My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 1446
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Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort Chapter 1446

Chapter 1446 The Culprit

When Ben examined the photo, he was shocked by it. “That’s Francesco? This is a picture of a youngman. In fact, he looks like a teenager.”

“It was taken a few years ago.” Doing a quick calculation in her head, Charlotte added, “Around sevento eight years ago.”

“Even then, he’s still very young. This means that he’s probably in his twenties now.” He wasastounded. “All this while, I’ve assumed that Francesco’s an old man.”

“Me too.” She nodded. “Therefore, we’ve been barking up the wrong tree. Anyway, you should startyour investigations anew. I have also sent the picture to Bruce, but you can investigate through othermeans.”

“I’ll get to it right away.” Ben then hurried away with the photo.

“Ms. Lindberg, as for these medical books, I need to refer them to traditional medicine specialistsbecause this is not within my area of expertise.” Holding the books, Raina added, “Also, do you mind ifI scan these and send them to Dr. Wright so that we can look at them together?”

“At this juncture, such things no longer matter,” Charlotte replied. “Anyway, get it done quickly.”

“All right.”

After everyone had left, Charlotte looked at Zachary despondently. She then walked over to thebedside and pulled the covers up around him. Gently stroking his face, she vowed softly, “I willdefinitely save you!”

At that moment, her phone vibrated. It was Michael on the line. Holding her phone, she walked out tothe balcony and answered the call, “Hi, Michael!”

“Charlotte, I’m sorry. I hope I’m not bothering you.” Michael was gentle and caring as usual.

“It’s fine. What’s up?” she asked softly.

“You haven’t been replying to my messages over the last few days, so I was worried about you.Anyway, I just want to tell you that I’m returning to M Nation tomorrow. I wonder if you have the time to—”

“Michael, I’m sorry. I won’t be free these days. I wish you a safe journey back.”

“All right.” Michael sounded disappointed. “In that case, please keep in touch with me. If you run intoany problem, you can look me up anytime.”

“Thank you.” Just when Charlotte was about to end the call, she heard a voice in the background. “Ms.Brown, you can’t go in. Ms. Brown—”

“Michael, I don’t want to go back to M Nation. I want to stay here in H City to look for Hector—”

“Helena!” Michael shouted. He then said to Charlotte in a low voice, “Charlotte, I’ve got to go. Sorry.”

“Bye.” Charlotte frowned after ending the call.

That was Helena’s voice just now. Despite how long it has been, she still pines for Hector. She isundoubtedly devoted to him. Unfortunately, it never ends well for the wicked.

Just as she was about to re-enter the room, she caught a glimpse of the flowerpot on the balcony. Itreminded her of how Zachary was struck by a vase at the hotel.

Michael’s investigations revealed that a cat had accidentally knocked over the vase, but she remainedunconvinced and kept feeling that something was odd about the incident. Unfortunately, she did nothave the time to investigate further as Zachary’s condition had begun to worsen.

In hindsight, she wondered if someone had done it out of vengeance.

Could Helena have been that person?

As that speculation flashed across her mind, Charlotte felt her chest tightening.

If someone did it to seek vengeance, I wouldn’t let the matter slide easily. If Zachary hadn’t been hit bythe vase, his condition wouldn’t have deteriorated so quickly. Therefore, the person who threw the vaseis the real culprit, and I will make whoever did it pay for it!novelbin

Holding that thought, Charlotte went to seek Ben right away. After sharing her speculations with him,she sent him off to reinvestigate the matter.

“All right. I understand. I’ll get to it right away.” Ben nodded. “As for the photo, I have already madecopies of it, so I’m returning the original to you.”

“Mmm.” Charlotte received it. “Go now.”

With that, Ben left hurriedly. Initially, she intended to return to Zachary’s room, but when she steppedout of the study, she suddenly saw Gamma walking out of the bedroom while hugging her doll. “AuntCharlotte…”

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