My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 1707
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Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort Chapter 1707

Chapter 1707 Help

“I’ll head to the company first.” Zachary kissed the back of Charlotte’s hand and told Bruce to push himaway. He hugged his kids outside and said goodbye, then he got into the car.

Charlotte knew Zachary was trying to give her some space, and she was wondering why Peter wasbeing so secretive. What kind of matter will it be?

She took Peter to the study room and made some tea for him. “What happened? Did somethinghappen to Olivia?” she asked.

“No, no,” Peter answered hastily. “Um, well, do you still remember Queenie?”

“No, I don’t. Who is she?” Charlotte shook her head.

“Well, she was the girl you wanted me to hire. You know, to stand in for you during sex with Chris,”Peter explained clearly, as he was starting to get nervous.

“Oh, I remember her now.” Charlotte nodded. “So what about her?”

“She, well…” Peter frowned. He hesitated for a while, then he said the truth, “She’s diagnosed withAIDS.”

“What did you just say?” Charlotte’s eyes widened. She was in shock for a long while, then she asked,“When did this happen?”

“She’s only diagnosed with it yesterday. Poor girl.” Peter heaved a long, sad sigh. “She’s probablyinfected when she was acting as an escort for an overseas client.”

“Hold it for a minute,” Charlotte stopped him. “You’re saying that she’s already a carrier when she wasstanding in for me back when she dated Chris?”

“Yes.” Peter nodded solemnly. “I got the news at around five this morning. I tried to call you, but Icouldn’t get through, so here I am.”

He was frustrated but also feeling guilty. “I am really sorry, Ms. Lindberg. I have no idea about this atall. I wouldn’t have hired Queenie if I had known she has AIDS. We were in a hurry that night, so I hadno time to screen the candidates.”

“You are not to blame for this.” A frown furrowed Charlotte’s brows. “The point is, Chris stayed at theresidence for quite a while after that one nightstand. It’ll be a disaster if the disease was transmitted.And besides…”

Charlotte was reminded of Nancy. Chris must have had sex with Nancy. She might be infected as well.

“That is exactly what I was thinking too.” Peter was finally panicking. “This can turn into a full-blowndisaster, and I couldn’t bring this up around Mr. Nacht. Ms. Lindberg, I suggest that you and your familyget checked. Just to be sure. And please talk about this to Mr. Nacht. Talk about it long and deep. Tellhim what happened.”

Peter had known Zachary for many years, and he knew the kind of person Zachary was. He didn’t wantto cause a misunderstanding and raise another conflict between Zachary and Charlotte.

“I’ll tell him about this. Don’t worry about it.” Charlotte wasn’t worried. In fact, she assured Peter, “He’sa lot different than he used to be. His temper isn’t as short as it was, so don’t be scared.”

“I see. That is good to hear.” Peter nodded furiously. “Tell me if you need my help.”

“I will.” Charlotte nodded and gave him a check. “You should quit your job at Sultry Night and find arespectable field of work to support yourself. Maybe you can open up a business. Oh, give Queeniesome money, but use your account for that transaction. Help her and her family out.”

“You don’t have to give me any money, Ms. Lindberg. You’ve given me enough.”

“Just take it.” Charlotte stuffed the check in his hand. “It’s not a lot of money anyway. Half of it belongsto Queenie. The other half is your reward.”novelbin

“Very well then.” Peter took the money from her. “Olivia is doing fine lately. She’s starting to regain herconsciousness. Dr. Wright said she might wake up soon. It’s all thanks to you, Ms. Lindberg.”

“That is great news.”

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