My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 157
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 157

Chapter 157 “Frankly, I don‘t know much either.”

Kayson shook his head. “It seems the third heir of the Wolfendens that Mr.Walker mentioned earlier is planning on going against Wolfenden Corp.”


The crowd of people turned pale with fear upon hearing the remark–even Bradley assumed a solemnexpression.

“That‘s troubling. The Wolfendens is a huge household that has reigned over the provincial capital ofSkyspring for decades, with countless skilled fighters working for them.

“On the other hand, the Wolfendens not only have a huge influence in Skyspring, but it isalso one of the top families in the whole of Skyriv,” said Bradley solemnly. The Waltons were not so badeither, but their influence was only limited to Clouspring. Clouspring was not a feeble city, but it wasonly ranked third amongst the cities of the entire Skyriv province.

Bradley ventured from place to place when he was young, and so he had built his small famein some cities.

However, he was well aware of his family status. His small fame was nothing compared to those realinfluential figures out there.

“Isn‘t there a Tinsley family in Sunspring?” asked Kayson.Zachary‘s gaze shifted. Even though theTinsleys had not reached out to Kayson recently, the previous patriarch of the Tinsleys would callZachary to learn about Kayson every other day in reality.If Kayson were to seek help from the Tinsleys,perhaps Tyrone would be so delighted that he could not fall asleep at night.“That‘s right!” Bradleyworked in Sunspring when he was young, so he naturally knew about the Tinsleys.“The Tinsleys are

quite influential and no weaker than the Wolfendens. However, their reputation has declined slightly inthe past few years. “The Wolfendens are different because their business has been expanding over theyears, and they form great relationships with quite a few influential families.” Hogan said, “Dr. Yarde, Isuggest you call Michael and ask about it. I‘m afraid that he knows more about this than us.”Kaysonnodded. He then pulled out his phone and dialed Michael‘s number.Jonathan was used to this by now.‘Michael, the patriarch of the Whitmans? All in all, Mr. Yarde has already received the recognition of thetwo most influential households in Clouspring, the Waltons and the Whitmans?‘

The call was picked up soon, and Kayson inquired briefly.Michael paused for a short moment before hesaid, “Please hold on, don‘t hang up. I shall have my people look into it.”“Sure.”It did not take longbefore Michael said, “They‘re closely related indeed.“There was a bloody battle of power in theSkyspring Wolfendens 30 years ago.“The two fighting parties were the fourth heir of the Wolfendens,Hugh Wolfenden, and the eldest heir, Hugo Wolfenden. “Hugh lost the battle, so he was banished fromthe Wolfendens and kicked out of Skyspring. “Afterward, he came to settle down in Clouspring with hisfriends‘ help.”

Kayson came to understand that Hugh had lost the battle, but there was no telling why his life had beenspared.Hence, Dawson was here today to exterminate Hugh!All of a sudden, Kayson remembered thatthe third heir of the Wolfendens had sent his subordinates to the Gillete Group.“Uncle Michael, is theGillete Group backed by the Wolfendens?“Let me check… Huh, it is!” “Alright, noted. Thank you, UncleMichael.” “You‘re welcome. Did something happen to Wolfenden Corp.?” asked Michael concerningly.“It‘s fine. I‘m going to hang up now, Uncle Michael.” Kayson pondered for a moment after hanging upthe call. ‘No wonder Wilson is always targeting Wolfenden Corp.’ He was under the assumption that itwas only a normal business rivalry, but that was not thecase. Meanwhile, a manager made his way toJonathan and whispered something tohim.Jonathan‘s eynression changed drastically, and he abruptly turned around to look at Kavson.

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