My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 714
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 714

Chapter 714 "See that, guys? He's the one who's picking fights!” After that, Terry turned into a blurandgrabbed Hank's throat with a claw strike.

He was aiming for Hank's vital spot, and it was apparentthat he was going to kill him. Hank unleashedhis Titanium Leo-roar. The sound wave it released was so powerful that it shattered the wall.Unfortunately, Hank's Titanium Leo-roar might be effective toward fighters below the grandmaster level,but it was ineffective toward Terry, someone who was already a grandmaster for a long time. Hank'sexpression changed. He hastily halted his attack and lifted his hands to protect his neck. Hank left theground and flew toward the back. The attack was so powerful that the bones in his arms cracked. Terrynarrowed his eyes. It seemed to him that Hank's strength was nearly on par with grandmasters. If itweren't for the fact that his throat was damaged and couldn't handle too much inner energy, hisTitanium Leo -roar might have done some damage to him. When the thought surfaced in Terry's head,his eyes were filled with hatred, and his killing intent grew. He made his move again, and he was goingto kill Hank this time. Hank looked at Terry. His face turned pale with fear as he had no way to run awaynow. However, just when Terry was about to reach him, a figure appeared and stood in front of Hank. Itwas Kayson. He just lifted his hand and blocked Terry's attack effortlessly. He did not even use any ofhis skills at all. “Argh!” Terry let out a pained scream when his fingers were all broken. He felt as if hehad hit an iron wall when his fingers made contact with Kayson's palm. Kayson raised his leg andkicked Terry, sending him flying several feet toward the back. Everyone in the Heathein was stunned.The Ochre Hall chief, Nancy Frost, was stunned, and a hint of disbelief crossed her eyes. “Isn't that theTitanium Technique? Not only that, but its power is almost on the same level as a steel fighter!” Kaysonglanced at her and nodded. “You have good eyes, Ma'am.” Nancy's expression changed, and her heartsank. She asked worriedly, “Are you Master Kayson Yarde?" "Yes, I am,” Kayson replied as he helpedHank to his feet. Hank looked at him in gratitude. After that, he turned to gaze at Nancy coldly. "K-Kayson?” Terry held his right wrist. His fingers were all broken, and some of his bones had puncturedhis skin. His face was dark. He did not expect that Kayson would come here at all. Besides, it seemedto him that Kayson was on Hank's side. 'D*mn it! Since when did this old fellow get Kayson on hisnovelbin

side?' Nancy seemed a little bit flustered. She was a Vodu spell user, and her battle prowess was onlyat the middle stage of a grandmaster. If Kayson wanted to kill, it would be as easy as a piece of cake.O Kayson looked at them and said, “You guys are the ones who wanted to take Livia's life, right? Careto give me an explanation? "Otherwise, Heathein is going to lose three hall chiefs today.” Terry chidedinwardly. He tried to ignore the pain that was screaming at him and said, “I didn't expect you to comehere, Mr. Kayson. I'm so sorry for the trouble. "I'm Terry Wagner, the Ether Hall's chief.” Kayson threwhim a sidelong glance but did not say anything in return. Terry felt insulted, but he dared not lash out atKayson since the latter had killed a peak-stage grandmaster. “I'm sure there is a misunderstanding ,Mr. Yarde. This isn't a good place to talk, so why don't we go inside first?” Kayson was not worriedabout him plotting anything. He nodded, and they went into the meeting hall inside. While Terry sentsomeone to fetch Kayson a cup of tea, he tended to the wound on his hand. Hank was the first one totalk as he shouted, “You b*tch! How dare you curse my son? Do you think I don't dare to kill you!?"Nancy frowned deeply and said, “Mr. Veal, I was just following orders. Besides, I didn't plan to takeyour son's life at all. I just controlled him to do something for me!” Hank loved his son dearly. Kaysonwas well aware of that since Hank was willing to come and meet him in person when his son foughtwith him last time. Therefore, he flew into a rage and smacked the table hard when he heard whatNancy said. “Who knows what kind of poison is in your Vodu Worm!?” Hank gritted his teeth. “Do youthink we don't know how sinister you are? We've been colleagues for years!” Nancy couldn't hold heranger back anymore and shouted at Hank, “The Vodu Worm can only control his mind! It's harmless,and he'll recover after he rests for some time!” Just when Hank was going to say something, Kaysonspoke. "Calm down, Mr. Veal. Madam Frost is right. That Vodu Worm is harmless." It seemed toKayson that this old woman was not as heartless as the rumors described her. Hank calmed down alittle bit after what Kayson said. He harrumphed coldly and did not say anything anymore. Kaysonlooked toward Nancy and asked, “Madam Frost, the Vodu spell isn't an evil technique. However, usingthe Vodu Worm to harm other people makes it an evil spell.” “You're right, Mr. Yarde. I promise I won'tdo it again," Nancy said reverently. Kayson was not here for Nancy, so he did not say anything to heranymore. He turned his head toward Terry, and when the latter noticed it, he put on a smile and said,

