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Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Gilbert’s men threw out Charles while he was still confused after being scolded.

Everything was still fine earlier, but Gilbert’s attitude toward him changed after receiving the call.

Charles felt a chill down his spine when a thought suddenly popped into his head. Could the callhave something to do with Liam?

Charles used his connection and found out that Liam was in the

military. However, he could not find out which specific region Liam belonged to. That was why hecame to Gilbert He wanted Gilbert to help him take a look.

Unexpectedly, Gilbert received the call from Athenapolis before

Charles could talk to him about it

“Quick! Take me back to Drunham City” said Charles

The more he thought about it, the more he panicked. He just had a feeling that he could notdescribe Gilbert’s attitude toward him earlier made that feeling stronger than before

He had to rush home and tell his brother about this. He feared that

Liam was more than he led on

His subordinate did not dare to waste any time either. He stepped on the gas and rushed towardDrunham City.

However, the car was stopped by a group of armed soldiers when it arrived at the gates of theSouthern Division.

The driver was frightened by the suddenly appearing soldiers and quickly slammed on the brakes.The emergency brake caused a screeching sound to ring out.


Charles jerked forward because of the inertia from the brake. He looked ahead with a frostyexpression and bellowed, “Go find out what’s going on!”

Before his subordinate in the front could get out of the car, the soldiers in front had his carsurrounded. A few soldiers opened the doors and pointed their guns at Charles and hissubordinates.

One of them said indifferently, “Charles, we have orders from above to detain you for the time being.From now on, you’re not allowed to have any contact with the outside world.”

Charles was infuriated that they were pointing their guns at him. He was a principal staff officer ofthe Southern Division, yet he was being held at gunpoint in his own territory and was told he wouldbe detained.

That was indelibly embarrassing for him.

“This is ridiculous! I’m a principal staff officer of the Southern Division. I’m from the Walker family ofDrunham City. How dare you detain me?” Charles shouted hysterically while looking at the group of


“I’m the one who gave the order.” A frosty voice rang out.

Then, a middle-aged man in a combat uniform walked out of the


Charles’ expression darkened after he saw the man. He frowned and said, “Donald, how are yougoing to detain me? We share the same rank. What right do you have to detain me?”

Both Donald Beckett and Charles were principal staff officers of the Southern Division and had thesame rank. Why did Donald suddenly

want to detain Charles? novelbin

Donald had disdain written all over his face as he looked at Charles.

Both of them held the same position, but because Charles was a member of the Walker family. Hewould always act all high and



Charles’ exasperated expression at that moment made Donald happy. With a smirk, he said, “Ihaven’t seen you in ages, Charles. Of course, I know you’re a principal staff officer of the SouthernDivision and a member of the Walker family of Drunham City as well. I’m detaining you because Ihave orders from above.”

Upon saying, he waved his hand. Then, two men walked forward in big strides and pulled Charlesout of the car. Charles’ subordinate in the front of the car was also detained.

Charles looked at Donald and the two subordinates who detained him.

and roared, “Do you think I have nobody to back me up? Listen up. Athenapolis…”

Before he could finish threatening them, a cloth was stuffed into his mouth. He was so angry that hekept struggling. His eyes widened, and his face reddened as he glared at Donald.

Donald shook his head when he saw the way Charles looked. “Do you really think the Walkers areinvincible? Looks like you have no ideal what kind of trouble your family is in at this time.”

Donald turned to his subordinates and ordered, “Take him away. He’s no longer a principal staffofficer. You don’t have to be afraid of him.”


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