My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 138 Xiaozi was gloomy with worry (1)
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Chapter 138 Xiaozi was gloomy with worry (1)

After Xinyou Qiao left, someone came from far in the moonlight, lowering her head and carrying an airof decadence. Kevin Ye stood there for a moment before he walking to her.

“You’re back.” He asked with a smile.

Venus Mu raised her head, seeing Kevin standing in the moonlight, like a fairy who came down fromthe Moon Palace.

“Hi, Kevin.” Venus greeted.

“Why are you so late today? Busy at work?” Kevin asked casually.

Venus shook her head, “I had a meeting with someone for coffee, but I was stood up.”

Kevin certainly knew who this person she had asked out was, but he didn’t expect her to be so direct.

“Someone very important? You look really unhappy.”

Venus smiled bitterly, answering ambiguously, “Well, I don’t know he’s important or not. Maybe just astranger.”

Kevin didn’t want to keep this topic, “I see you’re tired, go to have a rest.”

“OK,” Venus stopped after taking two or three steps towards the inside of the villa and said to him,“Kevin, I never got to thank you for the last time.”

“Don’t be. Anyway, you save me and I save you, that’s it.” Kevin continued to start walking, his voicedying away into the night.

Venus’s heart that had been cold for a long time began to feel warm. Should she... tell him about this?Maybe he would have a different point of view.

No, it’s better to wait until the guy showed a little more of his flaw, until she was sure of herself.

The cooperation between Yehuang Group and Style Magazine was advancing in an orderly manner,and Venus, as the page character for this interview, after communicating with the magazine, was goingto take photos this afternoon and do the interview by the way.

Venus has never experienced these things, so she was somewhat overwhelmed, whispering to ayoung girl across her, “Hey, excuse me, may I know some of the questions that were going to ask in theinterview?”

The little girl smiled and said, “Miss Mu, don’t be too nervous. We are just a magazine interview, not aTV or radio station, so there is no such strict requirement for language expression. As for thequestions, we will tell you in the afternoon in a written form.”

Venus relived a little, but still a little worried, “What are the general questions, so I can make somepreparations in advance.”

The little girl tilted her head back and thought, “Well... It’s probably about when you got interested indesign, what funny things have happened, what your biggest aspirations are and some questions likethat. I’m sure you can answer all that. Take it easy.”


In the afternoon, Meiling He brought Venus to the studio of Style Magazine, according to her face andfigure, the make-up artist and stylist discussed and then started to do it, and in less than an hour, adelicate woman with youthfulness in her maturity stood in front of the flash. Faced with the unfamiliarcamera, Venus was nervous. The photographer let her make a few poses, but her arms and legs werestiff as if they were in a cast.

“Excuse me, have you never taken any picture, Miss? You look really nervous?” The photographer wasa bit helpless.

Venus also knew that she had behaved badly, so she apologized, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’ve never takenthis...”

“A lot of people have never been photographed. Don’t think yourself as a model now. Think yourself asa designer. There’s a drawing board in front of you now, so what kind of clothes do you want to design?Don’t care about my camera.”

With the photographer’s help, Venus was much more relaxed, so the shooting was going on in a goodway.

“Okay... right... that’s it... very good... ok, let’s change to another set of clothes...”

After Two or three hours, all the photos were taken, and Venus was dumbfounded, looking at thewoman on the computer.

Was this...was this herself? It’s too beautiful…

“Venus, remove your makeup and we’ll do the interview.” A tall woman with glasses came over andsaid with a recorder and computer in her hand.

That’s the content the little girl was talking about.

The questions really were those ones. “When did you fall in love with design? What funny little storyhas happened? What is the greatest wish, etc.” Venus was sincere in telling her story, but subtlyignored family.

“I’ve seen your designs and they’re really inspiring, but you’re still a student, so why do you have sucha strong desire to win and get this chance to make a name for yourself?”

The question was so sharp that Venus hesitated for a moment. She thought for a moment, looking intoher eyes and said, “I have a relative who is missing and I can’t find him, so I think if I can stand on ahigher and bigger stage, maybe he will see me and come looking for me.”

The interviewer was shocked by her answer. After a moment, she said, “I’ll put that in the magazineand I sincerely hope your loved one will see it.”novelbin

Venus said softly, “Thank you.”

She patted her shoulder kindly and said, “I’ve already looked up your information when I came here,and I appreciate you answering my questions so sincerely today, and I hope we’ll be able to worktogether again sometime in the future.”

“Well, sure.”

When she returned to the villa, she took a shower and lay down on the bed, but before she could fallasleep, she heard a sharp “ah” sound, frightening her. she hurriedly got up to go out of the room,finding some people, including Kerry, all went to the end of the hall, Xinyou’ s room.

What the hell was she trying to do?

She didn’t want to get involved, so she turned back to her bed and went back to sleep.

She wanted to stay away from her, but she didn’t know that it was special for her. A few minutes later,John came and knocked on the door.

“Young lady, young master asks you to come over.”

Venus knew that nothing good would come to her and Xinyou must set for her again, “You tell him thatI’m sleeping.”

“That...young lady, young master said that if you don’t go, he’ll personally come to you...” Johnsounded a bit anxious,” Young lady, you’d better go over, don’t be like this.”

Venus fidgeted and got up again, “John, OK. I need to change my clothes first.”

“Young lady, hurry up, young master doesn’t have much patience.”

“I got it.”

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