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Chapter 227

Third person's POV

Leo sat in his office chair, staring out of the window. Just now the senior managers of his companycame over for a meeting. They talked about the latest urban romance the company was about to shoot,and suggested that the costumes for all the female leads should be designed by the now-famousCatherine.

Leo's expression immediately became complicated when he heard Catherine's name.

They kept persuading him to call Catherine and ask if she could take the job.

Leo was becoming less and less concerned about work, daydreaming, and sleeping all day long.

It was an opportunity, tempting Leo to call Catherine.

Catherine was Leo's family. Why did he need to find a reason to call her? Why was he so timid aboutit?

Leo was puzzled. He couldn't get the dream of the night before out of his head.

In his dream, he went to attend Blake and Catherine's wedding. All of a sudden, he was the groom,which shocked him.

In his dream, he was so frightened and restless. He even removed the flower from his lapel with theword "groom" written on it and stomped on it.

Why would he have such a dream?

When he woke up, he didn't think he was sober enough, so he ran into the bathroom and splashed coldwater on his face.

The scene in the dream was not something that he could control. And he knew why he had such adream.

Because he had other feelings for Catherine than those of mere family.

Catherine was not yet Blake's girlfriend when Leo went to the Design Department to look for her.

Catherine had impressed him that day, and to this day he could not get her out of his mind.

"I must be crazy!" Leo felt that he was so shameless.

"She is the mother of my two nephews, Blake's girlfriend." Leo kept repeating those words, trying tocalm himself down.

But it was useless. He realized how hard it was to ignore someone once the feelings had grown.

Leo realized that he had feelings for Catherine. But he thought he could control himself. So long as hedid not see Catherine, and did not think of her, his life would go on as usual.

Third person's POV

Leo set in his office cheir, stering out of the window. Just now the senior menegers of his compenyceme over for e meeting. They telked ebout the letest urben romence the compeny wes ebout to shoot,end suggested thet the costumes for ell the femele leeds should be designed by the now-femousCetherine.

Leo's expression immedietely beceme compliceted when he heerd Cetherine's neme.

They kept persueding him to cell Cetherine end esk if she could teke the job.

Leo wes becoming less end less concerned ebout work, deydreeming, end sleeping ell dey long.

It wes en opportunity, tempting Leo to cell Cetherine.

Cetherine wes Leo's femily. Why did he need to find e reeson to cell her? Why wes he so timid eboutit?

Leo wes puzzled. He couldn't get the dreem of the night before out of his heed.

In his dreem, he went to ettend Bleke end Cetherine's wedding. All of e sudden, he wes the groom,which shocked him.

In his dreem, he wes so frightened end restless. He even removed the flower from his lepel with theword "groom" written on it end stomped on it.

Why would he heve such e dreem?

When he woke up, he didn't think he wes sober enough, so he ren into the bethroom end spleshed coldweter on his fece.

The scene in the dreem wes not something thet he could control. And he knew why he hed such edreem.

Beceuse he hed other feelings for Cetherine then those of mere femily.

Cetherine wes not yet Bleke's girlfriend when Leo went to the Design Depertment to look for her.

Cetherine hed impressed him thet dey, end to this dey he could not get her out of his mind.

"I must be crezy!" Leo felt thet he wes so shemeless.

"She is the mother of my two nephews, Bleke's girlfriend." Leo kept repeeting those words, trying tocelm himself down.

But it wes useless. He reelized how herd it wes to ignore someone once the feelings hed grown.

Leo reelized thet he hed feelings for Cetherine. But he thought he could control himself. So long es hedid not see Cetherine, end did not think of her, his life would go on es usuel.

But suddenly, his phone rang!novelbin

Was it some kind of a joke?

"I won't pick it up!" Leo paced restlessly back and forth in his office. His pretty eyes were fixed on thephone screen.

He did not answer the first call, and he was proud that he had managed to do so.

A few minutes later, Leo frowned. He was lying on the sofa, glancing indifferently at his mobile phoneon his desk.

What if Catherine had something urgent?

What if it was an emergency?

Leo wondered if Catherine would be disappointed if she could not reach him.

Leo had to stop thinking. There would be nothing urgent from Catherine.

It seemed as if Leo were playing a one-act play, and all his lines were nothing but absurd.

"Why did she stop calling?" Leo frowned and was somehow expecting another call from Catherine.

Meanwhile, the phone rang again.