“Mr. Yarde, about Livia's assassination, it's a misunderstanding..." Kayson frowned. “It seems likeyou're not willing to tell me the truth, Mr. Wagner. No matter. I have plenty of ways to make you tell methe truth.” Terry momentarily froze and said, “Mr. Yarde, Heathein isn't a small organization inSkyspring. “Although you're powerful, and even Zeus Yankovich isn't your opponent, it doesn't meanyou can do whatever you want in Heathein," said Terry with a tinge of anger coloring his voice. "I'mwilling to sit down here and talk to you because I respect you as a powerful fighter. If you still insist ondoing what you want, Heathein won't just sit by and do nothing!” Suddenly, Hank's expression changed,and he said worriedly. “Mr. Yarde, it seems like our president is coming back... “Our president is apowerful fighter, but no one knows how powerful he is. Rumor has it that he's a warlord...” Kayson wasstunned. “A warlord?” This was something out of his expectation. If the president of Heathein was trulya warlord, things would become a lot more complicated. "I'm not so sure about it, but I guess so...”Hank's eyes were filled with fear as he became fidgety. 1 Chapter 713 If the president was comingback, Kayson had to run right now. Kayson thought for a while and asked, “It's a fact that someonetried to assassinate Livia. How are you going to resolve the misunderstanding, Mr. Wagner?” Terry letout a snort inwardly when he heard what Kayson said. 'It seems like he has chickened out.' However,he thought it was normal. After all, Hank knew very well how strong their president was. No matter howstrong Kayson was, there was no way he could go head up against their president. Besides, he had aclose relationship with their president. With their president standing on his side, he did not have to fearKayson. Terry said, “Simple. Mr. Yarde, you're powerful, so why must you associate yourself withRoyce? You should join Heathein. I'm sure everyone here will be happy if you join us. "If you join us,you can become one of the elders right away. You don't have to do anything, and you'll get a dividendof $12,000,000 every year!” Kayson smiled. “You want me to join Heathein?” Terry asked, “Yes. What'swrong, Mr. Yarde ? Could it be that you think Heathein isn't suitable for someone like you, a peak-levelgrandmaster?” Kayson did not say anything in return. Terry frowned slightly and continued. “Ourpresident is a warlord. Judging from the fact that you can have such a high achievement at such ayoung age, I'm sure you'll become a warlord in no time if you can get help from our president." Kaysonsighed. “Honestly, I'm not interested at all, so...” Terry frowned and said, “Are you rejecting my offer, Mr.

