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Chater 211

Chapter 211

Esther glanced at Felix through the rearview mirror, stepped on the accelerator, and drove toward theairport.

Since learning that Felix was her own son, she had contemplated using this opportunity to reveal thetruth to Bradley. However, after what happened with Tinkerbell, she doubted it would make a differenceeven if Bradley knew Felix was her son.

Moreover, she had no idea how Liliane had managed to take Felix away from the prison hospital backthen. If she insisted on a DNA maternity test with Felix, there was a high chance that someone wouldtamper with the samples, leading to an inaccurate result.

All the events from five years ago conveyed a painful truth to Esther-everything hinged on whetherBradley believed her. He wouldn’t consider any DNA test she conducted as having any impact if hedidn’t.

That’s why Esther chose to feign selective amnesia, treating Felix as her own son and fostering astrong bond with him. Yet, a glimmer of hope lingered in her heart, hoping Bradley’s attitude wouldchange.

Nevertheless, with Bradley’s impending wedding to Liliane, his busy schedule, and the meticulouswedding preparations… everything made Esther relinquish all hope.

She wanted to leave with Felix and go abroad to search for Pixie. They would form their own happyfamily of three. As for Bradley? He had a new wife now. His new wife would bear his child. Esther didn’twant Felix to be left in the hands of a wicked woman like Liliane.

The Mercedes Benz parked in the airport lot, and Esther accompanied Felix to complete the check-inprocedures.

Puzzled by their presence at the airport, Felix asked, “Mommy, why are we at the airport?” Observingthe bustling crowd, he couldn’t fathom the reason for their visit.

“Felix, Mommy is taking you abroad to find Pixie,” Esther replied, her voice filled with determination.

Having grown up with Bradley, Felix had developed a deep emotional bond with him. Upon hearingEsther’s response, he asked anxiously, “What about Daddy?”

Esther didn’t underestimate Felix’s ability to understand the truth. “Felix, Daddy is going to marrysomeone else,” she revealed, holding him in her arms.

Felix immediately rejected the idea. “That’s impossible! Daddy and Mommy will always be together!”

Esther knew that Felix might struggle to accept the situation, but she couldn’t shelter him. from the truthforever.

Accessing the live stream of the wedding on her phone, she gently explained, “Felix, today is Daddy’swedding with Liliane. It’s also Tinkerbell’s 3-month anniversary since her passing. Your Daddy doesn’thave us in his heart anymore. If we stay here, we’ll only be a burden to him. Besides, Liliane won’ttolerate both of us.”

Felix burst into tears, seeking solace in Esther’s embrace. Through his sobs, he pleaded, ” Mommy, Ican’t let Daddy marry the bad woman!”novelbin


Esther’s heart softened at the sight of her son’s tears. She wiped them away gently, speaking in asoothing tone. “Son…”

Felix’s tear-stained face conveyed his distress.

At that moment, Esther’s resolve wavered. She reached out and caressed Felix’s cheek, saying softly,“Daddy is an adult, and he will take care of himself.”

“Mommy, let’s go find Daddy, okay? Let’s tell him that she’s a bad person! She caused Great Grandpa’saccident! Mommy, let’s help Daddy, okay?” Felix pleaded through his tears, each drop falling ontoEsther’s hand, mirroring her deeply disappointed heart.

“Felix, what if Daddy still chooses to marry her, even after knowing the whole truth?” Esther had todisclose an excruciatingly harsh reality to Felix.

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