage?" Venus asked for her opinion.

"Fine." Xiran parked her car in front of a coffee shop nearby.

After a cup of coffee, Xiran had a general understanding of Yan Chu, who turned out to be a rich ladyfrom Hong Kong, but she was not pampered at all. On the contrary, she was very open-minded, whichwas very much to her liking.

The two women liked each other. Talking from traveling to hobbies, soon, they ignited a spark offriendship.

While Xiran was talking about her hiking expedition to a primitive forest, Venus's phone rang, and itwas from Kerry.

"Mr. Ye, did you find it?" Venus asked evenly.

"I found it, and I sent it to your phone."

"Ah, thank you. I told you can find it." Venus said smilingly.

"Call me again if you have any problem."

"Okay, bye."

Hanging up the phone, Venus saw a message on her phone attaching with an address, whichhappened to be an address she knew.novelbin

"Let's go."

Xiran did not expect things to go so smoothly, and was in a good mood, "It looks like I went out and metsomeone with a powerful background today. I had been worried about finding it when I came to SkyCity."

Venus smiled from her deep heart. It had been a long time since she had chatted with a girl in her agelike this, and it felt so good to have a friend.

Venus intimately took her arm and smiled gently, "You're the one who's precious to me. Hurry up andgo. I'll buy you dinner after finding him."

After arriving at the destination, she knocked on the door, Xiran took the thick medical records andwent in, while Venus waited at the door. This was the privacy.

After waiting downstairs boringly in the community for more than half an hour, Xiran dejectedly cameout. She showed a helpless smile.

Venus understood what it meant, so she didn't ask her about the result, but just went up to hold her andsaid, "Don't be discouraged. There are so many doctors in this world, and your handsome friend will befine in the end."

"I hope so."Xiran sighed. In fact, she just came over to try, after hearing that this retired doctor had wasexcellent in treating vegetative patients. She never thought that he was helpless after reading themedical records.

In order to comfort Xiran, Venus found the most distinctive restaurant in Sky City. Nothing couldn't besolved after a meal.

After eating, Xiran was going to return to G City. Venus was a little reluctant, "I feel like I'm going wellwith you, and I didn't expect to have to part with you so soon."

Xiran also found this little sister very interesting, squeezing her little finger, "Call me when you are free,or come to g city to find me."

"Okay, then be careful when driving."

Xiran reached forward and hugged her, turned around and got into the car. She put on sunglasses,waved her hand towards her, and went away.

Venus stood on the roadside and watched for a long time before she walked to the hotel. She feltupset. If Xiran one day found out that she was not Yan Chu, would she still be friends with her?


A few days later, Kerry received a special phone call from Venus's school, as she couldn't be found, soshe could only call him.

"Mr. Ye, this is Venus's teacher, Xiaohua. She will be graduating soon, but Venus hasn't done hergraduation thesis, graduation defense or anything. When exactly will she return to school?" Her tonewas quite mild, and if it was Venus herself who answered this call, she would probably have alreadyscolded away. Did you still want the diploma?

Kerry got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and said clearly and coldly, "Venus is not inChina for this period of time. As for the graduation thesis and defense, I will go over to the school tocommunicate."

Xiaohua choked and complained, "I originally wanted her to speak as an outstanding representative.She can't come to even take the graduation photo?"


"Okay, I got it. Goodbye Mr. Ye."

"Wait," Kerry suddenly remembered something and called out to her, "May I ask when you are holdingthe graduation ceremony?"

"Day after tomorrow."



Venus was leaning against the elevator, wondering, after two or three days, why Kerry suddenly calledher out? The car was waiting at the door and Venus sat in the passenger seat and asked him, "Whereare we going?"

"Didn't you say you were going to take me out to dinner? You'll know when we get there." Kerry startedthe car, "Buckle up your seat belt."

"Oh," Venus pulled the seatbelt buckle, "I thought you forgot about this."

