My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 151 She’s my sister-in-law (5)
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Chapter 151 She's my sister-in-law (5)

Actually Venus wouldn’t be able to hear anything even if it didn’t rain.

It was very late when the meal was over. Kerry drank lots of wine, and he went to sleep the moment hegot back home. And the next day, when he woke up, he began packing the things Venus asked him tobring to her.

He took a few coats, and then he opened a drawer in which Venus kept her panties, and took four ofthem. He also took a black bra.

“These should be enough. Oh, right, her toiletries.”

He packed all her stuff in a big bag of hers, and when he was dragging the bag out, a piece of paperdropped out. He looked at it, and his face darkened in an instant.

“She wants to go to France as an exchange student? Without letting me know? She will need mypermission to do that!” Kerry thought to himself.

His good mood was utterly ruined by this paper. Doctor Han arrived at the villa and put his luggage onthe car. He noticed Kerry’ s darkened face, and he asked John: “What’s with him? Why he looks soangry?”

John shook his head and answered: “I have no idea. He looked pretty happy last night when he cameback. You should be careful. Don’t talk too much when you are on the way.”

Doctor Han said: “Why would I talk? I’d rather sleep.”

And that was what he did. Doctor Han slept the whole way there.

It had been raining hard all night. There is a pond in front of the hotel, and louts flowers burst intoblooms, which glistened in the early-morning dew.

Venus and Kevin took a walk along the pond after breakfast, and then they went to Doctor Hua’s placefor treatment.

The treatment process was long and torturing. When Kevin walked out of the room in which thetreatment was carried out, his face was ghostly pale, and he couldn’t even walk steadily.

Venus grabbed his arms to support him, and noticed his lips were bleeding. She felt saddened. Hereyes went moist and she said: “You can scream if you are in too much pain. It will ease the pain alittle.”

Kevin was too weak. He leaned against Venus for support, but he was still smiling. He said: ‘I’m a man.It is so humiliating to scream and cry like a girl.”

“You are so stubborn.” Venus said.

“Kevin.” A cold voice was heard. They looked up and found it was Kerry standing at the door. The sunwas shining brightly behind him so they couldn’t see Kerry’ s face clearly.

Venus felt nervous. She thought Kerry would absolutely misunderstand them when seeing them in thisposition.

But she couldn’t push Kevin away.

Kevin froze for a few seconds, but he soon recovered himself. He lifted an arm up and smiled tiredly atKerry. “Big brother, give me a hand. I’m too heavy for Venus to support.”novelbin

Kerry walked quickly to them and placed Kevin’s arm around his shoulder. He looked at Kevin’s paleface and asked: “The treatment is difficult?”

Kevin’s face crumpled and said: “It is terrible. Just terrible.”

“Here, drink this potion.” Doctor Hua walked to them. He said to Kerry: “You are his big brother?”

Kerry nodded and said: “I am. Thank you so much for doing this.”

“Did you bring a doctor with you?”

Doctor Han walked to them immediately and said smilingly: “I am.”

“Come with me.” Doctor Han took the empty potion bowl from Kevin and walked towards the hall.Doctor Han followed up admiringly.

Doctor Han knew how badly Kevin’s hand was injured, and he thought there was no way to cure hishand, and that was why he admired Doctor Hua so very much when he said he could cure the hand.

Kerry brought Kevin back to the hotel, and then, he grabbed Venus’s hand and dragged her back to herroom.

“Hey, you are hurting me!” Venus protested.

Kerry took that document out and threw it at her. He looked so angry. “What the hell is this supposed tomean?” He asked.

Venus looked at paper and understood why was Kerry so angry. “There is nothing to explain. It justmeans I am going to be an exchange student. That’s all.”

Kerry pushed her against the wall and glared at her: “You want to go to France?”

“Sure. Every designer wants to go to France.” Venus answered. She knew what she said would onlyserve to fuel Kerry’ s anger, but she said it anyway.

“You are daydreaming!” Kerry cupped her neck and looked at her murderously. “You are mypossession, and you can’t go anywhere without my permission. Besides, where do you think you canget enough money to go to France.”

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