My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 1399
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Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort Chapter 1399

Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort chapter 1399

“Mr. Nacht, he…” Ben hesitated briefly but came clean in the end. “He doesn’t have long to live.”

“What did you say?” Charlotte froze and widened her eyes in disbelief.

“This is what happened…”

He then recounted everything to her, starting from three months ago when Zachary realized somethingwas wrong with his eyes and confirmed he was poisoned.

Following that, he explained how Zachary accepted Charlotte’s conditions and hid himself away fortreatment, where he suffered excruciating pain alone.

After two months of treatment, Zachary still did not fully recover despite showing some improvement.When he heard that Charlotte was going to marry Louis, he dropped everything and headed to Arkfieldto see her. Unfortunately, he was greeted by a heartbreaking sight.

Everything he did—taking away the children and deliberately creating a misunderstanding to infuriatethe Laurent family—was so that she could return home and take over the Nacht family as the lady ofthe household after his passing.

It took an entire hour for Ben to relate everything that had happened.

He even told her that nothing was going on between Zachary and Nancy. All this while, Zachary hadbeen using Nancy to make Charlotte jealous. Whenever he tried to clear the air with Nancy, somethingwould prevent him from doing so.novelbin

This time around, Nancy brought in Helen at the crucial moment to treat Zachary. That was why Benallowed her to stay at the house for the time being.

Having heard his words, Charlotte was moved to tears. It never crossed her mind that Zachary wassuffering alone when she had misunderstood him all this while.

In spite of that, he still selflessly saved her at the crucial moment. Yet, when he was struck down bysickness, she was not by his side and even became a burden to him.

“Ms. Lindberg, I know that I’m disobeying Mr. Nacht by telling you all this now. However, I’m at my wits’end.”

Lowering his head, Ben explained agonizingly, “Mr. Nacht’s condition is extremely serious. If we can’tfind Francesco, he may be done for.”

By then, Charlotte’s hand trembled uncontrollably as feelings of guilt swamped her. She hated herselffor not letting go, not forgiving Zachary, and not reconciling with him earlier.

If she had realized her folly earlier, she would have been able to seek Francesco’s help sooner, andZachary’s sickness would not have escalated to such a severe extent.

“Ms. Lindberg…”

When Ben saw Charlotte remain silent, he assumed she was still bothered by the past animositybetween them.

Hence, he anxiously advised, “I know that the Nacht family had treated you badly. However, whateverbad blood there was is now gone. Mr. Henry, Zara, and the Blackwood sisters are all dead. Who else isleft for you to hate? Do you really want to see Mr. Nacht die at such a young age? Or have the childrenbe fatherless?”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Charlotte finally said something. She was so shaken that her voicewas trembling. “Given how grave this matter is, why did you wait till now to tell me?”

“I…” Briefly stunned, Ben took a second before he started explaining. “Mr. Nacht ordered me not to doso no matter what. He said that he wanted you to return home out of love and not out of pity.”

“That fool!” She gritted her teeth.

“He declared that he rather die a proud man than live in shame.” Thinking about Zachary, Ben wasfilled with guilt. “I was in a dilemma. The only thing I could do was try my best to locate Francesco,hoping to have the best of both worlds.”

“There’s no way you can find him.” Charlotte took a deep breath to recollect herself. “Only I can do it.”

“Really? Can you really do it?” Ben could not suppress his excitement.

“It’s not going to be easy, but I will definitely find him for Zachary’s sake.” Seized by anxiety, she asked,“How much longer before we arrive in H City?”

“Soon, the plane is preparing for descend.”

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