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Chapter 169

At that moment, Wasyl and Cheryl emerged from the building, grinning from ear to ear. Theyspotted Kolten right away, standing like a sentinel at the entrance.

Chery's grip on Wasyl's arm tightened with excitement as she pointed eagerly at the retreatingfigure. "Wasyl, look quick! That's Kolten!"

Wasyl's eyes followed Cheryl's pointing finger, his face lighting up with excitement before furrowingin confusion. "Kolten's a rare sight in public! He looks like he's seeing someone off. Who could beimportant enough to get Kolten to make an exception?"

While talking, Wasyl narrowed his eyes for a better look, then hesitated. "Hey, doesn't that look a bitlike Liam?" Cheryl paused, surprised at the suggestion, then peered intently in the same direction.The side profile was blurry from that distance, but there was a resemblance.

However, Cheryl shook her head with conviction, countering, "What are you talking about? Is thatloser Liam getting Kolten to escort him out? No way he's got that kind of pull. It's just a passingresemblance. These days, everyone has a doppelganger."

Wasyl nodded, echoing her sentiment, "You're right, there are too many look-alikes around! Damn,Liam's been popping up everywhere lately, making me think everyone's him!"

They watched as Kolten's guest departed. They then rushed over to Kolten, with Wasyl beaming ashe fished out a business card. "Mr. Reath, a pleasure! I'm Wasyl, the heir to the Abbott Group inDrunham City! Here's my card!"

Kolten had barely pivoted on his heel when Wasyl extended a business card toward him. A creaseformed between Kolten's brows, his face clouding over with displeasure. A signal his assistantpicked up instantly. Without missing a beat, the assistant reached for the card, sparing Wasyl anyfurther embarrassment.

"Mr. Abbott, a pleasure! I'm Mr. Reath's right hand!"

Once the card was safely in the assistant's hands, he discreetly stepped back, allowing Kolten amoment to give Wasyl a cursory glance. "Abbott Group?" Kolten remarked calmly.

Without another word, Kolten strode off, leaving Wasyl's outstretched hand hanging in the airunnoticed.

However, Wasyl did not take offense. He calmly withdrew his hand and, with a respectful nod toKolten's departing figure, called out, "Mr. Reath, have a good one!"

Anyone else might have bristled at such an indifferent reception, but not when it came from Kolten.Wasyl knew his Jerden Group was small fry compared to the Abbott Group. Kolten had the clout toback up his attitude.

It was not until Kolten disappeared into the elevator that Wasyl straightened up, a grin spreadingacross his face and a hint of triumph in his eyes. He was chuffed that Kolten's assistant hadaccepted his card—a small victory.

His excitement was palpable as he turned to Cheryl. "Cheryl, can you believe it? We just nailed adeal with Mr. Lane, and we bumped into Kolten. Talk about a lucky day!"novelbin

In a burst of joy, Wasyl pulled Cheryl into an embrace and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I'm on topof the world! Let's celebrate. I'm taking you shopping; pick out anything you want!"

Cheryl's eyes sparkled with delight. "For real? You're the best!"

At the Stone family's corporate headquarters, an urgent meeting was underway, with Reginald atthe helm, addressing the company's top brass.

Seated at the head of the table, Reginald's gaze was severe as he addressed his team. "We've gota crisis on our hands. Our four material processing plants have been vandalized, and the deliveryguys from our suppliers jumped on the road. There's a threat out there now that anyone who workswith us is a target. As of now, our suppliers have bailed on us," he announced.

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