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Chapter 143

"Give it up, Celena. My proposal's a shoo-in. What could you possibly have whipped up in fourdays? That's not even enough time to get the lay of the land. If I were you, I'd cut my losses andhead home—save the humiliation. And it's not just the Stone family watching this time, but the entireboard, the whole upper crust of The Stone Group!" Cheryl's voice dripped with scorn as she threwCelena a sidelong glance.

"And I'd skedaddle if I were you, to dodge the shame! What can a washout like you come up with?You're living in a fantasy!" Sherah chimed in, standing triumphantly by Cheryl's side, her earliergrievances with Celena in the little courtyard long forgotten in her moment of gloating.

The Stone family members lingered at the entrance, their faces twisted in scorn as they sneered atCelena. They already made up their minds about which proposal they had back, having pored overboth documents beforehand. One proposal was a masterpiece of precision, while the other waslaughably amateurish, its contents as substantial as doodles on a napkin. It was painfully obviouswhich one was Celena's, everyone knew she couldn't possibly craft anything worthwhile.

"Why even bother with a formal vote?" one of them scoffed.

"Even a child could spot the better proposal!"

"Does Celena even grasp the concept of quality? To strut in here with such misplaced confidence,daring to await the verdict!"

Amidst the company bigwigs and the Stone clan's jeers, Celena kept her head down, her focusinward, trying to block out their biting words.

Since the proposals were submitted, the company disguised them in identical folders, leaving bothher and Cheryl in the dark about which was which. However, the harsh whispers convinced Celenathat her work was the one being ridiculed.

For today's meeting, she meticulously applied her makeup, her red lips and arched browscomplementing the pristine white dress and black heels she wore. She sat in poised silence, avision of elegance, like a celestial being among mortals. Yet beneath that serene exterior, Celenawas a bundle of nerves and fear.novelbin

Yafe just finished looking over the two proposals, and the difference was night and day. With everyword she read, his irritation with Celena deepened. They were both his daughters, but how couldthey be so different?

He gave up on Celena. Some people were just hopeless.

"Okay, everyone's seen the proposals! Now, let's vote," Mr. Stone said, his voice composed anddetached as he sat at the head of the table.

A buzz of hushed conversations filled the room before the voting started. Celena's heart raced withnerves, while Cheryl exuded calm and confidence.

At last, the votes were tallied.

The first proposal swept the floor with nearly ninety percent of the votes. The margin wasstaggering.

The assistant passed the list to Mr. Stone, who skimmed it and let a slight smile play on his lips."Well then, I'll announce the winner! The winning proposal is by"

It seemed a foregone conclusion to everyone there—Cheryl had it in the bag.

Cheryl was with the company for years, and her experience and skills are undeniable. Her proposalhad to be the winner.

She stood up, her face alight with pride, ready to claim her victory.

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