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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Albert was sweating on the inside. If he were to acquire the stock rights, he figured thatMichael would send a warning to him by tomorrow!No one knew, but in reality, the Whitman family hadfull control over Apex Investment Partners.Albert was only a professional investor employed by theWhitman family. Had it not been out of concern for overdoing things, Albert had even planned on givingaway $ 30,000,000 to the company without asking anything in return. Upon hearing that, Sadie realizedthat it would be inappropriate for her to comment further, so she assured Albert by saying, “Don‘t worry,Mr. Carlson, we promise that we will grow Wolfenden Corp. for the better!”“I believe in your capability,Ms. Wolfenden,” said Albert smilingly.“If there‘s no objection, we may draft the contract immediately. Ihave my official stamp with me, so I can sign the contract right here and now.” “Sure!” Sadie called forher secretary to make the necessary arrangements.Just as Sadie and the others were bustling about,Trevor and the others who had just left the company arrived at a private club.lt“This is absurd! Liam isan ungrateful son of a b*tch!Chandler was in a thundering rage and cussed aloud, “Had it not been ourinvestment in the past, how would Wolfenden Corp. have grown to its current level?”The otherdeparted shareholder grunted and said, “Ungrateful scum! Now that Albert is his backer, he kicks usaway like we‘re pieces of trash!”Daryl‘s face was gloomy as ink. He did not speak, but his chest wasfilled with resentment.He loathed Liam for not allowing them to change their minds on one hand.On theother hand, he resented Trevor as well.Meanwhile, Trevor walked over, and he was naturally enraged.That was Albert Carlson, the renowned investor!There was no telling how much further WolfendenCorp. would grow with his support. Yet, he had pulled out his investment and left WolfendenCorp.Chandler looked toward Trevor. “Mr. Lawson, you took us out, so you must figure out a way tobuild back our wealth!”Trevor was his only key to survival now.“Don‘t worry, Mr. Irvin. I promise that Iwill mistreat none of you!”Trevor sneered. “Do you think Wolfenden Corp. will get absolute security forthe future just because they have Albert on their side?“What a joke, they‘re naive! I have Westcity‘sPlot No. 8 given by Mr. Queen of Triumph Land!“It will be fine for me to manage the project by myselfor with others. It‘s going to bring in a large profit either way!” Trevor added with a confident expression,“Don‘t worry, we still have plenty of alternatives for us! “On the other hand, Wolfenden Corp. will be

doomed sooner or later! Albert is surely going to regret his decision to invest in them!”Miles chimed in.“I have many trusted subordinates working in Wolfenden Corp., so I’ll know every move WolfendenCorp makes at once.”Daryl inhaled a deep breath. Since he had already left Wolfenden Corp., it wouldbe unnecessary for him to be double–minded anymore.“Sadie will most certainly recruit a new CFO forWolfenden Corp. now that the position is vacant. If we can plant someone from our side in thisposition…”“Leave this matter to me!” Miles felt his chest burning with rage at the thought of Kayson .walking into the boardroom with the contracts!He still remembered his bet against Kayson on scoring a$3,000,000 project.Now that he was no longer with Wolfenden Corp., he still insisted on not lettingKayson, Easton, and Reva off the hook!Miles‘ expression was somber when he said coldly, “I‘ll find anoutstanding candidate to infiltrate Wolfenden Corp. and take the CFO position! “I‘ll make that damnedKayson pay for what he did to me!”Trevor clapped and said smilingly, “Alright. Let‘s not put too muchthought into it anymore. As long as I‘m here, I promise to bring everyone glory! “Wolfenden Corp. willbe returned to us sooner or later!”

Chapter 80 Albert was sweating on the inside. If he were to acquire the stock rights, he figured thatMichael would send a warning to him by tomorrow!

No one knew, but in reality, the Whitman family had full control over Apex Investment Partners.

Albert was only a professional investor employed by the Whitman family. Had it not been out of concernfor overdoing things, Albert had even planned on giving away $ 30,000,000 to the company withoutasking anything in return. Upon hearing that, Sadie realized that it would be inappropriate for her tocomment further, so she assured Albert by saying, “Don‘t worry, Mr. Carlson, we promise that we willgrow Wolfenden Corp. for the better!”

“I believe in your capability, Ms. Wolfenden,” said Albert smilingly.

“If there‘s no objection, we may draft the contract immediately. I have my official stamp with me, so Ican sign the contract right here and now.”

“Sure!” Sadie called for her secretary to make the necessary arrangements.

Just as Sadie and the others were bustling about, Trevor and the others who had just left the companyarrived at a private club.lt

“This is absurd! Liam is an ungrateful son of a b*tch!

Chandler was in a thundering rage and cussed aloud, “Had it not been our investment in the past, howwould Wolfenden Corp. have grown to its current level?”The other departed shareholder grunted andsaid, “Ungrateful scum! Now that Albert is his backer, he kicks us away like we‘re pieces oftrash!”Daryl‘s face was gloomy as ink. He did not speak, but his chest was filled with resentment.Heloathed Liam for not allowing them to change their minds on one hand.On the other hand, he resentedTrevor as well.Meanwhile, Trevor walked over, and he was naturally enraged. That was Albert Carlson,the renowned investor!There was no telling how much further Wolfenden Corp. would grow with hissupport. Yet, he had pulled out his investment and left Wolfenden Corp.

Chandler looked toward Trevor. “Mr. Lawson, you took us out, so you must figure out a way to buildback our wealth!”Trevor was his only key to survival now.“Don‘t worry, Mr. Irvin. I promise that I willmistreat none of you!”Trevor sneered. “Do you think Wolfenden Corp. will get absolute security for thefuture just because they have Albert on their side?“What a joke, they‘re naive! I have Westcity‘s PlotNo. 8 given by Mr. Queen of Triumph Land!“It will be fine for me to manage the project by myself orwith others. It‘s going to bring in a large profit either way!” Trevor added with a confident expression,“Don‘t worry, we still have plenty of alternatives for us! “On the other hand, Wolfenden Corp. will bedoomed sooner or later! Albert is surely going to regret his decision to invest in them!”novelbin

Miles chimed in. “I have many trusted subordinates working in Wolfenden Corp., so I’ll know everymove Wolfenden Corp makes at once.”Daryl inhaled a deep breath. Since he had already leftWolfenden Corp., it would be unnecessary for him to be double–minded anymore.“Sadie will most

certainly recruit a new CFO for Wolfenden Corp. now that the position is vacant. If we can plantsomeone from our side in this position…”“Leave this matter to me!” Miles felt his chest burning withrage at the thought of Kayson . walking into the boardroom with the contracts!He still remembered hisbet against Kayson on scoring a $3,000,000 project.Now that he was no longer with Wolfenden Corp.,he still insisted on not letting Kayson, Easton, and Reva off the hook!Miles‘ expression was somberwhen he said coldly, “I‘ll find an outstanding candidate to infiltrate Wolfenden Corp. and take the CFOposition! “I‘ll make that damned Kayson pay for what he did to me!”Trevor clapped and said smilingly,“Alright. Let‘s not put too much thought into it anymore. As long as I‘m here, I promise to bringeveryone glory! “Wolfenden Corp. will be returned to us sooner or later!”

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