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Chapter 507

Chapter 507

Jasper fixed his gaze on the distant twinkling neon lights as he calmly spoke. “Warner, although shemight seem insignificant to you, she means the world to me.”

Bradley’s tone exuded dominance, arrogance, and a touch of malice. “Jasper, I need to see you rightnow.”

Unaware that Jasper was on the phone with Bradley, Esther stepped onto the balcony. Her voice wascheerful as she addressed Jasper, “Everything’s set! Have the flight routes been approved?”

Bradley’s unexpected appearance at the hospital had unsettled Esther. Hoping to avoid a confrontationwith Bradley in front of Felix, she felt it wise to create some distance to defuse the situation.

She knew Bradley all too well. Even with the divorce papers signed, they held no weight with- theobsessive and overbearing Bradley.

Despite having bodyguards and the option to confront Bradley directly, Esther preferred to steer clearof a confrontation in Felix’s presence. Her goal was to maintain an appearance of peace with Bradley,at least for Felix’s sake.

Jasper discreetly concealed his phone behind his back. “Arranging the flight to Capitus is simple. Theplane should be ready at the airport by now. I’ll accompany you there.”

“Thank you,” Esther replied.

“Esther, it’s the least I can do.”

Jasper casually stowed his phone in his bag, then pushed their luggage, leaving the ward with Estherand Felix.

Meanwhile, at the club.

Kevin poured himself a drink, but Bradley snatched it away before he could drink, hurling it to the floor.

Kevin stammered, “What’s going on?”novelbin

Bradley seized Kevin, commanding, “Let’s head to the airport immediately.”

Puzzled, Kevin wondered why they needed to go to the airport. Weren’t they content drinking at theclub? Did they really need to travel to another city just to drink?

“Stop talking and drive,” Bradley demanded.

Reluctantly, Kevin drove Bradley to the airport. He wanted to protest countless times but remindedhimself, ‘For his part in saving my life, I’ll endure this.’

Bradley sat in the car, listening to the faint voices on his phone.

“Esther, let me know when you’re safely in Capitus.”

Esther held Felix’s hand in the back seat and replied gently, “Okay.”

“Once I’m finished with my work, I’ll come see you.” Jasper assured her as he drove, “I’ll keep an eyeon the lawyers handling your appeal. Don’t worry about these matters. Adjusting to a new city will taketime. I hope you can make friends there.”

“Mommy, why are we going to Capitus?” Felix asked innocently.

Esther gently touched Felix’s face, keeping the real cause of their departure a secret, which wasconnected to Bradley.

“Sweetie, remember Grandma Foster, who helped you before? She’s waiting for us at the airport.Mommy wants to learn medicine from her, and you need her for your treatment. That’s why we’re goingto Capitus!”

Felix nodded, not fully understanding. “I get it now! But I haven’t told Daddy that we’re leaving. Hemight get grumpy again if he finds out we’re gone.”

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