My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 456
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 456

Chapter 456

“Really? I look forward to it then.” Kayson smiled and asked, “Aunt Summers, do you know the directorof Greenspring Morningside Hospital?” “You mean Mr. Guy Waine?” Yvette nodded. “We do. What’s thematter?” Kayson relayed the incident regarding Jairo’s mother, and Yvette was both shocked and angryupon hearing about the case. A hospital director had been actively involved in harming his patient! Thepublic would be terrorized if word about it got out! A man like Guy Waine deserved a late worse thandeath!

“What’s your plan for him?” Yvette asked as she calmed hersell down. She knew that Kayson would notbring this up out of the blue. He surely wanted to do something about it since he had asked.

Kayson answered, “This is a menace. He can’t remain hospital director.”

Yvette gave it some thought and suggested, “Leave this to your Uncle Jason.”

When Jason came back, he was all smiles. “He’ll be here soon. Kayson, if you really can treat it, yourlife in Greenspring will be a breeze.”

Yvette interrupted her husband’s boasting and recounted what Kayson had told her in summary

Jason’s tone turned serious. “Unforgivable. I didn’t know Guy Waine was like that. Don’t worry, I’ll makesure he pays for what he did. I’ll let Holden know in a while.”

A little more than an hour later, the doorbell rang. When Jason opened the door, a middle aged manwho looked cultured and studious came in, pushing a frail-looking, middle-aged woman in a wheelchair.

“Jason, where’s this miracle doctor you’ve spoken of?” The middle-aged man got straight to the point,obviously feeling anxious and eager.

Jason quickly introduced Kayson, and the middle-aged man grew a little angry after scanning the latter.

“Are you kidding me, Jason? This kid can treat my wife’s legs?”

Jason quickly reassured hlm. “Definitely. You have to trust Kayson’s medical expertise. He’s the onewho healed my wife.”

Jason then told Kayson, “This is Holden Levit. He’s about my age, so just call him Uncle Holden.”

“Uncle Holden.” Kayson greeted him with a nod.

Holden was a little begrudging He honestly found it hard to believe that this young man in his twentiescould heallis wife’s legs. He would have flipped if he had not been friends with Jason for so long

Kayson took one glance at Holden’s wife, scanning her with his mind expansion, and asked, “ UncleHolden, did your wife have her surgery at Greenspring Morningside Hospital after her accident?”

Holden widened his eyes. “How did you know that my wife ended up like this after getting surgery foran accident? Did Jason tell you?”

“Not me! I said nothing!” Jason waved promptly. While Holden was surprised, the woman in thewheelchair perked up. Her tone was tinged with a sense of thrill as she said, “Mister, you were able totell how my ailment came about. If you really can heal me, I’ll thank you properly.” Holden snapped outof it as well, promptly bowing in apology. “I’ve been rude, young man. Please excuse me.”

“It’s treatable and it’s not too hard to cure. I’ll definitely lend a hand since you’re Uncle Jason’s friend,”Kayson said with a smile.

He went aside to write down a prescription and passed it to Jason. The latter summoned his chauffeurand sent the man out for the medicine. Kayson then asked Holden’s wife to lie down and gave her

acupuncture to find out more.novelbin

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