My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 717
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 717

Chapter 717 Bryson's expression was filled with joy. He got up on his feet swiftly and bowed deeply atKayson. “I’ll never forget your greatkindness, Dr.

Yarde!” Kayson said smilingly, “Please stand at ease, Mr. Yorst.” Bryson stood upright and took a seatwhileHank looked at Kayson in excitement, his eyes filled with admiration and gratitude. Bryson asked,"Mr. Veal, who is the person that Mr. Yarde is protecting?" Hank answered, “Sir, it's the daughter ofRoyce Shore, Ms. Livia Shore." Bryson nodded and looked toward Kayson. "I've been quiteunoccupied recently, Mr. Yarde. Why don't I take on the task of protecting Ms. Shore?" Hank's pupilsconstricted, and his jaw almost dropped in shock The president is taking on the task to protect Livia?'Kayson was astounded. Soon afterward, he said, “If you're willing to do that, it will be great, Mr. Yost."Then, the three of them left the loft and returned to the lobor The crippled Terry had already regainedconsciousness and bawled like a child after seeing Bryson. "Uncle Bryson! I've been crippled, I've beencrippled! Don't let me be reduced to this extent... Uncle Bryson, save me!” Bryson heaved a sigh. “I toldyou not to be overly dictatorial and ruthless in life, yet you didn't listen to me. “At this point, it's alreadyvery tough for me just to keep you alive.” Terry's face was filled with terror. “Uncle Bryson, are... Areyou not going to help me?" Bryson said, “If I didn't help you, you'd already be dead by now. Let's nottalk about that anymore . Answer Mr. Yarde's question. Who instructed you to assassinate Ms. Shore?"Terry's face was filled with dejection. “Beckham Yoder...” Bryson furrowed his eyebrows. “Him..."Kayson did not find the name to be unfamiliar either. Yvette had almost been driven to commit suicideby Ogden using mind manipulation when Kayson was in Greenspring previously. It was Beckham whohad commissioned Ogden to do that. He was also in the land development sector and was in acompetitive relationship with Jason. Kayson did not expect that it was actually Beckham who tried to killLivia! Bryson said, "Beckham is not as simple as he seems, Mr. Yarde. It would be best for you not toact rashly before looking into the situation properly.” Kayson asked, “Are you acquainted with thisperson, Mr. Yost?" Bryson recalled for a moment. “I've interacted with him before... It's hard to describehim, but I find him to be peculiar and unlike an ordinary man.” Kayson was slightly astonished becausehe figured that Beckham was just an ordinary man, unlike Bryson, who was a skilled fighter. Yet,novelbin

Bryson described Beckham in such a peculiar manner. Hence, he said, “Noted. I'll find an opportunityto get in touch with him later." Kayson was preparing to leave Healthein when he suddenlyremembered something and said, “Mr. Yost, can I seek assistance from Healthein's members if I needa large number of skilled fighters to do something for me?" Bryson said in all apparent seriousness,“Why are you talking in that manner, Mr. Yarde? Why do you use the word 'seek assistance'? Yousaved my life. Every member of Healthein, from an elder to a servant, is at your service!" Kaysonsmiled. 'If that's the case, I don't need to worry about not having enough manpower.' "Thank you somuch, Mr. Yost!” "You're too courteous. It is what I should do!” Then, Hank sent off Kayson, and Brysonpatted his shoulder when he returned. “Mr. Veal, you have only one important mission from now on,and that is to provide your service to Mr. Yarde. If he is displeased by Healthein in any way... "I'll holdyou solely responsible for that!”

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