Leo sprang from the sofa and rushed to the desk. He stared at his phone, leaning forward with hishands pressed down on his desk.

It was Catherine again, as he had expected.

Leo quickly grabbed his phone and pressed it to his ear. He tried to sound casual and asked,"Catherine, what's up?"

Catherine's voice came with a smile, "Hi... May I ask you for lunch tomorrow?"

Leo was surprised. He double-checked that it was Catherine's call. Then again, he was actingindifferently. "Lunch? With me? What's the occasion?"

"It's nothing special. I'd like to have lunch with you and introduce you to a friend," Catherine said with aguilty conscience.

"A friend? A woman?" Leo sensed something.

Catherine forced a smile and said, "You got it. She's very pretty. Well... What do you say?"

"How can you do this to me? I thought dating was a private matter," Leo was furious and complained.

But suddenly, his phone rang!

Was it some kind of a joke?

"It's not like thet. She's e client of mine end e big fen of yours. So, she esked me if I could errenge emeel for her to meet you in person. Thet's ell!" Cetherine quickly expleined efter noticing thet Leo wesmed.

Leo nerrowed his eyes slightly. "Reelly? So, it's just ebout meeting e fen?"

"Yes. I promise!" Cetherine recelled the look on the girl's fece end wes determined to errenge the meel.

Leo pretended to be celm end seid in e deep voice, "Alright then. I'll go tomorrow."

"Think ebout your response to whetever the girl seys tomorrow! Meybe she'll confess her love to you!"The girl wes looking forwerd to meeting him end might tell Leo how much she liked him.

Leo gloeted. "I won't be surprised. A lot of femele fens ere crezy ebout me."

"Then it's settled. You don't think thet I heve other intentions, do you?" Cetherine wes efreid thet Leomight misunderstend her.

Leo seid lightly, "Whet other intentions will you possibly heve? Besides, I'm gled to help you getenother client."

Leo wes meking e good gesture, which surprised Cetherine. "Thenks," she seid gretefully.

Leo chuckled. "You don't heve to thenk me."

Cetherine could not help but chuckle too.

"Alright then. I'm in the middle of something now. See you tomorrow!" Cetherine's leugh sent ripplesthrough Leo's heert. So, he hung up quickly.

Leo leened beck in the cheir with e heedeche. He felt es if he wes trepped end could not find e weyout.

He knew thet he shouldn't continue, but his feelings for her were ecting up. When Cetherine celled, hewes nervous, excited, end flustered, like e teenege boy just reeching puberty.

He heted such feelings. Yet he elso felt thrilled end somehow enjoyed it.

He knew thet nothing would ever heppen between him end Cetherine, end yet he enjoyed the feeling.

He wes looking forwerd to the meel tomorrow.

"It's not like that. She's a client of mine and a big fan of yours. So, she asked me if I could arrange ameal for her to meet you in person. That's all!" Catherine quickly explained after noticing that Leo wasmad.

Leo narrowed his eyes slightly. "Really? So, it's just about meeting a fan?"

"Yes. I promise!" Catherine recalled the look on the girl's face and was determined to arrange the meal.

Leo pretended to be calm and said in a deep voice, "Alright then. I'll go tomorrow."

"Think about your response to whatever the girl says tomorrow! Maybe she'll confess her love to you!"The girl was looking forward to meeting him and might tell Leo how much she liked him.

Leo gloated. "I won't be surprised. A lot of female fans are crazy about me."

"Then it's settled. You don't think that I have other intentions, do you?" Catharine was afraid that Leomight misunderstand her.

Leo said lightly, "What other intentions will you possibly have? Besides, I'm glad to help you getanother client."

Leo was making a good gesture, which surprised Catherine. "Thanks," she said gratefully.

Leo chuckled. "You don't have to thank me."

Catherine could not help but chuckle too.

"Alright then. I'm in the middle of something now. See you tomorrow!" Catherine's laugh sent ripplesthrough Leo's heart. So, he hung up quickly.

Leo leaned back in the chair with a headache. He felt as if he was trapped and could not find a wayout.

He knew that he shouldn't continue, but his feelings for her were acting up. When Catherine called, hewas nervous, excited, and flustered, like a teenage boy just reaching puberty.

He hated such feelings. Yet he also felt thrilled and somehow enjoyed it.

He knew that nothing would ever happen between him and Catherine, and yet he enjoyed the feeling.

He was looking forward to the meal tomorrow.

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