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Chapter 149

"Celena, we're home!"

"Mommy, guess what Jovie got for you? Jovie got you lots of yummy treats, come on, tell me I didgood!"

At the yard's entrance, Liam walked in with Jovie in his arms, only to find Celena on the ground, hersobs filling the room. Liam's expression darkened, and he quickly set Jovie down, his heartsqueezing with worry. He was only away briefly, and already she was hurt again.

Celena looked up through tear-stained eyes, her sense of injustice deepening. Sitting on the chillyfloor, she caught Liam's look of concern, lunged for his embrace, and let her tears flow freely.

"Liam," she cried, "Grandpa took the deal away, he gave my proposal to Cheryl. Why? Why does hedo this to me? I'm his granddaughter too, why is he so distant toward me?"

At that moment, Celena let out all her pent-up hurt and confusion.

Jovie, wise beyond her years, wrapped her arms around Celena, tenderly drying her tears while herown began to fall. "Don't cry, Mommy. Please, no more tears. You've got Jovie and Daddy! Thosepeople are nothing but trouble."

Liam simply held Celena close, his silence speaking volumes as his eyes turned to ice. It took sometime, but eventually, Celena's sobs subsided. After escorting her back to her room, Liam left herwith a promise before he walked away.novelbin

"Celena, remember this: what's yours is yours. Unless you let it go, nobody can take it from you."

Liam's face was a mask of frost as he turned on his heel and strode out. As he left the yard, the skyseemed to sense his fury, the clouds above churning into a dark omen.

Liam was a storm of anger and icy resolve.

The Stone family crossed the line.

Again and again, they wounded Celena, bringing her to tears.

It was time for the Stone family to face their reckoning.

With a resounding crash, the Yafe family's celebration was cut short as their gate was sent flying,landing with a heavy thud in the yard.

Silhouetted in the doorway, Liam stood, an imposing figure, his presence as commanding as a godof vengeance.

"Yafe! Cheryl!"

His roar shook the courtyard to its core.

Yafe leaped from the sofa, fury propelling him forward as he bellowed, "Liam! What is the meaningof this? Have you no decency? This is my home! You@"


Liam's boot connected with a thud, sending Yafe hurtling from the threshold into the living room. Helanded with a crash on the couch, which flipped over from the force.


Yafe groaned, doubled over in pain, and crumpled on the floor in a fetal position.

Cheryl, frozen in shock, watched the violence unfold. Liam's icy stare pierced her, sending shiversdown her spine. She yelled desperately, "Help! Somebody help! Liam's lost it, he's going to kill


The instinct to flee surged through Cheryl. She turned to run.

However, before she could escape—


Liam was upon her, his hand a weapon of pure fury. His slap sent Cheryl flying, slamming into apillar. Blood trickled from her lips as she whimpered in agony.

Liam advanced with deliberate steps, his presence as ominous as the Grim Reaper himself, closingin on his prey.

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