"I've been too busy for the past few days to think about it, but I happen to be free today."

Kerry was wearing casual clothes today, with a simple white t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a pair ofwhite sneakers. He looked much younger.

The car quickly drove away from the hotel, when Venus casually turned on the car stereo, melodiousmusic drifted out.

Kerry looked at her. The kind of doubt in his heart came again. Why Yan Chu was so familiar withmoving his things? And she made it at wills.

Venus noticed that he was looking at her and became tensed, thinking to herself that there wasn’tanything wrong with her, "What's wrong?"

Kerry focused his gaze forward, "Nothing."

Venus was sitting squarely on the seat, not daring to speak again.

The car drove on the road, gradually, Venus found the route familiar. This seemed to be ...... the road toher school. What was he going to do in her school?

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the car stopped at the parking lot in front of the school.

Being chilled, Venus calmly asked, "Are we going to school?"

Kerry went around to the back seat and took out something to carry on one shoulder, "Well. Yes."

"What for? Aren’t we going to enjoy dinner?" Venus was a little nervous.

"I have something to do, and we will go for dinner afterwards." Kerry stepped forward and looked backat her, seeing that she was standing in the same place and didn't understand. Venus had no choice butto force herself to follow.

The school was filled with the scent of departure. There were graduates taking pictures in theirbachelor's uniforms.

Venus's pace was getting slower and slower, and she remembered that these were the days when shegraduated from the university.

Kerry took the dv out of his satchel, opened the lens and carefully filmed.

"Mr. Ye, what are you filming?" Venus was a little curious.

Kerry didn't look back, but said gently, "Today was originally my wife's graduation ceremony, but she'snot here. I wanted to take pictures of these and give them to her when she comes back, so that shewouldn't miss the most important day of her life."

The man's words were soft, but as hard as a jackhammer stone, which slam on Venus's heart, makingher a little breathless.

Kerry, why were you doing all these things? Why did you do these touching things when you knew Ididn't like you and wouldn't love you?

Venus's eyes were a little wet. Being afraid that he would see them, she even lowered her head to wipethem away, and quickly caught up with him.

Along the way, she saw many girls in bachelor suits taking photos next to the school's iconic buildings.They were mostly from one dormitory. Venus remembered the member of her own dormitory. In orderto make her live a little better, her brother chose a two-person dormitory, and her roommate was XinyouQiao.

Nowadays, after such a long time, when walking on the familiar campus, Venus remembered the onewho brought about endless sorrow for her and found it a pity. Even without her, she might also not getalong well with Kerry.

The beautiful men and women would always attract a lot of people's attention, especially Kerry wasalso holding a dv shotting randomly. Some girls thought he was one who studied here before, pushingand shoving over to want to take pictures with him. However, he refused them all.

When she reached the school building in the design department, Venus saw many familiar figures. Herclassmates and teachers were taking graduation photos in front of the school building.

All the teachers who had taught her for four years, both kind and serious, were smiling before thecamera.

Originally, there would have been a place for her there, but now, she could only stand here, silentlywatching.

She could no longer held back tears, and instantly cried.

Kerry turned around with the dv and was trying to tell her that this was his wife's class. She wasshocked by the tears in her eyes. Why was she sad? She was not Venus ......

"Why are you crying?" Kerry stared straight into her eyes, as if to see something in her eyes. Therewas an answer in his heart that desperately needed to be confirmed.

Venus broke into a smile, "I remember the time when I graduated and just felt the same way."

"Yeah?" Kerry walked over to her step by step.

Venus wiped her tears naturally as she laughed and said, "Yeah, I hugged and cried with my friendswhen I graduated, and now I think of myself when I see them."

Kerry lowered his eyes to carefully examine her, Yan Chu, was that really the case?

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I still have to lie to you?"

Kerry looked at her deeply, "No, I just thought you were quite sentimental."

"Yeah." Venus crossed over to him and walked forward.

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