My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 131
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Meanwhile, at Bwell Therapeutics, the Waltons were anxiously waiting for the past half anhour. Bradley‘s heart was pounding when Kayson walked out with Zachary.“Dr. Yarde…” Bradleyvoiced out, wanting to ask more, but worried that he might offend Kayson.“It is alright. We haveresolved Ms. Walton‘s cold. However, she hasn‘t stood up for quite a number of years now. She mightneed to go through some physiotherapy before her muscles can regain strength,” told Kayson.“Thankyou so much, Dr. Yarde!” Bradley said while eyeing Hogan. Hogan immediately understood themeaning of the gesture. He went up to Kayson and passed him a $75,000,000 check. “Dr. Yarde, hereis a check as compensation for your treatment.”Kayson was stunned. ‘$75,000,000? Do the Waltonshave too much money?‘The amount also shocked Zachary, but he soon understood what washappening. In this day and age, power and money were the most important. The Waltons were trying tofawn and please Kayson.Kayson frowned. This amount was just too much! He did not really need themoney. But Bradley would not give him a chance to reject the offer. “Dr. Yarde, we will have to insistyou accept our gratitude. I know that we previously made a big mistake, and I feel guilt tripped by it. Ifyou reject our offer, it will only cause us unease. So, please accept our offer of gratitude.”“Okay then.”Kayson accepted the offer. After accepting the check, Kayson felt that such a thin, light piece ofpaper was quite heavy. Even if one bought a mansion, the space still wouldn‘t be enough to store$75,000,000 in cash.“Mr. Ewell, I will have to take my leave soon. There is still some other business Ihave to attend to,” said Kayson.“Okay then. See you.” Zachary nodded at him.Bradley interrupted whenZachary was about to ask Lindsy to escort Kayson back home. “Dr. Yarde, why don‘t you let Hogansend you back home?”Although Kayson did not feel it was necessary, Hogan had already stood besideKayson, prepared to send him back.After Kayson left, Bradley accompanied Catherine White, Yulene‘smother, to check up on Yulene.Yulene, who was getting better by the minute, smiled and addressed herfamily. “Grandpa! Moi!”Observing that Yulene is indeed recovering, Bradley let out a sigh of relief.“Finally, it‘s over!”Catherine‘s eyes were full of tears as she held her daughter‘s hands tightly.“Yes,Mom. Mom, we should be grateful to Dr. Yarde and my friend Queeny for helping merecover.”“Yes, wewill definitely show our gratitude! Your friend Queenie played a crucial role in your recovery,” Bradley

said seriously. He knew that if Queenie had not introduced Kayson to Yulene, they would be out ofoptions when Joaquin failed to save Yulene. Within a room in Bwell Therapeutics, Zachary greetedJoaquin officially. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Larson.” Joaquin sighed before saying, “I don‘t deserve to be adoctor.” He felt ashamed of his failure to properly diagnose and heal Yulene. “Dr. Larson, you are justtoo humble. Nobody can guarantee that they will forever be able to save others. After all,your failure rate is very low among peers.” Zachary was consoling Joaquin.“Well, thedifference is even if I failed in my treatments in the past, it would not be life threatening to the patients.But this time around…” Joaquin wasn‘t willing to continue on this topic, so he turned hisattention toward learning more about Kayson. “Dr. Ewell, I would like to be acquainted with Dr. Yarde.Would you mind introducing us?” Zachary smiled. “I would have to get his permission first. But I don‘tthink it would be a problem. Kayson is actually quite a nice guy!”

Chapter 131novelbin

Meanwhile, at Bwell Therapeutics, the Waltons were anxiously waiting for the past half an hour.Bradley‘s heart was pounding when Kayson walked out with Zachary.

“Dr. Yarde…” Bradley voiced out, wanting to ask more, but worried that he might offend Kayson.

“It is alright. We have resolved Ms. Walton‘s cold. However, she hasn‘t stood up for quite a number ofyears now. She might need to go through some physiotherapy before her muscles can regain strength,”told Kayson.

“Thank you so much, Dr. Yarde!” Bradley said while eyeing Hogan.

Hogan immediately understood the meaning of the gesture. He went up to Kayson and passed him a$75,000,000 check. “Dr. Yarde, here is a check as compensation for your treatment.”

Kayson was stunned. ‘$75,000,000? Do the Waltons have too much money?‘The amount also shockedZachary, but he soon understood what was happening. In this day and age, power and money were the

most important. The Waltons were trying to fawn and please Kayson.Kayson frowned. This amountwas just too much! He did not really need the money. But Bradley would not give him a chance to rejectthe offer. “Dr. Yarde, we will have to insist you accept our gratitude. I know that we previously made abig mistake, and I feel guilt tripped by it. If you reject our offer, it will only cause us unease. So, pleaseaccept our offer of gratitude.”“Okay then.” Kayson accepted the offer. After accepting the check,Kayson felt that such a thin, light piece of paper was quite heavy. Even if one bought a mansion, thespace still wouldn‘t be enough to store $75,000,000 in cash.“Mr. Ewell, I will have to take my leavesoon. There is still some other business I have to attend to,” said Kayson.“Okay then. See you.”Zachary nodded at him.

Bradley interrupted when Zachary was about to ask Lindsy to escort Kayson back home. “Dr. Yarde,why don‘t you let Hogan send you back home?”Although Kayson did not feel it was necessary, Hoganhad already stood beside Kayson, prepared to send him back.After Kayson left, Bradley accompaniedCatherine White, Yulene‘s mother, to check up on Yulene.Yulene, who was getting better by the minute,smiled and addressed her family. “Grandpa! Moi!”

Observing that Yulene is indeed recovering, Bradley let out a sigh of relief. “Finally, it‘sover!”Catherine‘s eyes were full of tears as she held her daughter‘s hands tightly.“Yes, Mom. Mom, weshould be grateful to Dr. Yarde and my friend Queeny for helping merecover.”“Yes, we will definitelyshow our gratitude! Your friend Queenie played a crucial role in your recovery,” Bradley said seriously.He knew that if Queenie had not introduced Kayson to Yulene, they would be out of options whenJoaquin failed to save Yulene. Within a room in Bwell Therapeutics, Zachary greeted Joaquin officially.“Nice to meet you, Dr. Larson.” Joaquin sighed before saying, “I don‘t deserve to be a doctor.” He feltashamed of his failure to properly diagnose and heal Yulene. “Dr. Larson, you are just too humble.Nobody can guarantee that they will forever be able to save others. After all,your failure rate is very low among peers.” Zachary was consoling Joaquin.“Well, thedifference is even if I failed in my treatments in the past, it would not be life threatening to the patients.

But this time around…” Joaquin wasn‘t willing to continue on this topic, so he turned hisattention toward learning more about Kayson. “Dr. Ewell, I would like to be acquainted with Dr. Yarde.Would you mind introducing us?” Zachary smiled. “I would have to get his permission first. But I don‘tthink it would be a problem. Kayson is actually quite a nice guy!”

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