My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 1666
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Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort Chapter 1666

Chapter 1666 Lost All Contact

“Mommy, I’m fine. Don’t worry.” Robbie reassured Charlotte weakly in a hoarse voice.

“Robbie, Mommy has failed you…” Charlotte was no longer able to control her emotions and burst intotears.

“Mommy, please don’t say that…” Robbie started crying as well. “I’m fine. I’m with Uncle Sean now. I’llbe home soon.”

“All right.” Charlotte took a deep inhale before saying, “Pass the phone to Uncle Sean.”


“Ms. Lindberg!”

“Please help me take care of Robbie and send him to the hospital.”

“Don’t worry. I know what to do,” Sean replied before continuing, “You should quickly head over to thecompany. I’ll handle things here.”

“All right.”

After hanging up the phone, Charlotte wiped off her tears. Looking up at Bruce, she instructed, “Speedup. We need to be at the company as soon as possible.”


The silver Aston Martin sped away on the road.

The time then was already two-thirty. They had just driven past the borders of Yaleview and were still along distance away from H City.

Charlotte was worried that they might not make it in time for the board meeting at three. She tried tocall Lucy but her calls were not getting through.

The woman frowned and tried to call Johann, but she was unable to reach him as well.

Then, she tried calling Spencer, but the call failed to get through again.

Charlotte was extremely worried, wondering if Jesse had taken control of the situation at the company.

She tried calling the other shareholders of the company as well but to no avail.

She had even tried to call the president’s office, but no one answered the phone as well.

Charlotte started panicking and instructed her subordinates at once, “Try to contact someone fromNacht Group. Anyone is fine, even the security guard. I just need to know what’s going on at DivineCorporation.”

“Understood.” The subordinate went off as instructed.

After some thought, Charlotte dialed Lupine’s number. Even though the call went through, no oneanswered…

The woman found it extremely strange that she seemed to have lost contact with everyone suddenly.

What’s going on with them?

Charlotte was feeling extremely unsettled…

Meanwhile, at Divine Corporation, Lucy was giving out instructions in a fluster. “Deal with itimmediately. Why is the company’s network suddenly down? All the communication devices are notworking. We can’t access the internet and can’t even make any calls. This is so strange!”

“We are working on the issue. We’ve also informed the network operator to come over to check.”

“Get them to hurry. The board meeting is starting soon.”novelbin

“Got it.”

After she finished delivering her instructions, Lucy hurried over to Johann’s office and informed himabout the situation. “Don’t worry, it should be settled soon,” she reassured the man.

“There must be a mole in our company…” Johann said with a frown. He was sure that someone musthave tampered with the network system for such a thing to happen at such a crucial moment.

“Get an ordinary-looking employee to call Ms. Lindberg outside the building,” Johann ordereddecisively. “Hurry!”

“Got it.” Lucy sprang into action at once.

Johann glanced at his watch and noticed that it was almost time for the board meeting. “Check if Mr.Spencer is here,” the man instructed his subordinate who was standing next to him.

“I’ve already sent someone downstairs to receive him half an hour ago…”

“Check again to see if he’s here,” Johann urged. “Don’t wait at the underground parking lot. Meet himat the entrance of the building instead. Also, see if you are able to make calls.”

“Understood.” The subordinate immediately got going.

“Also, the rest of you, take a look and see which of the board members have not arrived yet,” Johanninstructed his other subordinates.

“We checked just a moment ago. There is only you and Mr. Spencer left. The rest of the boardmembers have all arrived. Kallum was the last one to reach three minutes ago. All of them are waitinginside the conference room right now… However, Mr. Nacht isn’t here yet…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the subordinate was interrupted by Lucy, who had entered theoffice urgently. “Umm… Chris and Mr. Gold are here. Nancy is here with them as well.”

“What about Spencer?” Johann asked at once.

“He isn’t here yet,” Lucy replied, frowning. “I have gotten someone to go outside the building to make acall to his assistant. We should receive the news very soon.”

“Could something have happened?” Johann’s expression turned grim. “I wasn’t able to reach Charlottesince one hour ago…”

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