My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 393
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Nathaniel scoffed. “What do we mean? Do you really want us to repeat it again? You’re fired! You’rejust working for other people, and you have only 1% of shares in your hand. “Do you really think thecompany is yours because you’ve been the CEO for so long? We’re the ones who decide who is goingto stay or go in this company!” Understanding soon dawned upon Albert. It occurred to him that theywere here to force him to hand over his position. However, he was not nervous at all. Instead, he saidfaintly, “Although I have only 1% of the shares, I can temporarily borrow the equity of the chairman. “Mr.McCoy, Mr. Rufus, although the total amount of shares you two and the remaining shareholders havecan add up to 39%, I’m afraid it’s not enough to kick me out of the company.”

The Whitmans had long anticipated a situation like this, so they had prepared a temporary sharetransfer agreement in advance.novelbin

After gaining the shares of the Whitmans, Albert would become the chairman temporarily, and he couldexercise the power of a chairman. Lucius let out a cold smile as he said sarcastically, “You just don’tknow when to give up, do you, Albert?” Albert frowned as a bad feeling rose from his stomach pit.Nathaniel chimed in and said with a sardonic smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “We already knowwho the real “chairman” is. If you don’t want us to expose his identity, I suggest you do as we said.

“If not… Hah!”

Albert’s expression changed.

They know? But… How is that possible?’ The Whitmans had never shown themselves in front of them,and they had used many safety measures to keep their identity hidden. “You…”

Albert gnashed his teeth and asked, “Are you behind all the things that have happened to the companyrecently?”

Lucius said indifferently, “Albert, I suggest you mind your words.”

Nathaniel scoffed coldly and chimed in. “I’m sure he’s just trying to find an excuse to push all the blameto other people since he’s already at his wit’s end. Anyway, let me ask you a question, Albert. Do youknow how much money the company has lost recently? That is our


“Do you think we’ll sit by and watch as our money disappears into thin air? What do you think we are?A bunch of madmen?”

Albert’s face was gloomy as he said, “You won’t end well if you expose our chairman’s identity!”

Lucius smirked sarcastically and said, “Do you know how many people are targeting this chairman ofours? He can barely keep himself alive, so do you think he still has the luxury to care about us? By theway, we’re saving your life by kicking you out of the game today! “Not only are you not grateful, but youstill refuse to listen to us. You really are the dumbest person I’ve ever seen!” Nathaniel looked at Albertcoldly and said, “What’s the point of talking so much to him? Let’s just kick him out of here! Weshouldn’t waste our time!”

Albert took a deep breath. He would not let the Whitmans come to the front of the stage. Otherwise, hewould be betraying the trust that the Whitmans had placed in him.

It was just that he felt truly upset.

A group of shareholders looked at Albert mockingly. He was known as an investment genius, but today,he would be kicked out of the company like a dog in distress.

All of the projects that he had been interested in recently went wrong, and many people werequestioning his judgment and wondering if he had run out of talent. As Albert walked toward the

company’s entrance with a gloomy face, he bumped into someone. The incoming man asked, “Mr.Carlson? Are you going out?”

Albert raised his head and looked at the man in front of him in shock. “You are… Mr. Yarde?!”

Kayson nodded. “I heard that you’re having some troubles, and a particular person asked me to comehere and see if there’s anything I can help with.”

Albert was filled with excitement when he heard what Kayson said. However, he soon calmed himselfdown and sighed. “Thank you very much for coming all the way here, Mr. Yarde. But… There’s nothingyou can do. It’s too late now!”

Kayson raised his eyebrows. “Hmm? What do you mean? Albert let out a bitter smile and answered,“I’ve been fired.” Kayson frowned. ‘Michael fired him? But this is impossible…” As if he knew whatKayson was thinking, Albert said, “It’s not the chairman. It’s the shareholders. They fired me.”Understanding dawned upon Kayson. His gaze was freezing cold when he looked at Lucius and theothers in the office.

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