My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 704
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 704

Chapter 704 Upon saying that, she added, "Don't be such a blockhead that you don’t even know howto order fooddelivery.” Kayson said, "I can tell how clean a restaurant is when I get takeout in person.""You can't enter the kitchen anyway, so what can you tell from the outside?" Kayson did not continue toargue with her.

Instead, he nodded in agreement. During the meal, Sadie said, “I’m going to head back tothecountryside the day after tomorrow. A friend of mine from university wants to meet me. Join me for thetrip." IL Kayson was astonished. Sadie explained further by saying, “Her grandmother is sick. You knowa thing or two about treating illness, right? Come consult her grandmother." 12 'So that is what this is...'Kayson nodded. After breakfast, Kayson returned to the room to train. He received a call from Chase ata little over 10 o'clock. Chase said in a serious tone, "We've already made the proper arrangements onour side, Mr. Yarde. Ryker will show up today.” Kayson said, “Noted. Send me the location and I shallhead over there immediately." Ryker's failed assassination of Jeremy Tinsley was a potential threat.Most importantly, there was no telling who Ryker was serving. They still had no idea who had orderedJeremy's assassination. Chase and the others had failed to capture Ryker, but Kayson had his way ofdealing with Ryker. Hence, he instructed them to set up traps to lure Ryker. As long as Ryker had thecourage to show up, it would be very difficult for him to escape. As soon as his conversation withChase ended, Shyla called. “Kayson, Admiralporium's members just showed up earlier and claimedthat they were taking my father somewhere with your approval. Is that true?" Kayson was astounded.Then, he said, "Who was the leader?” "His name is Shien Cooke." Kayson said, “I believe that this isrelated to the plan involving Uncle Jeremy's assassin. It's fine, I'll be there too." Shyla asked inconcern, "I would like to be there too. Can I?" Kayson considered it for a moment and said, "Sure, I'llcome to you." "Sure." Then, Kayson departed and went to the Tinsleys' residence. Shyla asked, "Areyou confident about this?” Kayson nodded. “Don't worry. Would I risk Uncle Jeremy's life for a joke?”Shyla kept quiet for a moment before she said in a meaningful tone, "Of course I'm worried. That'sbecause you won't treat him as your father." IL Kayson did not notice the insinuation behind her remarkat all. He said in all apparent seriousness, “You can count on me! “I will not only capture the assassin

today, but I will find out who the wirepuller is!" Shyla was dejected beyond comparison. ‘Kayson is anidiot! She said in a displeased tone, “I'll punish you if you fail!” Soon, both of them arrived at a sparseforest. Chase received them in person and was not astonished to see Shyla with Kayson. "Mr. Yarde,I've already planted my men all over the forest. You mentioned that you have a way to do it, so howwould you like the trap to be set? I can assign my men to do it now." Kayson felt puzzled. "Chief Rivera,I didn't tell you that I was going to set a trap." Chase was stunned. “If you're not setting a trap... howare you planning on capturing Ryker?" Kayson said, “I'll deal with him when he shows up. You don'tneed to worry about that." Chase was extremely confused. He then pointed out, "Mr. Yarde, Rykercomes and goes without leaving a trace. He is as swift as the wind, and no trap can slow him down..."Kayson said, “Chief Rivera, any trap is useless against a man specially trained in speed like Ryker.”Chase was rather agitated. Could Mr. Yarde be planning on capturing Ryker by being faster than him?'That... That would be utterly impossible!'novelbin

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