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Chapter 80

Jasper was dressed in a high-end tailored white suit and stood at the door of the hospital ward with acold face as he questioned icily, “Bradley, from the moment you signed the divorce papers, you nolonger have the right to say ‘I don’t allow it”.”

“Jasper Searle!” Instead of backing down when he heard Jasper’s words, Bradley took a step. forwardand sneered. “Let me remind you that I haven’t completed the divorce procedures with. Esther. Legallyspeaking, I’m still her husband. She’s lost her capacity to act now, and I’m her only guardian.”

“Hah!” Jasper casually plucked out a red rose and a white rose from the vase. There was a glint ofmockery that flashed in his bright eyes. “Bradley, red rose or white rose? Pick one.”novelbin

Bradley’s expression was aloof, and he parted his thin lips slightly to taunt, “Just remember one thing,Jasper. Unless I don’t want it myself, anyone who tries to take away what’s mine will fail.” Jaspersnapped the flowers off their stalks in his hands and rubbed them, turning them into a cold andgorgeous color..

“The doctor said that in the case of someone like Esther, taking her to a famillar environment might giveher a glimmer of hope in life. The longer we wait, the more unlikely it is for her to wake up.” Jasperraised an eyebrow and coldly asked, “Bradley, are you sure you want to stop me from waking her up?”

Bradley indifferently replied, “Esther’s my wife. Keep that in mind.”

Jasper shrugged indifferently. Like taking a casual stroll, he walked up to Esther and slowly squatteddown. He gently placed the flower petals in her palm.

“Esther, if life could start over, you must never fall in love with him again.” Jasper challengingly glancedat Bradley, who showed no emotions like a sculpture, and said, “He’s not worthy.”

After Jasper finished speaking, he stood up slowly and told Bradley, “I heard that your special assistant,Cole, was caught in an accident?”

Bradley coldly snorted. “It has nothing to do with you.”

Jasper hummed disdainfully. He said with a hint of arrogance, “If you need my help, I can help you findhim… After all, compared to a boss like you who lacks any sense of humanity, Cole’s so much. morelikable.”

Jasper glanced at the caregiver and instructed, “Take good care of her. Take her to the balcony forsome sun every day. I’ll give you a bonus for how well you take care of her.”

The caregiver was silent. Was there such a good thing? Her salary was not low, and with the additionalbonus from Jasper, she could be considered quite well-off!

“Get lost!” Bradley exclaimed fiercely.

Jasper whistled like a thug and deliberately congratulated Bradley, “I heard that you and Liliane will begetting married soon. Congratulations in advance on your wedding, Mr. Warner!”

He did not care about Bradley’s chilling and frightening expression after speaking. He waved his handand left the room.

Bradley glanced at Esther, who was in the wheelchair. His eyes were gloomy as he sternly

questioned the caregiver, “Who allowed you to dress her in this dress?”

Jasper wore a white suit, while Esther wore a white dress. Jasper’s tie and the ribbon at the end ofEsther’s hair had the same pattern.

Their attire seemed like a couple’s outfit.

The caregiver was at a loss and whispered, “These are the clothes Mr. Searle brought over.”

“Take it off!” ordered Bradley.

The caregiver hurriedly said, “Mr. Warner, Ms. Quill has no other clothes.”

“Get out!” Bradley glared at the caregiver.

With possessiveness burning strongly within him, he picked up Esther from the wheelchair, threw heronto the hospital bed, and roughly tore the dress off her.

The moment the dress was torn apart, Bradley saw countless scars of different shapes peppered overEsther’s snowy skin.

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