My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 1600
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Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort Chapter 1600

Chapter 1600 Awakenovelbin

Tears started streaming down Gamma’s cheeks. “I’m stuck here! There are very few animals here. I’mnot sure if I can find Mommy like this.”

Gamma looked toward Fifi. “Fifi, can you tell your friends to help me look for Mommy?”

Fifi appeared to have understood her. It nodded and dashed into the sky, letting out a loud screech inthe process.

After a while, a few eagles started circulating the sky before dispersing to the forest.

In the courtyard, the two bodyguards started discussing again. “That’s weird. Before this it was thebirds, now it’s the eagles. What day is it?”

“I think it was Fifi who made that noise just now.”

“Perhaps it might rain soon.”

Meanwhile, in the forest.

Francesca was cooking mushroom soup. Upon hearing the commotion outside, she ran out to check.

The birds were like having a conference, chirping non-stop in a bizarre fashion. In the sky, there wereeven eagles circulating and sending some signals.

Francesca then said in shock, “Something bad has happened to my baby?”

She quickly ran back into the wooden house and searched frantically for her car keys. At the sametime, she scolded Zachary, kicking his bed in the process. “It’s all your fault! Because of you, I can’tvisit my baby! Now, something bad has happened to her.”

Zachary’s fingers responded with a minor twitch.

“I’m telling you, I’m going to look for my baby now. You are on your own.”

Francesca stared at him while putting on her jacket. After she retrieved her car keys, she stormed offthe place in a hurry.

However, she hesitated when she reached the entrance. Then, she turned around and instructed thewolf. “Look after him. I’ll be back soon.”

The wolf nodded and stood guard beside Zachary.

Francesca left the wooden house and removed the cover from his van.

She leaped into the car in a swift motion. Before leaving, she reminded the eagle and the snake, “Don’tlet anyone come near!”

The eagle and the snake nodded in response.

Francesca started the engine and sped away, whipping up the leaves in a swirling frenzy.

The old van maneuvered through the forest briskly.

As the sound of the car started to fade, the wolf stuck out its tongue and licked Zachary’s face. Its eyesshimmered with a green light.

It had been eyeing to devour him for a long time.

Under the impression that Francesca had abandoned Zachary, the wolf thought that it could finallyhave a feast.

The wolf was drooling in hunger and its saliva dripped on Zachary’s eyebrows.

Meanwhile, Zachary’s fingers twitched again.

Not long later, he opened his dry mouth. With a hoarse voice, he warned, “If you dare to eat me, I’ll notlet you off the hook…”

The wolf seemed to understand what he said. It took a few steps back and waved its tail, indicating itsobedience.

Then, he limped and brought a glass of water for Zachary.

Zachary opened his eyes and stared at the run-down place. Struggling, he tried to open his mouth anddrink the water.

There were leaves floating on the water in the glass, and the edges of the glass were tainted with thewolf’s saliva.

If it were to be the old Zachary, he would have been disgusted. However, the strong instinct for survivalcaused him to dismiss all those privileged thoughts.

He gulped down the glass of water like a hungry beast, and his energy restored slightly.

Squinting his eyes, he scanned the surroundings and started gathering his thoughts.

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