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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 11

Chapter 11novelbin

When Kayson returned to the mansion, Beatrice cooked him some noodles. She had been comfortinghim along the way and had shown no sign of blaming him. Kayson could not help thinking that she wasreally a sweet and gentle woman. Sadie was fine, so she returned to the mansion around 10:00 p.m.She was naturally scowling at Kayson, and the repulsion for him in her gaze grew stronger. Shechatted with her best friend after she lay in bed. When Wanda learned about what her best friend wentthrough today, she was angry on behalf of her and thought that she ought to teach Kayson a lesson tovent the anger for Sadie. Sadie was indifferent to it now and did not agree. She did not even have theinterest to teach Kayson a lesson now. A man like this was not worth wasting her time on! Thechauffeur took Kayson to the company the following day since Sadie would be leaving a little later.Kayson was walking in when a man in glasses approached him. “Kid, Sir Horacio asks for you. Comewith me.” The bespectacled man squinted with a rather fierce gaze. ‘Sir Horacio? The one those whoambushed Sadie mentioned yesterday?’ Kayson smiled nonchalantly. “Lead the way.” Thebespectacled man was Sir Horacio’s godson, Gabriel Bayfield. He took Kayson to his car and wentstraight to Horacio. “Who’s Sir Horacio?” asked Kayson. Gabriel looked surprised. “You don’t know whoSir Horacio is, yet you dare poke your nose into his business? It’s no wonder you’d seek your owndeath!” Kayson asked indifferently, “He’s impressive?” “Of course!” Gabriel smirked. “My godfather,Horacio Palfrey, is the top in Clouspring’s mafia world! Anyone with power and authority would have togreet him by ‘Sir Horacio’!” “Wilson Gillete asked him to kill Ms. Wolfenden?” Kayson asked again.“Why are you still so stupid when you already know everything?” Gabriel chuckled. Kayson smiledwithout saying anything. A while later, Gabriel took him to a suite. When they entered, Kayson saw aplump middle-aged man around 40 years old with numerous rings on his fingers sitting on the centercouch. He was the so-called Sir Horacio, Horacio Palfrey. The four thugs who had ambushed Sadieyesterday stood behind him. These four people were Horacio’s right-hand men and were true thugs.People called them The Quad Falcons—the moniker of the one who was the leader of the group wasFalcon himself. Horacio narrowed his eyes with a sharp gaze. “Falcon, this is the one who foiled my

plan?” Falcon still felt his back throbbing as he answered in a deep tone, “Sir Horacio, that’s him! He’sskilled!” Horacio scoffed. “Skilled? So? Nothing beats weapons! All we have are ways to take himdown!” Horacio then told Kayson directly, “Are you getting on your knees to beg for mercy, or are youfighting to the end?” Kayson smiled. “Me? I’m not choosing. You, though, what’s your choice?” Horacioharrumphed and sneered. “It looks like you’re determined to die. Let me send you on your way then!”Falcon and his men’s hands went to their back with that. The sight prompted Kayson to swing his handup and flip the heavy stone table toward The Quad Falcons. The four men did not expect Kayson to beso savage that he would flip the table with his bare hands! The heavy table knocked them to the floorand caused them to cough blood under its weight. Horacio was stunned. He pulled out his phone to askfor backup with a shocked expression, but Kayson chortled and kicked him, sending him flying throughthe air. This Sir Horacio, who everyone found intimidating, was slammed against the wall. Kaysonlooked at the pale man calmly and asked, “Will you take revenge on me?” “Of course not…” Horacioanswered shakily with the corners of his lips quivering. “You’re lying.” Kayson shook his head anddelivered another kick, flipping the heavy table up again and causing it to land on Horacio. “Don’t killme…” The fearful plea rang before a crisp crack sounded from Horacio’s body. The famous Sir Horaciodied just like this. Before his death, his expression was a mix of regret and resentment. Kayson pickedup a shard of glass from the floor and flicked it lightly while The Quad Falcons watched him in terror.“Have mercy—” The four men’s voices stopped abruptly. “Mercy my *ss. You guys are to be blamed forrunning away and making me the scapegoat!” Kayson complained in a mutter and turned back to lookat Horacio’s godson, Gabriel, who had driven him here and was currently frightened, paralyzed on thefloor. Upon seeing that Kayson was looking at him, Gabriel was terrified and stammered, “H-Havemercy!” Kayson approached and kicked him, not exactly hard, but it scared Gabriel into soiling himself.Kayson was rendered speechless. He was so cowardly, yet he was in the gang? He had been underthe impression Gabriel was some intimidating person since he looked so lofty and composed in the carearlier! “You did this. It has nothing to do with me, got it?” Kayson pointed at Horacio and The QuadFalcons, who were dead. Gabriel paused. He would not kill him!? Gabriel shuddered before quickly

replying, “I killed Sir Horacio and his men to take his place! You haven’t come tonight! We don’t knoweach other outside of this door!”

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