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Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Unflattering Personality

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Tianxin’s scowl turned into a satisfactorily smirk.

The inconspicuous change in her expression didn’t escape Xinghe’s detection.

“People change, it happens,” Xinghe responded nonchalantly to Old Madam Xi’s observation. She took

the initiative and asked Old Madam Xi, “Is the reason why Madam Xi called me here to talk about the

event that happened at the lab?”

Old Madam Xi picked up on Xinghe’s desire to cut to the chase.

She smiled thinly. “You’re right. Looks like you’re not at all afraid I’m going to punish you for your


“Madam Xi sure has an interesting sense of humor. 1 have no idea I’ve even committed a mistake,”

Xinghe replied calmly, “If you’re referring to the incident where Miss Yun was chased out of the lab,

then I assure you on that particular incident, 1 made no mistake.”

“You never do, do you?” Mrs. Xi scoffed. The more time she spent with Xinghe, the greater her disdain

towards Xinghe grew.

“You schemed to break up Tianxin and Mubai’s engagement and you consider that as ‘not a mistake’,

your first day at work and you already chased away Ruobing who had worked there for at least a

decade, and you still consider yourself not guilty! Xia Xinghe, do you seriously think that you’re above

reproach? For shame! Just what kind of bad luck has our Xi family been struck with for our fate to be

entangled with the likes of you? 1 so regret letting Mubai marry you! It was out of pity that 1 allowed my

Xi Family to take you in but what did you give in return? Heartache and catastrophe!”

Xinghe expected as much when she received the call. This was a tribunal with her set up as the guilty


Xinghe knew the kind of personality Mrs. Xi had so she decided not to press the point and drag this

thing out. Instead she said flatly, “1 don’t care what your impression of me is. If this is the only reason

you have me over, then I’m going to excuse myself. I have more pressing things to attend to.”

“What important things do you have to attend to?” Ruobing asked pointedly, “You strong-armed me out

of the lab but you yourself didn’t show up at work over the past few days. 1 genuinely have no idea

what you are to up. Or do you think because since you have the run of the lab that you can just do

whatever you want and play truant?”

“Mother, I believe she is playing us for fools. Ruobing spent the entire length of her youth at the lab just

to repay your kindness. Now, Xia Xinghe not only chased her away, but also didn’t attend to her duties

at the lab, the girl is completely lawless with no respect for you, the lab, or the law!” Mrs. Xi told Old

Madam Xi angrily.

“Xinghe, I’m sure Mubai will be deeply disappointed if he knows you’re squandering this valuable

opportunity the Xi family has given you,” Tianxin advised Xinghe like she really couldn’t bear to see

Xinghe go down the wrong path.

“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” Old Madam Xi asked coolly.

She didn’t directly accuse Xinghe but the meaning was the same.

Xinghe responded without batting an eye, “The time limit given is one month. If I have anything to say

for myself, 1 will say it then.”

In other words, she was telling them to wrap it up. She was tired of this witch-hunt.

Old Madam Xi smiled disingenuously. “No wonder Lin Lin’s grandmother doesn’t like you, you do have

an unpleasant personality.”

Xinghe didn’t rise to the bait. Her expression didn’t even change.

So, people didn’t like her, big deal. She didn’t care a single bit.

Furthermore, Mrs. Xi liked those that knew how to pander to her. Xinghe would rather die than tonovelbin

demean herself like that.

“If there’s nothing else, I’m taking my leave.” Xinghe stood up to leave. She’d had enough of this


“You are not allowed to step into the lab anymore,” Old Madam Xi suddenly announced with authority.

Xinghe stopped and turned back with her eyebrows raised.. “Why?”

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