My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 1787
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Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort Chapter 1787

Chapter 1787 Worsening Condition

After returning to the Lindberg family castle, Francesca prepared the herbal concoction and had themedical staff brew it in preparation for Danrique’s treatment later that night.

She then took a hot shower in her room, blew her hair dry, and treated her wounds before taking a nap.

Francesca never seemed to have issues with eating and sleeping, regardless of what she had beenthrough.

I’ll have to get that black and gold necklace back…

She thought to herself as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Francesca was jolted awake later on by the sound of thunder outside her window.

After rubbing her eyes sleepily, she turned over to the other side and was about to carry on sleepingwhen someone knocked on the door. “Are you awake, Dr. Felch?”

“Nope!” Francesca mumbled in response.

She clearly just responded to me, and yet she says she isn’t awake?

The maid snickered in amusement at the thought of that. She then knocked on the door again as shesaid, “Mr. Lindberg has returned. Sean asks you to prepare for his treatment, so please—”

“Got it.”

Francesca reluctantly climbed out of bed and changed her clothes before dragging herself out of theroom.

“It was raining heavily, so Mr. Lindberg will be taking the herbal bath in his room tonight,” Seanexplained.

“Whatever, just fetch me my medical kit and silver needles,” Francesca mumbled while yawning.

“Everything has already been prepared for you. Mr. Lindberg is inside his room at the moment. Weshould head over now.”

“Let’s go.”

Francesca then followed Sean into Danrique’s room.

The room was incredibly spacious and required them to go through a study room before arriving at hisbed.

On the side, she could see a cabinet used for storing his wine and liquor.novelbin

His huge, white bed looked spotless and neat. The only items he had on his nightstand were an alarmclock and an old book.

The tidiness and cleanliness of the room reflected his simplicity and discipline, which matched hispersonality very well.

“Mr. Lindberg is in the bathroom. Please wait a moment.”

Sean then made his way toward the bathroom door and knocked on the door as he said, “Mr.Lindberg? Dr. Felch is here to see you.”

After getting a response from Danrique, Sean cautiously opened the door and motioned at Francescato go in. “After you, Dr. Felch!”

“I thought I was supposed to just instruct the doctor in acupuncture? Where is he?” Francesca askedcuriously.

“The doctor ran away in fear after the chaos last night, so you’ll have to treat Mr. Lindberg in themeantime. We’ll have him continue the treatment after we bring him back here,” Sean explained softly.

“All right… I guess it can’t be helped, then…” Francesca mumbled reluctantly as she made her way intothe bathroom.

Danrique had his eyes closed as he lay in the huge, round bathtub. He was naked from the waist upand only had a towel wrapped around his waist.

The steam inside the bathroom made his amazing figure look even sexier than usual. He had anexhausted look on his handsome face, and the frown between his brows suggested that he was indeep thought.

“Dr. Felch is here, Mr. Lindberg.”

Sean frowned when he noticed how Francesca was staring at Danrique.

Looks like I was right about her lusting over Mr. Lindberg’s body! She sure has some guts…

“Okay.” Danrique slowly opened his eyes and shifted his gaze toward Francesca as he continued, “Areyou done staring?”

“I need to get a good look to assess your condition, okay? Now, sit up straight so I can examine thewound on your waist!” Francesca retorted.

Danrique frowned in displeasure and reluctance, but did as told anyway.

Francesca leaned in to have a closer look and furrowed her brows when she saw the state of hiswound. “It’s starting to fester. We’ll have to operate on it.”

Sean grew anxious when he heard that. “What? But you said some bandages and acupuncture wouldsuffice!”

Do you not see how badly it is festering now? The wound was about the size of an egg before, but nowit’s as huge as a palm! If we don’t do something about this, the pus will enter the body and affect theinternal organs… No, that might have already started happening!”

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