My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 1545
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Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort Chapter 1545

Chapter 1545 A Vicious Scheme

“I agree, I agree.”

Everyone nodded.

With that, “Zachary” could not find any excuse anymore. Sweating heavily, he ran out of options. “Letme go to the restroom.”

“Mr. Nacht, I’ll accompany you.”

Kallum volunteered to go with him.

“Zachary” hid in the restroom and muted his phone. Then, he sent a message.

The other party seemed to know about the development as he replied swiftly.

“Zachary” widened his eyes upon seeing the reply. He seemed to have found a solution. Seconds later,he deleted the message and got out of the restroom. He was no longer anxious.

“Mr. Nacht, don’t worry. You’ve got us. That woman won’t be able to harm you.” Kallum passed him atissue and tried to please him. “Don’t worry. No matter what happens, I will try my best to protect you.”

“Zachary” remained silent as he walked back to the conference room.

Kallum caught up with his pace and asked cautiously, “Mr. Nacht, what’s going on? Is there anything Ican help you with?”

“Zachary” continued to ignore Kallum, dashing toward the conference room.

At that moment, everyone was sitting in their seats, divided into groups and started discussing in a lowvoice.

In the meantime, Charlotte was sitting in the president’s seat, looking all relaxed while drinking coffee.

Everyone was about to stand up to greet “Zachary” as they saw him entering the room. Just then, hesuddenly patted the table wrathfully. “Charlotte, tell me! Are the three kids mine?”

Charlotte was stunned upon hearing that. This is not good…

She never expected that would happen.

Everyone widened their eyes in shock, staring at the couple.

“I just received an anonymous message. It says that the three kids belong to you and another man…I…”

“Zachary” trembled incessantly as his face turned utterly pale.

“I can give you anything you want. Shares, assets, and even the power in the Nacht family. That’sbecause I love you. Most importantly, it’s because we have three beautiful kids! When I found out I wasill, I transferred everything under your name. I wish you could help me manage Nacht Group well andtake care of the three kids. After they grow up, they can inherit all these from you. But why would youlie to me? Why?”

Tears started welling up in “Zachary”’s eyes. At that moment, the domineering aura on him vanishedthoroughly.

Everyone’s heart twitched in pain upon seeing his suffering look.

“Charlotte, that is unforgivable!”

All the shareholders and upper management were enraged. Their heart ached as though they were theones who had been betrayed.

“If the three kids don’t belong to Mr. Nacht, you deserve to be punished to death.”

“That’s right. She should die!”

“Mr. Nacht treats you so nicely. How dare you treat him like this?”

“Charlotte, you malicious woman…”

Those people started attacking Charlotte with harsh words. They had lost their manners and respect forher.

Charlotte furrowed her brows and stared at “Zachary” coldly.

“That’s enough!”

Morgan tried to protect Charlotte, but she got pushed away by the upper management.

“You guys… please stop now!”

Johann eventually voiced out. Right after that, he clutched his chest and coughed profusely.Chapter1540 He Is Back

“We’re husband and wife. Don’t you trust me?” Charlotte’s brows knitted together. “You used to trustme a lot.”

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“Stop talking about the past. You went on a date last—”

“We don’t have time,” Charlotte interjected coldly. “Just do as I say!”

“You…” Words failed “Zachary.”

“Next, tell the media that we love each other dearly,” Charlotte ordered.

“Anything else?” he asked, giving up on refuting her words.

“Then, explain the situation at the board meeting,” said Charlotte.

“Zachary” waited for her to continue, but she showed no signs of wanting to explain what it was. Hence,he inquired, “What situation?”

“Our promise,” Charlotte answered, raising a brow. “Have you forgotten about it?”

“We made plenty of promises. I don’t know which one you’re talking about,” he came up with a greatexcuse.novelbin

“You promised to let me run the company for the time being,” Charlotte reminded him. “Don’t youremember?”

“Of course. Of course I do.” He nodded vehemently. “All right. Anything else?”

“That’s it. Do your best.”

After Charlotte finished with her instructions, the car rolled to a stop before Divine Corporation.

At once, hordes of journalists swarmed over to them, but the security guards Lucy had arranged earlierblocked their path.

The car was about to enter the underground parking lot when Charlotte asked to be let off at the mainentrance. She then got out of the car with “Zachary” in tow.

The sight of “Zachary” caused an uproar among the journalists, who began snapping pictures of him.

With a frown marring his brows, “Zachary” strode into the building coolly.

Charlotte trotted beside him, and they looked every inch the perfect couple.

However, they each had their own plans in mind.

In the elevator, Lucy was thrilled to see “Zachary.” “Mr. Nacht, it’s great to see you again! I thoughtyou…”

She trailed off, her voice choking. As one of the higher-ups of Nacht Group, she had been invited to thewedding. Alas, a fire had broken out at the Nacht residence, and Zachary was rumored to have died inthe fire.

Lucy had been pretty upset at the news, so she was excited to see him here.

“I’m still alive,” the fake Zachary replied plainly.

“Yes, of course.” Lucy bobbed her head. “You’re alive and well. Luck is on both Nacht Group and DivineCorporation’s side!”

“Is everyone else here?” he asked in an authoritative tone.

“Yes, but Mr. Spencer isn’t here today.” Lucy turned to Charlotte. “A few board members were justasking about him.”

“I told him not to come,” Charlotte said. “We’re discussing work-related matters today, so there’s noneed to bother him.”

“Of course.”

Soon, the elevator arrived at level 68. When the doors slid open, the executives immediately came overto greet them, especially Kallum and a few board members from the headquarter. They had beenwaiting anxiously before the elevator.

At the sight of “Zachary” stepping out of the elevator in one piece, they were delighted. “Mr. Nacht,welcome back!”

“Mr. Nacht, it’s great to see you again!”

“I knew luck will always be on our side.”

“That’s right…”

The crowd gathered around him and chattered eagerly.

“Thank you, all. You must’ve worked hard,” the fake Zachary said sincerely. “Though I ran into trouble,I’m still alive and standing. Don’t worry!”

“Oh, wonderful! This is simply wonderful!”

Everyone was touched, their gazes fixed on “Zachary.” No one paid heed to Charlotte.

Just then, someone thought of something important and asked, “Mr. Nacht, now that you’re back safely,you should resume the position of running the company, right?”

“Yes, Nacht Group shall grow under your lead…”

“That’s right!”

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