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Chapter 574

Chapter 574: Force Lin Jing Out

In truth, there wasn’t really a choice. Xi Empire and Bao Hwa were at irreconcilable odds; one had to die for the other to survive.Xi Empire didn’t care about Bao Hwa’s assets, they were already a massive company, and now they had the commission letterfrom Country Y, and they also had a very profitable artificial limb company. In short, they were really not in need of money.

Everyone was struggling for more wealth but that was the only thing Xi Empire was not lacking in. Therefore, they would have noqualms about destroying Bao Hwa. In fact, Xinghe was already showing utmost kindness for giving another way out for BaoHwa’s workers.

To resist? That was a death wish!

These shareholders had been fed fat under Lin Jing, so they knew they couldn’t survive on their own. Following Lin Jing earnedthem money, following Xi Empire also would earn them money. Of course, they would pick the better earner and that would be XiEmpire.

Therefore, there was literally no hesitation. They opted for the first choice to force Lin Jing out and agreed to pay allegiance to XiEmpire!

This surprised everyone at Xi Empire, they didn’t think the shareholders would be so easily won over. The only one not surprisedwas Xinghe, to her, this was to be expected. The one that totally didn’t see this coming was Lin Jing!

She had poured her heart and soul into Bao Hwa and had helped these group of people grow so fat over the years, but themoment there was a crisis, they turned on her. So how could she not be shocked, saddened, and angered? However, no matterwhat, the shareholders refused to budge; they demanded that she surrender her CEO post.

“CEO Lin, you're only losing your CEO post. You still have 30 percent of Bao Hwa’s stock, so if you think about it, you don’t loseanything.”

“That’s right, if we don’t surrender, we will be left with nothing. If we do, at least you can still keep the stocks in your possession.”“CEO Lin, it was your decision to go after Xi Empire, so you have to bear the consequences. Stop struggling and surrender.”

“Surrender?” Lin Jing almost vomited facing this bunch of ingrates. She yelled angrily, “Bao Hwa belongs to me, Lin Jing! | makeall the decisions, none of you have the right to do that! Don’t forget that without me, how could any of you have achieved thepositions you have today? Without me, Lin Jing, you bunch of ungrateful people will be nothing, so how dare you ask me tosurrender?” Initially, the shareholders were still willing to show her a smiling face, but since she was still ever so ready to insultthem, their faces darkened. They didn’t feel like saving her face anymore.

“CEO Lin, we admit that you'vecontributed the most to what BaoHwa is today, but how can youdismiss our contributions as well?Regardless of whatydw think, we'vecpllaetive decided to force you outof the CEO position. According tocompany rules, from now on, you'reno longer Bao Hwa’s top operator!”“Miss Lin, business is like war,hopefully you can accept this lossgracefully and come back stronger,”one of the shareholders consoled herkindly. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


However, Lin Jing had lost all tracesof sanity. Her only geal wastorrakerevengd oe this bunch of ingrates.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

How dare they treat me like that? I will make them all pay!

“Fine, wonderful, marvelous!” Lin Jinghissed through gritted ieeth, df alhofyou Ce wait iogxiss xiEkapite’s ass then go ahead, we'll seewho wins in the end!” The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

She turned and stormed out, her eyes glowing with evilness..

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