My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 1699
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Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort Chapter 1699

Chapter 1699 Caught

“Obviously,” Francesca mocked Danrique openly. “I can come and go as I please. The security systemin your place is sh*t.”

“Why you little…”

“Did you level them up though?” Francesca demanded. “What is up with all these infrared sensors?And this pool filled with crocodiles? What if I slip and fall into it? They could have eaten me!”

“Hey, I thought you’re the Queen of Beasts,” Zachary piped up.

“If they’re on the land, yeah. Not aquatic creatures.” Francesca shot him a nasty glare and patted herclothes angrily. “Godda*mit. Now my clothes are soiled. Ew, they smell.”

“And that’s why I leveled up the security system and added the beasts you’re scared of. So you won’ttrash the place.” Danrique was delighted to see her looking so messy, and he even grinnedmischievously. “Now you have nowhere to run.”

He gave his command, and a few female bodyguards surrounded Francesca.

“Don’t you even dare!” Francesca growled ferally. She was about to give the bodyguards a piece of hermind, but instead, they pinned her down and took her backpack away.

“Hey, that’s mine! Give it back to me!” Francesca tried to snatch her backpack back, but thebodyguards were already leaving with it.

“Let’s see if you can pull any tricks without that backpack of yours, Dora.” Danrique sneered, and heinched closer toward Francesca.

“Why you little…” Francesca gnashed her teeth in fury. The Art of War at it again. Know your enemyand yourself, and you won’t lose any battle. I’ve been at odds with this idiot for years. Now he knowseverything I have up my sleeve. He knows I keep all my tools and meds in the backpack. I can’t doanything without that.

She lost all the items she brought with her back at the crocodile pool. Even her snake was nowhere tobe found. Now she was just a helpless girl who could do nothing against Danrique, but she refused togive up without a fight. She looked around, and to her delight, she noticed two panthers, a tiger, andtwo eagles in the courtyard.

She whistled to them, trying to wake them up so they could fight for her, but Danrique dashed that hopeimmediately. “Just give up. They’re deaf. They can’t hear you.”

Danrique knew this would happen. He spent many nights coming up with the perfect plan to catchFrancesca, and he knew she had no way out once she walked right into his trap.

“Danrique, you b*stard!” Francesca howled. Darn. Now I have no way out for real.

“Oh, I know that very well.” Danrique yanked Francesca’s wrist and pinned her against the tree. “You’regoing nowhere until you heal me,” he hissed quietly.

“Ah, so that’s why you wanted to capture me? Why didn’t you say so?” Francesca smirked at him, andthe look in her eyes annoyed Danrique. She raised her voice, “I bet they still don’t know that yourcondition is alread-”

“Shut up!” Danrique covered her mouth. He didn’t want her to speak any further.

Francesca wanted to shout, but all she could muster was a muffled whimper. She flailed her legs andtried to kick Danrique, so he picked her up and put her on his shoulder, then he spanked her.

“Danrique, you b*stard! You son of a b*tch! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!” Francesca shrieked maniacally, andher voice broke.novelbin

Zachary was getting a migraine from all the shouting, so he quickly calmed them down, “Look, we don’thave to be so rude about this.”

“Mind your own business!” Danrique growled. “Sean, see our guest out!”

“Yes, sir!” Sean quickly sent Zachary out. “Mr. Nacht, I’ll lead the way.”

“Hey, wait,” Zachary said. “I brought her to you, so can I take Robbie back with me?”

Zachary looked at Danrique.

Danrique gesticulated to Sean, and Sean quickly asked his men to take Robbie here while he sentZachary off.

“Zachary you b*stard! You’d better bust me out of here or you’re dead!” Francesca was starting to feelterrified, as Zachary was her only hope of escape. If he left, she’d truly be alone.

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