My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 172 The Birth Of The Child And The Treasure Map Of The Ye Family (2)
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Chapter 172 The Birth Of The Child And The Treasure Map Of The Ye Family (2)

The driver got off the car and saw a young man lying on the ground with a motorbike next to him. Hesaw the driver coming and yelled, "Hey, can you drive? Don't you have eyes? Ouch - you broke myleg."

The driver observed his expression and then looked at the direction he was falling. It didn't seem like acrash so he said seriously, "I was following the traffic rules and the non-motorized lane is supposed tobe on another side of the road, how did you ......"

"What do you mean? Did I run into it on purpose in spite of my life?" The man immediately interruptedthe driver with a stern word.

"I'm trying to be reasonable with you."

"You're reasonable for bumping someone?"

The driver looked at the people in the car and said helplessly, "So what do you want?"

The man's eyes lit up and he held out two fingers, "Twenty thousand dollars. We'll settle this in private."

The driver was stunned. Was this the proverbial blackmail?

"Brother, are you a bank robber?" The driver couldn't help but ridicule.

The man saw that he did not want to give money and immediately shouted, "The car hit people and thedriver want to run. Everyone comes to see and I am almost run over by them ......"

After the man shouted, a few people appeared out of nowhere, pointing at the driver and saying, "Howcan you do that? You hit a person and wanted to run."

"You broke someone's leg. You need to make compensation."

A few people chattered. The driver listened and frowned. In the car, Yan Chu looked depressed andshe did not expect to encounter this kind of thing on the first day back to A City.

In order to solve the trouble as soon as possible, Yan got off the car and came to the front of the car.The scene that was still haunted was suddenly quiet. Everyone was looking at the incomparablybeautiful woman.

The guy who blackmailed the driver reacted quickly, "You are the owner of the car. Your car hit me. Yousee what to do."

Yan looked at him with cold eyes and said directly, "How much do you want?"

The man was going to say 20,000 but he was shocked by her sight and said off the top of his head,"10,000."

Yan laughed coldly. Although it was a cold smile, it caused everyone around her to suck in a breath ofair. And all of them had one word floating in their mind, which was beautiful.

"Five hundred yuan. It's for your performance." Yan said in a cold voice.

"What? Five hundred? That's all I got?" The man was furious. That was not enough money foreveryone present. He said "Ten thousand dollars. If you don't give me, I'm going to lie under your cartoday and I will not come out."

In the reverse lane, a black Cayenne slowly drove up. Kerry Ye had just returned from dinner and waslazily sitting in the car, looking out the window. He saw a group of people gathered across the streetfrom afar.

Suddenly, a person's figure crashed into his sight and he felt that his heart was struck by something.He hurriedly said to Henry Zhang, "Stop the car."

Henry didn't know what he saw. He turned the steering wheel and quickly pulled over to the side of theroad.

"Master, what's wrong ......"

Before he could finish his sentence, he heard a popping sound, and then he saw Kerry running towardsthe opposite lane.

Master, what did he see? Henry followed his direction and a familiar woman's back appeared was in hissight.

He fiercely opened his eyes. Wasn't this ...... this back figure, isn't it Venus?

Henry breathed faster, and he also quickly got out of the car and ran to the other side.

Yan almost laughed as she saw the young man still lied under the car and she thought he really didanything for money.

"Are you sure you won't come out?" Yan asked him.

The man lied on the ground holding his chest and hollered, "You hit me. I can't move my whole body. Ican't get out."

Yan stared at him and said to the driver, "Xiaofang, call the police."

"Hey! I'm not afraid if you call the police. I'll have the time to spend with you anyway ......"

Yan was about to speak when her shoulders were fiercely grabbed by someone. And after she turnedaround, she saw a pair of blue eyes appeared. She felt her heart pumping.

The expression on his face went from excitement to surprise, then to loss. Finally a little pain could befound in his eyes.

It wasn't her. It actually wasn't her.

Obviously the back was the one he was haunted by but why hadn't he seen her before? Except, thesedark eyes ......

Yan looked at him with unfamiliar eyes and pretended to be surprised, "Sir, what are you doing?"

Kerry stiffened and he thought that even her voice was the same.

"Sir, you're scratching me." Yan looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry ...... "Kerry stared straight into those eyes that were both strange and familiar. He gently letgo of her shoulders. His voice was dry and low. He said, "I'm sorry. I've mistaken you for someone else."

Yan smiled faintly "Never mind". Then she turned around and continued to negotiate with the manunderneath the car, "Well. I'll add another five hundred. Come out or we'll have to wait for the trafficpolice."

Kerry stood behind her, looking at her back and listening to her voice. His heart shook slightly and hethought could there be such a coincidence in the world? They had the same height and the same voicebut the face was different in no way.

Henry ran up to him, looking that he was deeply shocked. He took a few steps forward to see Yan'sface, and he stayed there too.

It was not her ......

Although this face was much more beautiful than Venus's, it wasn't her.

Henry sighed in his heart. It seemed that Master would not sleep tonight again.

"Ten thousand dollars. I won't leave for a penny less." The man was still shouting.

The crowd of onlookers also started to help out, "You hit someone and won't even pay eight thousand?Go to the hospital and make her pay for it. How stingy the rich were!"

Yan put her hands around her chest, "You're just obviously blackmailing me."

"How did I blackmail you? Didn’t you bump me? My motorbike is still there."

Yan originally looked like coldly. After Kerry came, she instantly turned into a cute and weak woman,and her eyes were red in anger, "How can you be like this? Obviously, you fell by yourself."

"Who can prove it?" The man was arrogant. He was familiar with the roads here and there was nosurveillance around this corner. That was why he was so blatant.

"You...... You're a man..."

"How much do you want?" Kerry suddenly spoke up and asked.

Yan sidled up to him and said, "He's obviously blackmailing me and he asks me for ten thousand."

"Hey, you little girl, watch your mouth. Who are blackmailing you?"

Kerry snorted and said, "Ten thousand is not much. Henry, drag him out to the hospital for a checkup. Ifit costs less than ten thousand, you can hit him until the medical bill is ten thousand."

"Yes, boss." Henry responded. He bent down and grabbed the man by the arm, pulling him out fromunder the car, "Come on, buddy."

The man originally wanted to lie there but when he saw Kerry’s face, he pushed away Henry’s hand.He flipped over to pick up his motorbike and left quickly.

It was ridiculous. Did this guy wanted to run? For them this kind of small gangster, the most importantthing was to remember the rich people in this city, in case he failed in his blackmail and got his legsbroken. Unexpectedly, this little punk ran into a rich people today.

He was so unlucky.novelbin

The onlookers saw him run away and also scattered in a flurry.

In less than a minute, there were only four people left in the scene.

Yan looked at the scene and giggled in surprise.

Kerry looked sideways at her bright face. He realized the fact that Venus never laughed so cheerfully.And at the most of time, her laugh was tinged with helplessness and sarcasm.

He was missing her too much so he could get off the car to help the woman.

"Thank you for helping me." She looked at him with bright eyes, a look she had practiced in front of themirror for a long time.

Kerry fell into a trance "You're welcome. It's not a big deal."

"Then, see you later." Yan didn't stop and walked past him to open the car door and get in.

The car was about to leave. Kerry stood there to watch her leave, not moving for a long time.

"Henry, do they look alike?" He asked softly.

Henry looked up at him. He knew what he was asking and cautiously said, "The back, eyes, and voiceare all quite similar, but the face doesn't resemble at all."

Kerry didn't say anything. It wasn't his delusion.

"Master, do you need me to find out who she is?"

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