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Chapter 607

Chapter 607: He’s Coming!UPdated by BOXNOVEL.comTranslator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Elder Xi’s tone reflected his depressed mood. “Okay, | understand. I'll figure out a way to save her soon. If there are any updates,call me.”

“Okay,” Cairn promised before hanging up.

When Elder Xi prepared to call the president, another call came in for him. It was from the hospital. Elder Xi’s heart stopped,afraid that it would be bad news about Mubai. He pressed the accept call button with a shaking hand.

The doctor’s cheerful voice drifted out. “Elder Xi, congratulation. Young Master Xi is awake!”

Elder Xi stood up from sheer joy. “What did you say?”

“Young Master Xi is awake; he’s finally awake!”

This was a wonderful news for the Xi family. They immediately rushed to the hospital and a conscious Mubai greeted them.

Even though he had just woken up, his eyes were as sharp as a tack. He leaned on the bedrest, his spirit as one just woken upfrom a fruitful sleep. It was as if the past few months didn’t even happen for him.

Mrs. Xi broke down and hugged him. “Mubai, you're finally awake! Mommy has been waiting for this moment for so long.”

Mubai’s eyes scanned the crowd rapidly but he didn’t see Xinghe among them. Even though Xinghe was saved from theexplosion, he still couldn’t stop worrying until he saw her in person.novelbin

“Where is Xinghe?” Mubai opened his mouth to ask.

Elder Xi said with difficulties, “Since you’ve awakened, then you have the right to know. Just moments ago, something happenedto her.”

Mubai’s pupils widened and his tone dropped for several degrees. “Grandfather, what did you say?”“Mubai, many things happened while you were out of it...” Elder Xi filled Mubai in on all the recent development.

When he finished, he sighed. “There’s nothing we could do but let her go to City A alone, we didn’t think she would suddenlydisappear like this. We suspect that she has been kidnapped, but don’t worry, I’ve contacted the president and he has promisedto send his men to go look for her.”

Even so, Mubai couldn't rest his beating heart. He sat up and pulled off the covers.Mrs. Xi stopped him immediately. “Mubai, what are you doing?”“Going to City A!” Mubai answered with fierce determination. This shocked everyone there.

“You cannot do that. You've only just woken up, you cannot put too much pressure on your body so soon. We will figure out away to solve Xinghe’s issue, you just need to stay put,” Elder Xi advised him.

Mubai’s dark eyes met him and theseforceful words tumbled out of hismouth, “Grandfather, you yourselfhave said somethirig, bat aehappened to her, so how can youexpect me to sit idle here in thehospital? | have to go to City A. | willnot allow anything to happen to heror else giving me back this life wouldhave been a waste!” The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!


Elder Xi and the rest were stunnedbeyond words. If something were toelas Xingtee|Ntubal wouldslierehder his new lease on life aswell... ? The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

They finally understood his conviction and didn’t stop him anymore. Mubai called a private jet and flew to City A.Xinghe had no idea he was coming; she was still struggling to find a way to save herself.The Lin family had no clue he was coming as well.

A storm was going to rage at City A..However, it was unknowab e wheywould r, inmbanttebloudscleated and who would disappear inthe storm... The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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