My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 166
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 166

Chapter 166 “The effect should start showing now,” Kayson mumbled as he began to train his gripstrength.

Three people were not able to sleep tonight.

One of them was Heirein, who felt itchy all over.

Another one was Lindsy, who was chuckling under her blanket.

The last one was Kayson, who had accidentally killed Atticus because he couldn’t control his power.

Kayson spent the entire night learning how to control his power and did not rest until dawn.

At about eight or nine in the morning, Zachary called him for breakfast.

Lindsy had put on light makeup, and it made her look even more charming.

While walking beside Kayson, she gained a lot of attention from the crowd, and some even threwenvious gazes at Kayson.

After they finished their breakfast, they headed to the Roselle Lodge. Today, the Roselle Lodge washaving an open house party.

Of course, all of the guests who came here were influential figures. Zachary was counted as one, andhe was greeted respectfully by the man at the door.The trio entered the Roselle Lodge, and this wasthe first time Kayson came to such a luxurious place. There were crystal decorations everywhere andvarious buildings in foreign styles.There were a lot of people in the lodge, but Kayson did not knowthem at all. ‘Will Jason and the others be here as well?‘ he thought. “Tsk, I didn‘t expect to see youhere, Zachary.” A sardonic voice rang out as an old man in his 50s approached them.OD Zachary

looked at him, and his face sank. “Tanner…”Piqued by his curiosity, Kayson looked over and asked in alow voice, “Who is he?”Lindsy replied exasperatedly, “He‘s Tanner Smith. He‘s also a doctor, and heisn‘t on speaking terms with Grandpa.”Kayson nodded. Two of a trade could never agree. Since both ofthem were working in the same industry, it was natural that they weren‘t on good terms. “What‘s wrongwith me coming here? Do you own this place? Since you can come here, of course, I can come here aswell!”Tanner couldn‘t help himself and snicker. “Hah, I didn‘t say so. However, the Hamiltons are here,so I suggest you stay away. Or else, if they see you… Hah!” Many people who heard their conversationturned around and looked at Zachary in confusion. All of them were curious about the feud betweenthis famous doctor from Skyriv and thenovelbin

HamiltonsZachary‘s expression changed.“Kayson, I‘m going back to the hotel.”Zachary seemed a bitflustered as he turned around and walked outside.Kayson frowned. Just when he was about to followafter Zachary, someone shouted, “Sir Hamilton is here!”“Zachary, why are you in such a hurry toleave?” A cold voice erupted from the crowd.After that, the crowd retreated to the sides, and a group ofcold–faced people came forward.

Zachary‘s face sank when he saw the incoming people, but there was nothing he could do other thanstand on his spot without making any move.The man walking in front of the group was a middle–agedman with gray sideburns. As he was walking, he kept his eyes fixed on Zachary.“Sir Hamilton.”“Seemslike you still remember me, Mr. Ewell,” the middle–aged man said sarcastically as he scoffed.“Ofcourse, Sir Hamilton. I‘ll never be able to forget you.”The man gnashed his teeth. “I can‘t forget youeither, Mr. Ewell!“I can‘t forget the fact that you are known as a miracle doctor even though you‘re just aquack doctor!“I also can‘t forget that you were the one who killed my father even though you said youcould save him!“Even until now, you haven‘t given the Hamiltons an explanation. Are you really going torun away from us for the rest of your life?”After he finished speaking, everyone turned their heads andzeroed in on Zachary.All of them found it hard to believe that Zachary had killed Mr. Hamilton Sr. withhis medical

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