My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 1487
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Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort Chapter 1487

Chapter 1487 Worried

Once they arrived at the hospital, Charlotte got down from the car in a haste. Before she reachedEllie’s ward, she could hear the child’s fearful cries from afar.

Rushing in, she gave Ellie a tight hug. “Ellie, don’t be afraid. Mommy’s here. I’m right here…”

“Mommy!” Ellie was shaking in her arms.

“Good girl, Ellie. You’re fine now. It’s all right. Mommy’s here. No one can hurt you.” Charlotte pattedher back gently to comfort her.

Before long, Ellie finally calmed down and dozed off.

Raina revealed in a low voice, “The drug must be causing her sleepiness. She’ll be fine a couple ofdays later.”

“How about her wounds?” Charlotte inquired. “Her voice sounded hoarse.”

“Her throat is a little infected after she took in too much of the poisonous smoke. She’ll be fine aftergetting some rest,” Raina replied. “There are no big issues. It’s only a mild concussion.”

“I think she’s traumatized,” Charlotte said, staring at Ellie worriedly.

“Yes, she is,” came Raina’s answer. “I’ve arranged for some psychologists to examine her the next timeshe wakes up.”

“Okay.” Charlotte sat beside the bed. “You can leave now. I’ll keep Ellie company.”

“All right. I’ll go check on Ben. Call me if anything happens.”

“I…” Lupine hesitated.

“Leave with her. We’re fine here.” Charlotte knew what was on her mind.

“I’ll stay with Ms. Lindberg,” Morgan offered. “Go, Lupine.”

“Stay with her. Don’t leave her alone,” Lupine instructed.

“Of course.”

Lupine left with Raina, while Morgan stayed with Charlotte.

Charlotte switched off the lights, leaving behind a dim yellow light just so she could keep an eye onEllie. Her heart was overwhelmed with anguish and guilt.

Gently, she held Ellie’s tiny hands to give her warmth.

It was four in the morning, and Charlotte should be exhausted by now, but she couldn’t sleep a wink.Keeping Ellie company made her feel better.

Time trickled by, and the sun eventually came out.

Lupine returned to report, “Our men sent back word that the car belonged to the restaurant at the footof the hill. There’s nothing suspicious about it.”

“Fine, then.” Charlotte didn’t dwell on the matter. “Prepare to head to the company.”

“It’s still early. Aren’t you heading back to get some rest?” Lupine asked with concern.

“I’m fine.” Charlotte’s brows knitted together. “There is too much work for me to relax. I can’t sleep well.I’ll rest when everything comes to an end.”

“But your health—”

“Stop it,” Charlotte cut her off. “Morgan, let’s go to my office. Lupine, stay here at the hospital.”novelbin


“Yes, Ms. Lindberg,” Morgan answered hastily.

Though Lupine felt uneasy, she dared not disobey Charlotte’s order.

Her heart ached at how Charlotte was putting others before her until now.

She knows I’m worried about Ben. That’s why she switched my shift with Morgan’s shift so I can stay inthe hospital. Though it seems like a task, she’s actually being kind.

Right then, Raina had arrived with the psychologists. “Ms. Lindberg, I’ve made the arrangements. OnceEllie regains consciousness, they’ll start counseling her. Don’t worry. But during the session, it’s betterto have someone to stay with her.”

“But I—”

Charlotte was about to explain that she was heading to work when two familiar voices rang out.“Mommy!”

Robbie and Jamie ran in with Ellie’s favorite plushie.

“We’ll keep Ellie company. You should get some rest,” Robbie said gently. “It’s still early, so you cantake a nap and go back to work in the afternoon.”

“Yes, Mommy. Don’t exhaust yourself.” Jamie hugged her. “We’ll be worried if you get sick.”

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