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Chapter 1

There on the hospital bed, surrounded by beeping devices, laid a little girl who was covered inblood. Her life was hanging by a thread.

Her mother, Celena Stone, was sitting next to the bed, holding her hands tightly.

Celena was covered in tears. She forced herself to endure the pain deep down and comforted herdaughter, “Be a good girl, Jovie. Your father will come back to see us as long as you’re a good girl.”

“Mom, it hurts so much! Am I going to die soon? I want to see Dad. I’m not a bastard. My father isvery powerful—”

Before Jovie could finish, she started shaking all over because of the pain.

After Celena saw Jovie fainted, she frantically took out her phone. While she cried and instinctivelydialed the number she memorized for years, she said, “Be good, Jovie. I’ll tell your father to comeand see you now. Don’t fall asleep, alright?”

Once the call was picked up, Celena did not wait for the person to say anything. She immediatelysaid, “Liam, I’m Celena. Could you come and visit Jovie? She’s our daughter. I know I shouldn’t bebothering you, but I don’t have a choice. I’m begging you. Please come and take a look at her,alright? She’s dying soon.”

Celena watched her daughter get weaker and weaker as she spoke. Before she got an answer, shetossed her phone away and held Jovie’s hand. Then, she slumped to the ground and crieduncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Liam Cole was dressed in military uniform and sitting on the platform built by the Colefamily. He was stunned when he received the call.

A handover ceremony was held that day by the Cole family who kept a low profile. The area within a25-kilometer radius of the Cole Residence was sealed off. All soldiers of the Pendragon Warriors—an army under the Cole family—were standing in formation, which was a spectacular sight tobehold.

Liam was the godson of the former head of the Cole family—Arthur Cole. Ever since Liam took overthe Pendragon Warriors, he ended plenty of wars at the border and gained countless achievements.That was why Arthur decided to take a back seat and officially hand over the position as the head ofthe family to Liam.

The grand ceremony that day marked the moment Liam took over the Cole family as the head.

Right before the ceremony started, Liam suddenly received a call from an unfamiliar number. Duringthat call, the voice that he heard countless times in his dreams told him that he had a daughter.

“Daughter? Celena!”

It was after Liam regained his senses that he realized she hung up. He immediately called her back,but nobody answered.

Liam was so anxious that could not remain in his seat anymore. He immediately abandonedeverybody present at the ceremony. With the Cole family and leaders of all countries watching him,he rushed out of there.

Everybody in the Cole family started to panic.

That was the handover ceremony and the star of the show was Liam. But he ran off at the mostglorifying moment.

Liam was exuding a frosty air all over him. He ran to the heliport at lightning speed and rushed ontoa military helicopter.

His few trusted subordinates who were following behind him jumped onto the helicopter too.

“Find out the specific location in Drunham City. Find her as fast as you can!” Liam bellowedferociously, tossing his phone to his subordinate.

At that moment, the air of hostility that Liam exuded was not concealed at all. His trustedsubordinates fought in wars with him for years, but even they were frightened to see him like that.

When Liam thought of the fact that his daughter—whom he never met before—was about to die, hewas utterly heartbroken. The veins at his temple were popping, and tears were welling in his eyes.

His subordinates on board were shocked to see him crying with such sorrow at that moment, andthat made them even more terrified deep down.

The person who received Liam’s phone quickly found the exact address by checking the location ofthe number. Then, they accelerated and rushed toward Drunham City.

At that moment, Liam was clenching his fists nervously. He was so emotional that he was tremblingall over.

The beautiful and tough woman in his memory.

Their daughter.


Seven years passed. He always thought he would be alone for the rest of his life. He neverexpected that he would have a daughter.

At the thought of his daughter, Liam could not control the excitement in him anymore. novelbin

“Quick! Step on it! We have to rush there at top speed!” he shouted.

Other than feeling happy that he had a daughter, he mostly felt guilty. It was because he was notpaying attention to Celena on purpose all these years that a mishap happened to Jovie.

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