Yarde?" Kayson shook his head. “You should tell me who instructed you to assassinate Livia first."Terry's face sank as a hint of coldness crossed his eyes. “ Mr. Yarde, do you really have to complicatethings?” Kayson replied coldly, "You're the one who's complicating things here.” Upon hearing what hesaid, Terry smacked the table and snarled, “Kayson, you're such an ingrate! “Do you really think youcan do whatever you want in Skyspring just because you killed Zeus? The world is bigger than youthink, you ignorant fool!” Kayson frowned slightly and waved his hand. The cup in his hand turned intoa streak of light as it dashed toward Terry. However, at that moment, a stream of invisible energyslashed downward from the ceiling like an air blade and cut the cup in half. Hank's expression changedas he shouted, “What are you doing, Terry?" Terry said gloomily, "I'm just stalling for time because Idon't think I can take on you both at the same time. Have you not realized that Tyson isn't here?” TysonLebrone, the Ground Hall's chief! Hank was stunned. He didn't expect Tyson to be here as well. Terrylooked at Kayson and continued. “Heathein has a long history in Skyspring. We have recruited tons offighters. I've seen more fighters than the salt you eat, young man. I didn't expect you to have the gutsto come here and make things difficult for Heathein. Did Hank not tell you that we still have twograndmasters here?” Kayson looked toward the entrance calmly and saw three figures walking into thehall. The two people walking in the front were older. They seemed to be in their mid-50s, while the onewalking at the back was much younger. Hank's face turned pale when he saw the two peak-levelgrandmasters. Unlike Hank, Terry's face was filled with joy when he saw the two grandmasters. "MasterParvell, Master Koch!” He greeted both of them respectfully. Master Parvell nodded and turned hishead to look at Kayson. Suddenly, Kayson felt a strong pressure as if the gravity around him haddoubled. Master Koch's face was dark as he growled , “Hank, get down on your knees!" His voice wasbooming like the knolls of a bell. Hank's head turned blank for a moment, and he bent his legsunconsciously. Kayson hastily helped him up from the floor and injected some energy into him to wakehim up. Hank felt embarrassed even though he was a peak -level master after coming around to hissenses. Master Koch raised his brows in surprise when he saw Kayson could easily dispel the pressurehe applied on Hank. He said, “You're a grandmaster at such a young age. This is something that can'tbe easily achieved, so why must you seek death?” Kayson said calmly, “I don't understand why you

guys are so cocky even though you're not even warlords." Master Parvell was slightly confused whenhe realized that Kayson was not affected by his aura. How is there a possibility that he's not affected bymy aura?' Terry hastily chimed in. “Kayson, you're so ignorant even though you're going to die soon.These two men standing before you are peak - level grandmasters . Hurry up and get on your knees tobeg for mercy!” Kayson rolled his eyes at him and said, “What an idiot. It's such a shame that Heatheinhas someone like you as their member." Terry's face sank as he shouted, “Master Parvell, MasterKoch, hurry up and kill him!” Those two grandmasters had already made their move before Terry toldthem to. Looking at the two grandmasters who were charging at him at full speed, Kayson clad his feetwith the lighting energy and disappeared into thin air with a thunderous flash. In the next second, heappeared in the courtyard outside of the hall. Master Parvell and Master Koch's faces turned serious.They did not expect Kayson to be as fast as lightning. Kayson lifted his head and looked at the buildingin the back. 'Is there where their president stays? It seems like I have to keep my guard up. In case heattacks me when I'm busy killing these two fighters.' Although it was impossible that a warlord would dosomething like that, it was never wrong to be more careful. Master Parvell and Master Koch weremoving as fast as the wind. One of them was good in fist techniques, while the other was a master ofkicking techniques. They synchronized their attacks very well and managed to push Kayson into thecorner. The light of hope erupted from Hank's eyes. Since Kayson was able to hold himself againstthose two grandmasters, did it mean that there was a chance they could make it through this?"Although he also understood that Kayson couldn't win a match against two peak-level grandmasters,what if there was a miracle? Terry's expression was dark. He sent a signal to Nancy and asked her tokill Hank. However, Nancy just frowned and did not do anything. Terry was infuriated when he saw thatNancy was not going to do anything. He turned to fix his gaze on Hank, and while Hank was focusingon Kayson , he kicked the ground and propelled himself toward him. Hank was stunned. He did notexpect Terry would ambush him. “Terry! You b*stard!” He tried to defend himself, but it was too late.Terry's left hand landed on Hank's chest. His powerful energy tore through Han's shirt like a sharp claw,leaving five deep scars on his chest as blood was spilled into the air. Hank flew toward the back andcrashed into a pillar. “What a fool!"

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