My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 116 Kerry, I Can Not Understant You (1)
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Chapter 116 Kerry, I Can Not Understant You (1)

Before Venus said anything, Xinyou, who was still sitting on the ground, said in a soft voice: “Kerry, it’snot her fault. It was an accident. I was too careless.”

Anger flickered in his eyes. He walked to Venus, grabbed her arm, and said in an angry voice: “Venus!!Have you no shame?? How can you keep doing this to Xinyou when she is always trying to defendyou!! Don’t you have any feelings of guilt?”

Venus smiled sarcastically. She found it ridiculous that she was believed to be the one who should feelguilty after what Xinyou did.

“Kerry Ye! Are you deaf or something? Didn’t Miss Qiao tell you she fell because she was too careless?Why are you blaming me for her carelessness? Don’t you think you should feel ashamed of yourself?”

Venus was very serious, and Kerry was further irritated. He wore a cold expression and said in an icytone: “You can not fool me anymore. Do you still remember how many times have similar thingshappened?”

Venus thought about it and said sarcastically: “Yeah. It has happened so many times.”

She had been framed for so many times.

“Then, apologize to Xinyou, right now!!”

Venus smiled and said determinedly: “Never!!”

“Venus!!!” Kerry clamped his teeth together. He could feel he was gradually losing his rationality. Hegrabbed Venus tightly and he wished he could tear her apart.

Venus broke into a cold sweat, but she would never bend the truth, not even she die!

Kerry’ s rationality went out the window, and he pushed Venus angrily. Venus moved backwardsrapidly, and then, she stumbled over something and she fell on the ground heavily on her back.

She screamed. And a sharp pain shot up her right leg. She, again, broke into cold sweat. Shemanaged to stand up, and the pain in her leg was so agonizing that she lost her consciousness verysoon.

Before she completely lost her consciousness, she could feel her leg was numb.

Kerry arched his brow when he saw Venus in this state. He walked to her, and found she was soakedby sweat, and her breath was getting weak.

He held her up, and rushed towards the stairs, and at that time, Xinyou called towards him : “Kerry, myfoot hurts, and I can’t stand up!”

Kerry remembered Xinyou was still lying on the ground. He shouted down the stairs: “Henry!!” Andthen, Henry walked up the stairs and said respectfully: “Yes sir. How may I help you?”

Kerry looked at Venus’s pale face, pointed at Xinyou after thinking for a few seconds and said: “TakeMiss Qiao, we need to go to the central hospital.”

Henry nodded and said: “Yes sir.”

Kerry then rushed downstairs, and the car was already waiting for him when he got outside. He putVenus on the back seat and said to the driver: “We need to wait for Miss Qiao.”

A few minutes later, Henry appeared at the gate and walked to the car. He said to Kerry: “Sir, Miss Qiaowants me to tell you that her leg has only a minor injury and she doesn’t need to go to the hospital.”

Kerry’ s brow furrowed and he sighed inwardly. He then said to him: “Ask Mrs Qin to take care of her.”

“Yes Sir.”

Kerry then said to driver: “Let’s go now.”


Xinyou looked after the car from the window as it drove away, and when it disappeared from view, sheturned around with disappointment. Her face set with resentment, and she clenched her fists tightly.

She thought to herself: “Kerry, do you still care about Venus? We are both injured, and why did youhold Venus in your arms, not me. Kerry, I really don’t understand you......”

Venus woke up again because of fierce pain. She looked around, and found she was surrounded by agroup of doctors. A doctor noticed she was awake, and asked her: “How do you feel now?”

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