My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 250
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Matthew‘s head was filled with cold sweat as he continued. “I–I‘m not sure either. He isn‘t

someone that I can reach at my level.”

Kayson let out a cold smile and said, “If you can‘t reach him, then why did you say he‘s the one whoinstructed you to target Cecile?”

“He sent his man to me! I‘m not lying!” Matthew hastily said, fearing that Kayson wouldn‘t believe inhim. “No one dares to act under the name of Fernanda in Northspring!”

Just as Kayson was immersed in his thoughts, Hendery chimed in. “Young man, he‘s right.

“Fernanda is the strongest in Northspring. Everyone knows who he is, and he‘s so strongthat even the Hamiltons in Northspring refuse to go against him.”novelbin

Kayson said, “But I‘m not from Northspring, and I‘ve never offended him before.”

Hendery let out a bitter smile. “Fernanda has never been a benevolent person. He‘ll never say no tomoney, and anyone can hire him as long as they‘re willing to pay him the price he names.”Matthewnodded hastily, “That‘s right. Fernanda loves nothing but gold. If you want him to help you dosomething, you just need to pay him.”Kayson thought for a while and smacked Matthew‘s back. Then,he said, “I‘ve left some of my energy inside of you. You‘ll experience a headache every five days.”Matthew‘s face turned pale in fright when he heard what Kayson said. “What!? No, sir! You promisedthat you‘d spare me!”“As long as you can secure Cecile‘s safety, I‘ll have the antidote sent to you on aregular basis,” said Kayson. After that, he turned his head around from Matthew and approachedHendery. He poured a drop of Chalcedony Juice and said, “Take this, and follow my instruction tocirculate your energy around your body.”Hendery was skeptical at first, but he still did as he was told.

Soon, he could feel that his injuries were healing and was shocked.“Thank you for saving my life,young man! I‘m Hendery Todd, and I‘m from Northspring.”“Mr. Todd, can you bring me to Fernanda?”asked Kayson.“Are you a master, young man?” asked Hendery.

“Yeah.” After receiving the answer from Kayson, Hendery exclaimed, “Incredible!You‘re so young, yet you‘re already a master…” After that, he continued. “I‘vemet Fernanda a few times in the past. If you don‘t mind, I can be your mediator and help you solve theconflict between you two.” Kayson thought for a while and said, “I don‘t mind it, but I‘m not sure if he‘llagree to it ornot.” Hendery smiled and continued. “You‘re a master, That thing happenedbecause he doesn‘t know your strength “Once he learns that you‘re a master as well, I‘m sure he won‘twant to make you his enemy.” “I‘ll leave it in your hands then, Mr. Todd.”“Don‘t mention it.”Suddenly,Hendery frowned and asked, “Are you versed in medicine, Mr. Yarde?”

Kayson nodded, “Yes. I happen to be a little versed in it.”“This bast*rd broke my sister‘s leg. She‘s in alot of pain right now. Can you help me to take a look at her?”Kayson replied, “Of course.” “Thank youso much, Mr. Yarde!” Hendery replied excitedly. Kayson picked Max up and sent him to the hospital.After settling everything, he followed Hendery to his house.Hendery‘s house was situated in an oldresidence. It was the only thing that their parents had left for them after they passed away. Henderyneeded to work during the day, so he rarely stayed at home. Most of the time, his sister had to stayalone in Northspring.He did not expect Matthew to extend his evil claws to his sister.At Hendery‘shouse… A rather hoary woman‘s voice rang out from the room. “Brother, is that you?” “Yeah, I‘m back,”replied Hendery.He led Kayson to his sister‘s room and knocked on the door. “I‘ve brought a doctorback. Can we come in?”“Yeah.”Kayson followed Hendery into his sister‘s room, and then he saw a girlwhose eyes were swollen like a frog‘s.

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