My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 117 A Misunderstanding about Pregnancy(1)
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Chapter 117 A Misunderstanding about Pregnancy(1)

After finishing his words, Kerry Ye stood up directly and picked up the coat on the sofa, saying with anindifferent tone, "Xinyou, I will go to the hospital, so after having the meal, you can go down to work."

Xinyou Qiao showed a gloomy look but was soon hidden by her. She said, "Kerry, Venus is my bestfriend and I am worried about her condition. Can you take me to the hospital?"

Kerry turned around, looking at Xinyou with a shake flashing his eyes, and then he displayed a lightsmile, and said, "Ok, let's go."


Until arrived at operating room doorway, Kerry was informed by Henry Zhang that Venus was still on anoperation. Kerry looked unhappy and asked calmly, "How long will the operation last?"

Henry shook his head and said, "There has been no news from inside for the moment. It is said that theillness of Mrs. Venus is not accidental. It must have been going on for some time."

Kerry did not say more, just quietly sitting in the chair in the corridor, just quietly waiting.

An hour later, the door of the operating room was finally opened, and Venus was carried out by severaldoctors and directly pushed to the VIP ward where she had rested before.

Kerry stood up and came to the chief physician Li in surgical clothes, holding his breath to ask, "DoctorLi, how is she now?"

Doctor Li took off the mask on his face, looking calm and respectful, "Mr. Ye, you can rest assured thatMrs. Mu’s operation is very successful. Due to her previous leg injury, she is now extremely weak, soshe had better stay in the hospital for more observation."

Hearing Doctor Li say that, Kerry ineffably felt at ease a lot, and nodded at that moment, say with alight tone, "All will obey the arrangement of the hospital."

Doctor Li nodded and continued, "Mrs. Mu couldn’t eat anything for the last few days because she hasjust had an operation on her stomach. She had to rely on nutrient infusion."

Kerry slightly frowned, and his ice blue eyes were flashing the starlight. He said in a low voice, "Youcan explain more to Henry if there is anything else we need to pay attention to."

"Ok, Mr. Ye, I will go first."


When Doctor Li left, Kerry thought of something, so he turned to Henry and ordered, "You have to hiresome nursing workers, responsible for taking care of her during this period. It’s not appropriate for aman to take care of her."

Hearing Kerry say so, Henry immediately felt relieved, calmly saying, "Yes, Sir."

Xinyou listened to Kerry's command, and she suddenly felt some uncomfortable, but she didn’t show it.She directly followed him into the ward.

Lying on hospital bed, Venus looked extremely pale. Her originally round face shrank a lot, and eventhe chin was also pointed many, which made previously depressed Xinyou feel more comfortable.

Venus, what you suffered today was at the price of going against me!

Xinyou’s look concealed a trace of satisfaction, and at the moment Venus was still in a coma,seemingly unaware of everything outside.

Kerry’s look turned dark, staring at her haggard face. At that moment he directly turned round to walkout of the door. A slight shake in his heart made him some uncomfortable.

Even as she lay still, it seemed a silent indictment, as if it were he who had made her look so!

Xinyou looked at her with unknown intention, one corner of her mouth slightly raised up, and then shedirectly turned to leave.

Xinyou didn’t go home directly, but came to Doctor Li's office. Seeing him at work, she showed a tendersmile and said, "Doctor Li, can I bother you for a few minutes?"

Doctor Li looked up with a kind smile on his lips and said, "Miss Qiao, just say what you want."

Xinyou nodded, thinking that when she rolled down the stairs last time, it was also Doctor Li whooperated on her, so they have seen each other several times.

She asked directly, "I would like to ask, some time ago Venus showed a symptom of nausea andvomiting, and later after examination, she seemed to be pregnant, so I want to ask whether theoperation on her this time would affect her pregnancy.”

Hearing her say so, Doctor Li was suddenly stunned , and then began to speak, "Before we do theoperation, Mrs. Mu had a full body examination. Finally we found that she vomited frequently becauseof gastritis, and did not find any other abnormal.

Xinyou look startled, and then began to ask, "Do you mean to say that Venus is not pregnant?"

Doctor Li nodded. At that moment, Xinyou's heart suddenly sank a little. She thought for a moment,and said, "Doctor Li, please don't tell anyone this news, because Kerry and Venus are looking forwardto having this child, so if they know the truth, they must be very distressed.”

Hearing that, Doctor Li said, "I understand."

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