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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Kayson saw Faris after getting out of the elevator. After seeing Faris‘ emotional gaze, heknew everything would be fine today.

However, he furrowed his eyebrows instantly at the sight of Faris approaching him in a rush as he wasabout to call out to him. Thus, he signaled with his eyes.

Faris was very good at observing people, so he understood the situation instantly upon seeingKayson‘s insinuation.

“May I inquire where Ms. Wolfenden is?“.

He retracted his gaze that was fixed on Kayson in time and turned to look at Sean.

“Ms. Wolfenden… is right behind us. She‘ll be here soon.” Sean looked at Faris suspiciously. Heremembered hearing Faris call out ‘Mr. Yar‘ earlier, yet he changed his remark to ‘May‘ in an instant.

Sean did not have the time to ponder further, so he said in a respectful tone, “Mr. Cook, Ms. Wolfendenis still young, and she may be relatively impulsive in her behavior–”novelbin

“Hehehe, Mr. Batley, that‘s quite inappropriate for you to say that. Is being young an excuse for one tomake mistakes?” Miles led River and the others to them.

Meanwhile, Faris came to realize that Miles seemed to be opposing Sadie! His expression changedbecause he realized he was behaving too courteously with Miles earlier.

Meanwhile, the elevator door opened, and Sadie walked out of the elevator looking fatigued. She sawFaris at one glance and inhaled a deep breath. Faris approached her swiftly as she was about to stepforward to acknowledge her mistake. “Ms. Wolfenden! It‘s a pleasure to meet you. My name is FarisCook!”

Faris extended his hand solemnly and behaved in a very courteous manner.

Sadie appeared bewildered, and she was shocked in her heart.

“M–Mr. Cook… You‘re too modest!” Sadie extended her hand uneasily and shook Faris‘ hand briefly.Faris appeared to be feeling guilty and said in a self–blaming tone, “Ms. Wolfenden, I found out aboutthe incident last night. Archer is such aj*rk!” Upon saying that, he looked to Archer, who stood not faraway and berated coldly. “Come here!”

Archer made his way to Sadie in a flurry.Archer bowed in front of everyone and said in a pleading tone,“It was at fault last night, Ms. Wolfenden. Please forgive me and not lower yourself to my level. Iunderstand what I did was wrong!”Archer begged for forgiveness by repeatedly bowing with tears andsnot running down hisface,Sadie was astounded upon witnessing the scene and wondered whetherthis person was still the ever–arrogant Archer she met last night.Faris kicked Archer and said in a deepvoice, “Ms. Wolfenden, I‘ve already looked into Archer‘s behavior, and it pains me to learn of what hedid. I feel extremely ashamed and guilty for what transpired!“I‘ve also looked into the Petrichor Parkthat you‘ve been managing, and I combed through the project all night to inform you in all certainty, Ms.Wolfenden.“There is no issue with the Petrichor Park project at all. In fact, one can even describe itssafety and quality as outstanding! “I have already fired Archer and reexamined all his in–hand projectsonce!“Moreover, he has been abusing his power for his personal gains on multiple occasions. I willhand him to the judicial authorities to be brought to trial!”Sadie exhaled in relief at this very moment,while Sean and the others were overjoyed after the momentary shock. However, Miles, River, and theothers appeared displeased, as if they were forced to do something against their wishes. Miles‘ eyeswere filled with unwillingness and anger. ‘How is this happening? Why did it turn out this way?‘Faris isactually not here to penalize Sadie but to bring Archer and seek Sadie‘s forgiveness?‘F*ck!‘

Miles cussed under his breath. ‘What the heck is going on!?‘Next to him, River‘s face was green withanger. He glanced at Miles, who had been suppressing his anger and felt just as furious ‘Didn‘t he say

that he would cause Sadie‘s downfall?The current situation is completely different from what heclaimed it would be!‘Let alone causing Sadie‘s downfall, even the Petrichor Park project got a happyending.‘ Sadie inhaled a deep breath, and her face‘s paleness faded gradually. She then revealed abright smile.“Mr. Cook, it‘s uncomfortable to stand here. Why don‘t we head upstairs and talk morewhile we have a cup of coffee?” She was very puzzled and wondered why Faris would treat her socourteously. “Sure! The best way to show my respect is by accepting your invitation!” Faris chuckledand darted a look toward Kayson, standing by the side.Then, he said to Sadie, “Ms. Wolfenden, pleaseorder the security to watch over Archer because the police are about to arrive soon.”Sadie nodded.“Sure, thank you so much, Mr. Cook.”She was in a very good mood now that her anger had beenvented.Meanwhile, the elevator door opened.

“This way, please, Mr. Cook!” “You first, Ms. Wolfenden!” Sadie‘s expression was strange. ‘Faris Cooktreats me with such politeness, huh? What the heck is going on!?‘ Faris entered the elevator, looked atSean and the others smilingly, and said, “Mr. Batley, will you and your colleagues join us?”“Uh…”Seanhesitated briefly before he saw Sadie‘s expression and answered soon afterward, “Thank you forextending the invitation, Mr. Cook.”Upon saying that, he led Kayson and the other three projectdepartment leaders to enter the elevator.Faris took a nonchalant glance at Miles and the other fewdispleased–looking people.“Which department is that person leading?” Faris asked Sadie and feignedhis forgetfulness. Sadie‘s expression was cold as she replied smilingly, “He’s the CFO of the company.”“Ah!” Faris behaved as if he was enlightened. “Why does he look like a cunning, crafty man?”Miles‘expression changed drastically, and he clenched his fists in anger!In the meantime, the elevator doorshut slowly.Miles‘ eyes were bloodshot in anger as he looked at Sadie‘s delighted gaze.‘This isabsurd!‘Sensing Miles‘ anger, River refused to trigger Miles‘ anger even more. “Mr. Lawson, I shallhead upstairs first because I still have work to do.” River was in a bad mood as well.The rest of thedepartment leaders left without uttering a word either.Miles stood on the same spot by himself, hisexpression gloomy. He glared at the elevator door in frustration because he had nowhere to vent his

anger. He returned to his office and kicked over the water dispenser.“F*ck you! Sadie, you‘re ab*tch!”His exasperated, raging voice echoed in the office.

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